约伯传:Chapter 39
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约伯传 | Job |
1你岂知道巖穴中野羊的产期,洞悉牝鹿何时生产? | 1Do you know how mountain goats breed? Have you observed the hinds in labor, |
2你岂能计算牠们怀孕的月分,预知牠们生产的日期? | 2numbered the months they must fulfill, and fixed the time they must give birth? |
3牠们伏下产子之后,产痛立即过去。 | 3Have you watched them end their labor as they crouch and drop their young, |
4幼雏健壮,在原野中长大;牠们一去,即不再返回。 | 4how they wait for them to grow, until they leave never to return? |
5谁使野驴任意游荡,谁解去悍驴的缰绳? | 5Who has given the wild ass his freedom, and loosed the bonds of the wild donkey? |
6原来是我叫牠以原野为家,以盐地为居所。 | 6I have given him the desert for a home, the salt plains for a shelter. |
7牠耻笑城市的吵闹,听不到赶牲者的呵叱。 | 7For he scorns the city's tumult, and is free of the driver's shout and insult; |
8牠以群山峻岭作自己的牧场,寻觅各种青草为食。 | 8he prefers the hills for his pasture, ranging for food in the rich verdure. |
9野牛岂肯为你服役,岂肯在你槽边过宿? | 9Is the wild ox willing to serve you, to pass the night by your manger? |
10你岂能以绳索系住牠的颈项,叫牠随你耕田? | 10Can you make him work with a plow or harrow if you provide him with the proper gear? |
11你岂能依靠牠的大力,任凭牠去作你的工作? | 11Can you rely on his great strength and leave him to do your heavy work? |
12你岂能靠牠将麦捆运回,聚集在你的禾场上? | 12Can you depend on him to come home alone, carrying your grain to your threshing floor? |
13驼鸟的翅翼鼓舞,牠的翼翎和羽毛岂表示慈爱? | 13Can the wing of the ostrich be compared with the plumage of the stork or falcon? |
14牠将卵留在地上,让沙土去温暖; | 14She lays her eggs on the ground and lets them warm in the sand, |
15牠不想人脚能踏碎,野兽能践坏。 | 15not knowing that a foot may step on them or some wild beast may crush them. |
16牠苛待雏鸟,若非己出,虽徒受苦痛,也毫不关心。 | 16Cruel to her chicks as if they were not hers, she cares not that her labor be in vain, |
17因为天主没有赐牠这本能,也没有把良知赐给牠。 | 17for God has given her no wisdom nor a share of good sense. |
18但当牠振翼飞翔,却要讪笑骏马和骑师。 | 18Yet in the swiftness of foot, she makes sport of horse and rider. |
19马的力量,是你所赐?牠颈上的长騣,是你所披? | 19Is it you who give the horse strength and clothe his neck with splendor, |
20你岂能使牠跳跃如蚱蜢?牠雄壮的长嘶,实在使人胆寒。 | 20who make him leap like a grasshopper and his proud snorting strike terror? |
21牠在谷中欢跃奔驰,勇往直前,冲锋迎敌。 | 21Rejoicing in his strength, he fiercely paws and charges into the fray, |
22牠嗤笑胆怯,一无所惧;交锋之时,决不退缩。 | 22afraid of nothing, laughing at fear, not shying away from the sword. |
23牠背上的箭袋震震作响,还有闪烁发光的矛与枪。 | 23Against his side rattles the quiver, along with the lance and flashing spear. |
24牠一闻号角,即不肯停蹄,急躁狂怒,不断啃地。 | 24In frenzied excitement he eats up the ground; there is no holding him when the trumpets sound. |
25每次号角一鸣,牠必发出嘶声,由远处已闻到战争的气息,将领的号令和士卒的喊声。 | 25He cries "Hurrah!" at each trumpet blast. He catches the scent of battle from afar, the shout of commanders and the battle cry. |
26鹰展翅振翼南飞,岂是由于你的智慧? | 26Is it by your wisdom that the hawk takes flight and spreads his wings toward the south? |
27兀鹰腾空,营巢峭壁,岂是出于你的命令? | 27Is it at your command that eagles fly and build their nests on high? |
28牠在山崖居住过宿,在峭峰上有牠的保障; | 28They dwell on cliffs and spend the night; their stronghold is the rocky crag. |
29由那里窥伺猎物,牠的眼力可达远处。 | 29From there they look out for food, which they detect even from afar. |
30牠的幼雏也都吮血。那里有尸体,牠也在那里。 | 30They and their young feast on blood, and where the slain lie, there they are. |
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