耶肋米亚:Chapter 52


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耶肋米亚 Jeremiah
1漆德克雅登极时,年二十一岁,在耶路撒冷为王十一年,他的母亲名叫哈慕塔耳,是里贝纳人耶肋米雅的女儿。 1Zedekiah was twenty-one years old when he became king and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem. His mother, Hamutal by name, was the daughter of Jeremiah from Libnah.
2他行了上主视为恶的事,全像约雅金所行的一样, 2He did evil in the sight of Yahweh just as Jehoiakim had done.
3因此上主对耶路撒冷和犹大大发忿怒,由自己面前将他们抛弃。以后漆德克雅背叛了巴比伦王。 3All that happened in Jerusalem and Judah came about because of Yahweh's anger until the day when he drove them out of his sight. Zedekiah rebelled against the king of Babylon;
4漆德克雅为王九年十月十日,巴比伦王拿步高率领全军来进攻耶路撒冷,扎营围城,在城四周建筑了壁垒, 4so in the ninth year of Zedekiah's reign, on the tenth day of the tenth month, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon marched with his entire army and laid siege to Jerusalem. They camped outside the city and built siege works all around it.
5围攻京城,直至漆德克雅为王十一年。 5The city was under siege up to the eleventh year of Zedekiah.
6是年四月九日,城中发生了严重的饥荒,当地人民已没有粮食, 6On the ninth day of the fourth month famine became a serious problem in the city, and throughout the land there was no bread for the people.
7京城遂被攻破,加色丁人还在围攻京城时,君王和全体士兵,黑夜出了靠近御苑的双墙城门,逃往阿辣巴。 7When the city was opened by a breach in the wall the Judean army fled. They left the city by night through the gate between the two walls near the king's garden. While the Chaldeans were still surrounding the city they fled towards the Arabah.
8加色丁军队便追赶君王,在耶里哥旷野追上了漆德克雅。此时他的军队已离开他逃散了。 8The Chaldeans followed in hot pursuit of King Zedekiah. They caught up with him in the plains of Jericho. All his army deserted and scattered.
9加色丁军队擒获了君王,带他上哈玛特地的黎贝拉去见巴比伦王,巴比伦王即宣判了他的罪案。 9The Chaldeans seized the king and led him away to Riblah in the territory of Hamath and there the king of Babylon passed sentence on him. There at Riblah, the king of Babylon slaughtered the sons of Zedekiah in his presence and also killed all the officials of Judah.
10巴比伦王在黎贝拉当着漆德克雅眼前杀了他的儿子,和犹大的众首领, 10He then put out the eyes of Zedekiah, bound him with a double bronze chain and took him to Babylon.
11然后剜了漆德克雅的眼,给他带上锁链,送往巴比伦去,直到他死,囚在监内。 11He was imprisoned there in the house of the guards until the day of his death.
12巴比伦王拿步高为王十九年五月十日,侍立于巴比伦王左右的卫队长乃步匝辣当来到了耶路撒冷, 12On the tenth day of the fifth month in the nineteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, Nebuzaradan commander of the bodyguard and servant of the king of Babylon, entered Jerusalem and set fire to the House of Yahweh and the royal palace as well as to all the houses in Jerusalem.
13焚毁了上主的殿、王宫和耶路撒冷所有的民房;凡是高大的建筑都用火烧了。 13He also burned every important building.
14跟随卫队长的有加色丁军队,拆毁了耶路撒冷周围的城墙; 14The Chaldean army under the commander of the bodyguard completely demolished all the walls around Jerusalem.
15城中剩下的人民和已投降巴比伦王的人以及剩下的工匠,卫队长乃步匝辣当都掳了去, 15Nebuzaradan commander of the bodyguard carried off into exile some of the poorest among the people, the remnant of Jews left in the city, and those who had deserted to the king of Babylon and the remainder of the artisans.
16只留下了当地一部分最穷的平民,作园丁和农民。 16But Nebuzaradan left behind those among the very poor who were capable of working in vineyards and cultivating the soil.
