耶肋米亚:Chapter 7
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耶肋米亚 | Jeremiah |
1上主有话传给耶肋米亚说: | 1These words were spoken by Yahweh, to Jeremiah, |
2「你站在上主殿宇的门口,宣布这话说:你们凡由这些门进来,朝拜上主的犹大人,请听上主的话。 | 2"Stand at the gate of Yahweh's house and proclaim this in a loud voice: Listen to what Yahweh says, all you people of Judah (who enter these gates to worship Yahweh). |
3万军的上主,以色列的天主这样说:改善你们的生活和行为,我就让你们住在这地方; | 3Yahweh the God of Israel says this: Amend your ways and your deeds and I will stay with you in this place. |
4不要信赖虚伪的话说:这是上主的圣殿,上主的圣殿,上主的圣殿! | 4Rely not on empty words such as: "Look, the Temple of Yahweh! the Temple of Yahweh! This is the Temple of Yahweh!" |
5只有你们彻底改善你们的生活和行为,在人与人之间行事公道, | 5It is far better for you to amend your ways and act justly with all. |
6不虐待旅客、孤儿、寡妇,不在这地方倾流无辜者的血,不自招祸患去跟随外方的神祇, | 6Do not abuse the stranger, orphan or widow or shed innocent blood in this place or follow false gods to your own ruin. |
7我才让你们住在这地方,即我从开始便永远赐给了你们祖先的土地。 | 7Then I will stay with you in this place, in the land I gave to your forefathers in times past and forever. |
8可惜!你们竟信赖虚伪无益的话。 | 8But you trust in deceptive and useless words. |
9怎么!你们竟偷盗,凶杀,通奸,发虚誓,向巴耳献香,跟随素不相识的外方神祇, | 9You steal, kill, take the wife of your neighbor; you swear falsely, worship Baal and follow foreign gods who are not yours. |
10然后来到这座归我名下的殿里,立在我面前说:『我们有了保障!』好再去行这一切可恶的事? | 10Then, after doing all these horrible things, you come and stand before me in this temple that bears my Name and say, "Now we are safe." |
11难道这座归我名下的殿宇,在你们眼中竟成了贼窝了吗?哎!我看实在是这样──上主的断语。 | 11Is this house on which rests my Name a den of thieves? I have seen this myself - it is Yahweh who speaks. |
12那么,请你们到我昔日在史罗立我名的地方去,察看我因我人民以色列的邪恶对她行了的事。 | 12Go to the sanctuary at Shiloh in Israel, where I first let my Name rest, and see what I did to that place because of the wickedness of my people Israel. |
13现在因为你们做了这一切事──上主的断语──我再三恳切劝告你们,你们又不听;我呼唤你们,你们也不答应; | 13You have done all this and have not listened when I repeatedly warned you; neither have you answered when I called you. |
14为此,我要对付你们依恃的这座归我名下的殿宇,并对付我给你们及你们祖先的地域,像对付史罗一样; | 14What I did in Shiloh, I will likewise do to this temple on which rests my Name, this sacred place in which you trust and which I have given to you and to your forefathers. |
15我必将你们由我面前抛弃,如同抛弃了你们所有的兄弟,厄弗辣因全体后裔一样。 | 15As for you, I will drive you out of my sight, just as I cast away all your kinsmen in the north, the entire race of Ephraim. |
16至于你,你不必为这人民祈祷,不必为他们呼吁哀求,也不必向我恳求,因为我不会俯听你。 | 16Do not plead for this people. Make no prayer or supplication for them; do not press me on their behalf because I will not listen to you. |
17他们在犹大各城和耶路撒冷街道上做的是什么事,难道你没有看见? | 17Don't you see what they do in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem? |
18儿子拾柴,父亲烧火,母女揉面给天后做饼,向外方神祇行奠祭,来触怒我。 | 18The children gather wood and the fathers light fire. The women knead dough to make cakes for the Queen of Heaven and pour out drink offerings for foreign gods. |
19他们果真是触怒我吗?──上主的断语──岂不是触犯自己,使自己满面羞惭? | 19They do this to belittle me. But is it me they belittle? asks Yahweh. No, they belittle themselves to their own confusion. |
