若苏厄书:Chapter 2


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若苏厄书 Joshua
1农的儿子若苏厄由史廷暗中派出两个人作侦探说:「你们去察看那地和耶里哥!」他们就去了,来到一个名叫辣哈布的妓女家中,就住在那里。 1Joshua sent two spies secretly from Shittim with the following order "Go and look over the land well, especially the city of Jericho." The spies went and as soon as they came to Jericho, they went to the house of the prostitute named Rahab.
2有人报告耶里哥王说:「夜间有两个以色列人到了这里,侦探这地方。」 2But someone told the king of Jericho: "Some Israelites have entered here tonight to spy on us."
3耶里哥王遂派人到辣哈布那里说:「将那来到你家中的两个人交出来,因为他们是来侦探这地方的。」 3So the king of Jericho sent word to Rahab: "Send those men out of your house because they came to spy on the land."
4但是那女人预先将那两个人藏起来,就这样回答说:「那两个人的确来过我这里,但他们是从那里来的,我却不知道。 4But the woman had hidden them, so she said: "It is true; they came to my house but I did not know where they came from.
5天黑快关城门时,他们两人出去了;往那里去了,我也不知道。你们快去追赶,也许还可赶上他们。」 5And at nightfall, shortly before the city gates were to be closed, they went out. I do not know where they went, but hurry and you will surely overtake them."
6原来她叫那两个人上了屋顶,藏在她屋顶上堆积的麻稭内。 6The woman had hidden them on the roof of the house, under the stalks of flax which she kept there.
7来问的人便沿着约但河,直向渡口去追赶;追赶的人一出去,城门就关了。 7The pursuers went to search for them by the road leading to the valley of the Jordan, and as they went out, the city gates were closed.
8他们还没有睡,那女人就上到屋顶, 8Then the woman went up to where she had hidden the spies of Joshua,
9对他们二人说:「我知道上主已将这地方交给了你们;你们真叫我们害怕,此地所有的居民,对你们都恐惧不已。 9and she said to them: "I know that Yahweh, your God, has given this land to you; we are frightened and the inhabitants of the land tremble before you.
10因为我们听说,你们出埃及时,上主怎样使红海在你们面前干涸;你们又怎样对待了约但河东岸的两个阿摩黎王,即息红和敖格,将他们完全消灭。 10We know how Yahweh dried up the waters of the Red Sea to let you cross when you came out of Egypt. We know what you did to the two kings of the Amorites who lived at the other side of the Jordan, to Sihon and Og, whom you destroyed by anathema.
11我们听了,心都冷了,没有一人再有勇气来对抗你们,因为上主你们的天主,就是上天下地的天主。 11The news has frightened us, and everyone has lost courage because of you, for Yahweh, your God, is God in heaven above as he is on earth below.
12现在请你们指着上主对我起誓,我既然恩待了你们,你们也要恩待我的父家,请给我一个安全的保证, 12Now then, swear to me by Yahweh that just as I have been faithful to you, so shall you be towards my family,
13使我的父母、兄弟、姊妹和他们所有的一切人,都能生存,救我们的性命免于死亡。」 13and respect the life of my father, mother, brothers and sisters, and all that belong to them."
14他们二人回答她说:「如果你不泄漏我们的约定,我们愿拿性命为你们担保;当上主将这地方交给我们时,我们必慈善忠厚地对待你。」 14The men answered: "Provided that you do not reveal our talk, then we will pay back life for life when Yahweh hands over to us this land, and we will deal generously and faithfully with you."
15那女人于是用绳子将他们二人由窗户缒下去,因为她的房屋是在城墙上,她也住在城墙上。 15Then she let them down by a rope through the window, since her house was built into the city wall.
16她又对他们说:「你们要往山中去,免得追赶的人遇见你们。你们在那里躲藏三天,等追赶的人回来,然后再上道。」 16But she said to them: "Go through the mountains so that you do not meet those who pursue you. Remain in hiding for three days, until they return, and then you may go your way."
17他们二人对她说:「如果你不这样作,你叫我们所起的誓,我们将不负责: 17They answered: "See how we shall fulfill our oath.
18就是当我们再到这地方时,你应将这根朱红线系在你缒下我们的窗户上,并且叫你的父母、兄弟和你父亲全家人口,都聚集在你这屋内。 18When we enter this land, tie this scarlet cord as a sign on the window through which we have escaped. Bring into your house your father, mother, brothers and sisters, and all your relatives.
19谁若走出你的屋门,他的血应由他自己承当,我们不负责任;但凡同你在屋内的,如有人下手加害他,他的血将由我们承当。 19If any of them leaves the house, he shall be the one responsible for his death, and the guilt will not be ours. But if anyone who is with you is killed, then may the punishment for his death come upon us.
20但是你若泄漏了我们的约定,那么,你叫我们所起的誓,我们便不负责。」 20However, be careful not to reveal our plan. If you do, then we are freed from the oath we have sworn."
21她回答说:「就照你们说的做罢!」于是打发他们二人走了。他们走后,她遂把那根朱红线系在她的窗户上。 21Rahab said to them: "So be it." And after she had sent them off, she tied the scarlet cord to the window.
22他们出去,到了山上,在那里住了三天,直到追赶的人回去。追赶的人一路寻找他们,结果没有找到。 22The men went into the mountains and hid there for three days, until their pursuers had returned. These men had searched in vain for them everywhere.
23他们二人转身,由山上下来,渡过了约但河,回到农的儿子若苏厄那里,将他们所遇见的事,一一报告给他。 23Then the two spies came down again from the mountains and, crossing the Jordan River, came to Joshua, son of Nun, and gave him an account of their mission and everything that had happened.
24他们对若苏厄说:「上主实在已将那整个地域交在我们手中,因为那地方的居民对我们都十分恐惧。」 24They said to Joshua: "Yahweh has given all this land into our hands; their inhabitants already tremble before us."
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