约伯传:Chapter 6
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约伯传 | Job |
1约伯回答说: | 1Job replied: |
2恨不得有人衡量衡量我的痛苦,把我所受的灾祸一起放在天秤上! | 2If only my anguish could be measured and my misery put on the scales; |
3它们重过海岸的沙粒,难怪我出言冒失。 | 3they would outweigh the sands of the seashore! It is for this that I speak impetuously. |
4因为全能者的箭射中了我,我的心灵喝尽它们的毒汁,天主的恐吓列阵攻击我。 | 4Pierced by the arrows of the Almighty, my spirit absorbs their poison; my heart fails before the terrors of God. |
5野驴有青草,难道还嘶叫?牛对着草料,难道还吼鸣? | 5Does a wild ass bray when it has fodder? Does an ox bellow when it has grass? |
6淡而无盐的食物,岂能下嚥?蛋白能有什么滋味? | 6What taste would food have without salt? What flavor is there in the white of an egg? |
7这使我厌恶的食物,我实不愿沾唇。 | 7So everything is tasteless for me, I am bored with my bread. |
8惟愿我的祈求实现,愿天主满全我的希望! | 8Would that I get my request, that God grant me what I want - |
9愿天主击毁我,松手使我消灭! | 9that he would decide to crush me, let loose his hand and strike me down! |
10这样,我仍有安慰,在悽惨的痛苦中,仍然喜悦,因为我没有违犯圣者的教训。 | 10Then this at least would comfort me, my only joy in merciless dread, that I have not cursed the will of the Holy one. |
11我有什么力量使我期待,有什么结局使我拖延生命? | 11Will I be able to go on hoping, what expectation to keep on waiting? |
12我的力量岂有巖石之坚?我的肉身岂是铜制的? | 12Have I the strength of stone, and is my flesh of bronze? |
13在我内还能找到什么作援助?任何扶助岂不都远离了我? | 13There is no one to help me, all aid has departed from me. |
14谁不怜悯自己的友人,就是放弃了敬畏天主之心。 | 14Friends without compassion made me lose the fear of the Almighty, |
15我的兄弟们诡诈有如溪水,有如水过即干的河床。 | 15My brothers have been fickle, like the flowing of seasonal waters. |
16溪水因结冰而混浊,积雪掩盖在其上; | 16They were but melted ice running from under the snow. |
17季节一温暖,溪水即竭,天气一炎热,河床即干。 | 17But summer comes and the river dries, under the blazing sun no water is left. |
18商队离开大道,走入荒野,因而丧命。 | 18Because of this caravans get lost, go to wastelands and perish. |
19特玛的商队观望,舍巴的客旅期待, | 19The merchants of Tema search for the brooks, the travelers of Sheba look for them. |
20但他们的希望落了空,他们不管到了那里,必狼狈不堪。 | 20In vain they expected, they are frustrated on arriving there. |
21现今你们待我也是一样:看见了我,就惊惶失措。 | 21Now you too are unable to help me; you see a horror and draw back in fear. |
22难道我说过:「请送我礼物!把你们的财产送我一分? | 22Have I asked you to give me anything? Did I say, "Pay a ransom for me, |
23救我摆脱仇人的权势,赎我脱离残暴者的掌握?」 | 23deliver me from the enemy or rescue me from a tyrant?" |
24请教训我!我必静听。我有什么错,请指示我! | 24Teach me and I will keep silent; show me where I have been wrong. |
25正义的言词是多么甘美!但你们的责斥是指摘什么? | 25Honest words I must not resent, but what have your arguments shown? |
26你们岂能只在言词上吹毛求疵?以绝望者的话当耳边风? | 26Do you mean to scorn my words, or throw to the wind a cry of despair? |
27你们只想对孤儿掷骰下注,以你们的朋友作商品。 | 27Would you cast lots for the orphan and bargain over your friend? |
28现今请你们注视我,在你们注视之下,我决不说谎。 | 28But now, give me your attention; surely I will not lie to your face. |
29请你们再想一下,不要不公;请你们三思,我的正义仍然存在! | 29Relent, and grant me justice; reconsider, my case is not yet tried. |
30我的唇舌上岂有不义?我的口腔难道不辨邪正? | 30Is there insincerity on my tongue? Have I misunderstood misery? |
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