20为此我主上主这样说:看,我的愤恨和怒火,必要倾注在这地方的人和走兽身上,田间的树木和土地的出产上,燃烧不熄。」 | 20Because of this Yahweh has spoken, "The fury of my anger will be poured out on this place, both on man and beast, on the trees in the fields and on the produce of the earth; it will burn and not be extinguished." |
21万军的上主,以色列的天主这样说:「你们献祭后,尽管再加献全燔祭,尽管饱食祭肉; | 21This is what Yahweh of hosts, says to you, "Add your burnt offerings to your sacrifices and eat the flesh. |
22可是,关于全燔祭和献祭的事情,我在领你们祖先出离埃及那一天,并没有对他们谈及或吩咐什么, | 22When I brought your forefathers out of Egypt I did not give them mandate regarding sacrifices and burnt offerings. |
23只吩咐了他们这事说:你们应听从我的声音,那么我必作你们的天主,你们也必作我的人民;你们应走我吩咐你们的一切道路,好使你们获得幸福。 | 23One thing I did command them: Listen to my voice and I will be your God and you will be my people. Walk in the way I command you and all will be well with you. |
24他们不但不侧耳细听,反倒依照自己的计谋,随自己邪恶的心生活,顽固不化;不以面向我,却以背向我。 | 24But they did not listen and paid no attention; they followed the bad habits of their stubborn heart and turned away from me. |
25从你们祖先出离埃及那一天起,直到今日,我给你们派遣了我所有的仆人先知,而且每天清早给你们派遣, | 25From the time I brought their forefathers out of Egypt until this day I have continually sent them my servants, the prophets, |
26但他们不但不侧耳听从我,反更硬起自己的颈项,比自己的祖先还要乖戾。 | 26but this stiff-necked people did not listen. They paid no attention and were worse than their forefathers. |
27纵使你将这一切话告诉他们,他们也不会听从你;任凭你怎样呼唤,他们也不会答应你。 | 27You may say all these things to them but they will not listen; you will call them but they will not answer. |
28为此你对他们说:这个民族,不听上主自己天主的声音,不肯接受教训;忠实已丧失,已绝于他们口中。 | 28This is a nation that did not obey Yahweh and refused to be disciplined; truth has perished and is no longer heard from their lips. |
29你该剪去你的一绺头发,把它抛掉,在高丘上唱哀歌,因为上主摈斥,且抛弃了他憎恨的时代。 | 29Cut off your hair and throw it away. Intone a lament on the bare heights, for Yahweh has rejected and foresaken these people.' This is Yahweh's word. |
30的确,犹大子民作了我视为邪恶的事──上主的断语──将他们可恶之物,安置在归我名下的殿宇里,使殿宇遭受玷污; | 30The people of Judah have done what disgusts me; they have placed their idols in the sanctuary that houses my Name and defiled it. |
31又在本希农山谷的托斐特建筑了丘坛,为火焚自己的子女;这是我从没有吩咐,也从没有想到的事。 | 31They have built the temple of Topheth in the valley of Hinnom where they burn their sons and daughters, something I never commanded or even thought of. |
32为此,看,时日将到──上主的断语──人不再称这地方为『托斐特』,或『本希农谷』,却要称它为『屠杀谷』;由于坟地不够,连托斐特也将充作坟场。 | 32Hence the time will come when it will no longer be called Topheth or the valley of Hinnom, but rather the valley of Slaughter, for they will bury the dead in Topheth for lack of space elsewhere. |
33这人民的尸体将成为天空飞鸟和地上走兽的食物,而没有人来驱逐。 | 33And the corpses of this people will be eaten by birds and animals; and none will scare them away. |
34我必使犹大城内和耶路撒冷街上,再也听不到欢愉和喜乐的声音,新郎和新娘的声音,因为这地将要变为荒野。 | 34In the cities of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem I will bring to an end all expressions of joy and happiness, the songs of the bride and bridegroom, for the land will become a wilderness. |
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