17加色丁人又将上主殿内的铜柱,和上主殿内的铜座、铜海都打碎,把铜都运往巴比伦; 17The Chaldeans broke into pieces the bronze pillars, the stands and the bronze Sea in the House of Yahweh and carried off all this bronze to Babylon.
18此外锅、铲、蜡剪、盆碟、香盘,以及行礼用的一切铜器,全都带走; 18They also took the pots, shovels, wick trimmers, the spoons and all the bronze articles used in the temple service.
19爵杯、提炉、盆碟、锅子、蜡台、勺子和盆盂,凡是纯金纯银的,卫队长也都拿走了。 19The commander of the bodyguard took the basins, censers, sprinkling bowls, pots, lampstands, ladles and bowls - all that was made of gold or silver.
20撒罗满王为上主殿做的两根柱子,一个铜海和下面的十二个铜牛,及十个盆座:这些器皿的铜,重量无法估计。 20The two pillars, the Sea and the twelve bronze bulls underneath it, the movable stands which King Solomon had made for the House of Yahweh - all this bronze was of an immeasurable weight.
21至于两根柱子,每根高十八肘;周围是十二肘,有四指厚,中空。 21The pillars were each eighteen cubits high with a circumference of twelve cubits. Each had a thickness of four fingers and was hollow.
22每根柱子上面有铜柱头,高五肘,柱头四周有网子和石榴,全是铜的;另一柱子同样也有像这样的装饰和石榴。 22On the top of each pillar was a bronze capital five cubits high and above this and around the capital was filigree work with pomegranates in bronze.
23石榴有九十六个,往下悬着;网子四周共有一百个石榴。 23Ninety-six pomegranates hung down and in all the filigree decoration there was a total of a hundred pomegranates.
24卫队长又擒获了大司祭色辣雅,副大司祭责法尼雅和三个门丁, 24The commander of the bodyguard took captive Seraiah the chief priest and Zephaniah the next priest in rank, as well as three doorkeepers.
25由城中还擒获了一个管理军队的宦官,七个在城里搜到的君王的亲信,一个征募当地人民的军长的书记,和城中搜到的六十个当地平民。 25He also took from those in the city a eunuch in command of the fighting men, seven personal advisers to the king who were discovered in the city,
26卫队长乃步匝辣当捉住他们带黎贝拉去见巴比伦王; 26the commander's secretary responsible for military conscription and sixty of his men who were found in the city. Nebuzaradan took all these away to the king of Babylon at Riblah.
27巴比伦王就在哈玛特地的黎贝拉将他们杀了。从此,犹大人由本乡被掳去充军。 27There at Riblah in the territory of Hamath the king of Babylon had them put to death. So Judah was taken captive and taken away from its own land.
28以下是拿步高掳去的人数:在第七年掳去的犹大人,为数是三千零二十三人。 28This is the number of the population deported by Nebuchadnezzar: in the seventh year 3,023 Jews;
29拿步高第十八年,由耶路撒冷掳去的是八百三十二人; 29in the 18th year of Nebuchadnezzar 832 people from Jerusalem;
30拿步高第二十三年,卫队长乃步匝辣当掳去了七百四十五名犹大人:掳去的人数共计是四千六百名。 30in his 23rd year 745 Jews deported by Nebuzaradan commander of the bodyguard - in all 4,600 people.
31犹大王耶苛尼雅被掳后第三十七年,十二月二十五日,巴比伦王厄威耳默洛达客登极元年,大赦犹大王耶苛尼雅,放他出狱, 31On the 25th day of the 12th month in the 37th year of the exile of Jehoiakin king of Judah, Evil-merodach king of Babylon, in the year he came to the throne pardoned Jehoiakin king of Judah and released him from prison.
32亲切与他交谈,令他坐在与他一同在巴比伦的众王之上, 32He spoke kindly to him and gave him more honorable treatment than the other kings who were with him in Babylon.
33脱去他的囚衣,以后一生日日与王共进饮食。 33Jehoiakin put aside his prisoner's garment and for the rest of his life ate at the king's table.
34他的生活费用,在他有生之日,直到他死,每天不断由巴比伦王供应。 34Day by day for as long as he lived he was maintained by the king of Babylon.
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