犹达书 :Chapter 1
犹达书 :Chapter 1 |
犹达书 | Jude |
1耶稣基督的仆人,雅各伯的兄弟犹达,致书给在天主父内蒙爱,为耶稣基督而保存的蒙召者。 | 1Jude, servant of Jesus Christ and brother of James, to those called to the faith, beloved by God the Father and kept in Christ Jesus. |
2愿仁慈、平安、爱情丰富地赐予你们。 | 2May mercy, peace and love abound in you. |
3亲爱的,我早已切望给你们写信,讨论我们共享的救恩;但现在不得不给你们写信,劝勉你们应奋斗,维护从前一次而永远传与圣徒的信仰。 | 3Most beloved, I had wanted to write to you about the salvation we all share, but now I feel I must urge you to fight for the faith God has given once for all to the saints. |
4因为有些早已被注定要受审判的人,潜入你们中间;他们是邪恶的人,竟把我们天主的恩宠,变为放纵情欲的机会,并否认我们独一的主宰和主耶稣基督。 | 4Some individuals have slipped into your midst, godless people already condemned. They make use of the grace of our God as a license for immorality and deny our only Master and Lord Jesus Christ. |
5虽然你们一次而永远知道这一切,但我仍愿提醒你们:主固然由埃及地救出了百姓,随后却把那些不信的人消灭了; | 5Although you may be aware of it, I wish to remind you that the Lord saved his people from the land of Egypt, but later delivered to death those who did not believe. |
6至于那些没有保持自己尊位,而离弃自己居所的天使,主也用永远的锁链,把他们拘留在幽暗中,以等候那伟大日子的审判; | 6He did the same with the angels who did not keep their rank but abandoned their dwelling places. God enclosed them in eternal prisons, in the pit of darkness until the great day of Judgment. |
7同样,索多玛和哈摩辣及其附近的城市,因为也和他们一样恣意行淫,随从逆性的肉欲,至今受着永火的刑罚,作为鉴戒。 | 7Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities who prostituted themselves and were lured into unnatural unions are also a warning of the punishment of eternal fire. |
8可是这些作梦的人照样玷污肉身,拒绝主权者,亵渎众尊荣者。 | 8In spite of all this, these people now do the same: in their ravings, they debase their bodies, scorn the celestial authorities, blaspheme against the angels. |
9当总领天使弥额尔,为了梅瑟的尸体和魔鬼激烈争辩时,尚且不敢以侮辱的言词下判决,而只说:「愿主叱责你!」 | 9When the archangel Michael fought against the devil and disputed about the body of Moses, he did not dare insult him, but simply said, "May the Lord rebuke you!" |
10这些人却不然,凡他们所不明白的事就亵渎,而他们按本性所体验的事,却像无理性的畜牲一样,就在这些事上败坏自己。 | 10Not so these people, they insult and scorn what they cannot understand; what they know by instinct like animals, they use for their corruption. |
11这些人是有祸的!因为他们走了加音的路,为图利而自陷于巴郎的错误,并因科辣黑一样的叛逆,而自取灭亡。 | 11Woe to them! They follow the footsteps of Cain and like Balaam go astray because of money: they will finally perish like the rebellious Korah. |
12这些人是你们爱宴上的污点,他们同人宴乐,毫无廉耻,只顾自肥;他们像无水的浮云,随风飘荡;又像晚秋不结果实,死了又死,该连根拔出来的树木; | 12When you celebrate your love-meals, they spoil everything, coming only for the food and shamelessly seeing to their own needs. They are like clouds carried along by the wind which never bring rain, like trees without fruit at the end of autumn, twice dead when uprooted. |
13像海里的怒涛,四下飞溅他们无耻的白沬;又像出轨的行星,为他们所存留的,乃是直到永远的黑暗的幽冥。 | 13The scum of their vices are splashed like foam on the rough waves of the sea, they are like shooting stars which the thick darkness engulfs for ever. |
14针对这些人,亚当后第七代圣祖哈诺客也曾预言说:「看,主带着他千万的圣者降来, | 14The patriach Enoch, the seventh after Adam, said these words about them: The Lord comes with thousands of angels |
15要审判众人,指证一切恶人所行的一切恶事,和邪辟的人所说的一切亵渎他的言语。」 | 15to judge everyone and call the wicked to account for all the evil deeds they committed; he will punish all the injurious words the impious sinners uttered against him. |
16这些人好出怨言,不满命运;按照自己的私欲行事,他们的口好说大话,为了利益而奉承他人。 | 16All these are discontented who curse their lot and follow their passions. Their mouth is full of arrogant words, and they flatter people for their own interest. |
17但是你们,亲爱的,你们要记得我们的主耶稣基督的宗徒所预言过的话, | 17But, most beloved, remember what the apostles of Christ Jesus, our Lord, announced to you. |
18他们曾向你们说过:「到末期,必有一些好嘲弄人的人,按照他们个人邪恶的私欲行事。」 | 18They said to you, "At the end of time, there will be scoffers led by their desires which are those of godless people." |
19这就是那些好分党分派,属于血肉,没有圣神的人。 | 19Actually, these people are those who cause divisions, they are worldly people and do not have the Holy Spirit. |
20可是你们,亲爱的,你们要把自己建筑在你们至圣的信德上,在圣神内祈祷; | 20But, dearly beloved, build your life on the foundation of your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit. |
21这样保存你们自己常在天主的爱内,期望赖我们的主耶稣基督的仁慈,入于永生。 | 21Remain firm in the love of God, welcoming the mercy of Jesus Christ, our Lord, which leads to eternal life. |
22对那些怀疑不信的人,你们要说服; | 22Try to convince those who doubt; |
23对另一些人,你们要拯救,把他们从火里拉出来;但对另一些人,你们固然要怜悯,可是应存戒惧的心,甚至连他们肉身所玷污了的内衣,也要憎恶。结语致候辞 | 23others you will save, snatching them from condemnation. Treat the others with compassion but also with prudence, shunning even the clothes which touched their body. |
24愿那能保护你们不失足,并能叫你们无瑕地,在欢跃中立在他光荣面前的, | 24To the one God who is able to keep you from all sin and bring you happy and without blemish before his own Glory, |
25惟一的天主,我们的救主,藉我们的主耶稣基督,获享光荣、尊威、主权和能力,于万世之前,现在,至于无穷之世。阿们。 | 25to the one God who saves us through Jesus Christ, our Lord, to him be glory, honor, might and power, from past ages, now and forever. Amen. |
犹达书 :Chapter 1 |
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