岳厄尔:Chapter 4
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岳厄尔 | Joel |
1看,在那些日子,在那个时候,当我转变犹大和耶路撒冷的命运时, | 1In those days and at that time when I reestablish Judah and Jerusalem, |
2我必聚集万民,领他们下到约沙法特山谷,在那里我要关于我的百姓,我的基业以色列,审问他们,因为他们使我的百姓散居在异民中,且瓜分了我的土地, | 2I shall let all the nations gather together and come to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. Then I shall uphold against them the cause of Israel, my people and my heritage. For they have dispersed them among the nations and divided my land. |
3为我的百姓抽了签,以男童换取淫妇,卖掉女童,换酒买醉。 | 3They cast lots for my people; they gave a boy for a harlot, and a girl for the wine they drank. |
4提洛、漆冬和培肋舍特所有的地域!你们想对我做什么?你们想对我施行报复吗?若你们向我报复,我立刻便将你们的作为归在你们的头上, | 4And you Tyre and Sidon, and all the districts of Philistia, what are you for me? Will you take revenge on me? If you want to do that, swiftly and immediately will I take reprisals against you! |
5因为你们夺去了我的金银,将我的珍宝带到你们的宫中; | 5You who carried off my silver and gold and my finest jewelry to your temples! |
6又将犹大子民和耶路撒冷子民卖给雅汪人,使他们远离自己的祖国。 | 6You sold to the Greeks the people of Judah and Jerusalem removing them far away from their own land. |
7看,不拘你们把他们出卖到什么城邑和地方,我必要使他们从那里回来,却把你们所作的,归在你们头上: | 7But now I am going to summon them from wherever you sold them, and I will return your deed on your head. |
8将你们的儿女卖在犹大子民的手里,使他们再转卖给远方的民族舍巴人,因为上主这样说了。 | 8Yahweh says: I will sell your sons and daughters to the Judeans who will then sell them to the Sabaeans in a distant land. |
9你们要在异民中宣布:准备圣战,激励勇士!一切战士应前进袭击! | 9Make this known among the nations, proclaim the holy war, call the warriors, let men of war advance! |
10将你们的犁头铸成刀剑,将你们的镰刀制成长枪;连弱者也要说:我是个战士! | 10Hammer your plowshares into swords, your sickles into spears! Let the weak say: I am a warrior! And the meek: I too will fight! |
11四周的异民!你们急速前来,在这里集合。上主,使你的勇士降临罢! | 11Come quickly, neighboring nations, and assemble! |
12异民,起来,前往约沙法特山谷,因为我要在那里坐堂,审讯四周的一切异民。 | 12Rise up, O peoples, and come to the Valley of Jehoshaphat, nations. |
13伸出镰刀!因为庄稼已成熟;前来践踏!因为酒榨已满盈,酒槽已溢出,因为他们已恶贯满盈。 | 13Bring a sickle for the harvest is ripe; come and tread for the winepress is full and the vats overflow, so great is their wickedness! |
14成群结队的人齐集在审判谷,因为上主的日子已临近了审判谷。 | 14Multitudes and more multitudes in the Valley of Verdict! The day of Yahweh is near in the Valley of Verdict! |
15太阳和月亮昏暗了,星辰失去了光芒。 | 15The sun and the moon become dark, the stars lose their radiance. |
16上主从熙雍怒吼,从耶路撒冷发出自己的声音,天地为之震动;但上主却是自己百姓的避难所,是以色列子民的堡垒。 | 16Yahweh roars from Zion and raises his voice from Jerusalem; heaven and earth are shaken. Indeed Yahweh is a refuge for his people, a stronghold for the sons of Israel. |
17那时,你们必要知道:我上主是你们的天主,我住在熙雍,我的圣山上。那时,耶路撒冷必要成为圣地,外人不能再从那里经过。 | 17You will know that I am Yahweh, your God, dwelling on Zion, my holy mountain. Jerusalem will be a holy place, and foreigners will never pass through there again. |
18到了那一天,山岳必要滴下新酒,丘陵必要流下乳汁,犹大的一切河流必要涌流清水;从上主的殿里,将有一清泉流出,浇灌史廷山谷。 | 18On that day the mountains shall drip wine and the hills flow with milk; all the streams of Judah will run with water and a fountain will spring from the House of Yahweh, and water the valley of Shittim. |
19埃及将变成荒地,厄东将成为旷野,因为他们虐待了犹大子民,在他们的境内倾流了无辜者的血。 | 19On the other hand, Egypt will be devastated and Edom will become a deserted wasteland because they committed violence against Judah, and shed innocent blood in their country. |
20但犹大必永远有人居住,耶路撒冷也必世世代代有人寄居。 | 20But Judah will be inhabited forever, and Jerusalem through all generations. |
21我必要追讨我尚未追讨的血债;因为上主住在熙雍。 | 21And I shall avenge their blood and not leave it unpunished, for Yahweh dwells in Zion. |
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