民长纪:Chapter 4
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民长纪 | Judges |
1厄胡得死后,以色列子民又行了上主视为恶的事。 | 1After Ehud died, the Israelites again treated Yahweh badly, |
2因此上主将他们交在客纳罕王雅宾手中,他当时在哈祚尔为王,他的军长息色辣驻扎在哈洛舍特哥因。 | 2so he left them in the power of Yabin, king of Canaan. Yabin reigned in Hazor, and the commander of his army was Sisera, who lived in Harosheth-hagoiim. |
3因为雅宾王有九百辆铁甲车,极力压迫以色列子民已有二十年之久,以色列子民遂呼吁上主。 | 3Then the Israelites cried to Yahweh, for Yabin had nine hundred chariots of war, and had kept the Israelites oppressed for twenty years. |
4当时有一位女先知德波辣,是拉丕多特的妻子,作以色列的民长。 | 4At that time, Deborah, a prophetess and wife of Lappidoth, became judge. |
5她常坐在厄弗辣因山地、辣玛和贝特耳中间的那棵德波辣棕树下,以色列子民都到她那里去听判断。 | 5She used to sit under what was called the Palm of Deborah, between Ramah and Bethel, in the land of Ephraim. There she resolved the complaints that the Israelites presented to her. |
6她打发人从纳斐塔里刻德士把阿彼诺罕的儿子巴辣克叫来,对他说:「这是上主以色列的天主的命令:你要从纳斐塔里和则步隆子孙中,率领一万人向大博尔山进发: | 6And she sent and called for Barak, the son of Abinoam, who was from the town of Kedesh of Naphtali. She said to him, "This is the order of Yahweh: Go, gather the people on Mount Tabor and take with you ten thousand men from the tribes of Naphtali and Zebulun, |
7我要引领雅宾的将军息色辣和他的车辆军队到克雄河畔,到你跟前来,把他交在你手中。」 | 7for I am going to bring Sisera to you at the river Kishon with his chariots and men, and I will give him into your hands." |
8巴辣克对她说:「你若同我去,我就去;你若不同我去,我就不去。」 | 8Barak answered her, "If you will go, then I shall go, too; but if you do not go, I shall not go." |
9她回答说:「我一定同你去,但是你此行并无光荣,因为上主要把息色辣交在一个女子手中。」于是德波辣起身同巴辣克往刻德士去了。 | 9Deborah answered, "I will go with you, but if you do it that way the honor of the victory will not be yours, for Sisera will be killed by a woman." In this way Deborah went with Barak to Kedesh. |
10巴辣克召集则步隆和纳斐塔里的子孙到刻德士去,跟他上去的有一万人,德波辣也同他上去了。 | 10Barak summoned men from Zebulun and Naphtali and ten thousand followed him. Deborah also went up with him. |
11那时刻尼人赫贝尔离开别的刻尼人,离开梅瑟的姻亲曷巴布的子孙,在刻德士附近的匝阿纳宁橡树旁支搭了帐幕。 | 11At that moment, Heber the Kenite was encamped by the oak of Zaan-nannim, near Kedesh, after separating from the other Kenite descendants of Hobab, Moses' father-in-law. |
12有人报告息色辣:阿彼诺罕的儿子巴辣克已上了大博尔山。 | 12When Sisera came to know that Barak had climbed Mount Tabor, |
13息色辣遂召集他所有的车辆,即那九百辆铁甲车,和随从他的全军,从哈洛舍特哥因出来。到了克雄河畔。 | 13he gathered all his chariots - nine hundred chariots of war in all - and all his men, and they set out from Harosheth-ha-goiim to the river Kishon. |
14德波辣对巴辣克说:「起来!因为今天上主已把息色辣交在你手中。上主不是走在你前面吗?」于是巴辣克从大博尔山下来,那一万人跟在他后面。 | 14Then Deborah said to Barak, "Rise, for this is the day in which Yahweh shall give Sisera into your hands. Today, Yahweh goes before you." So, Barak went down from Mount Tabor with his ten thousand men. |
15当时上主用利剑在巴辣克前面扰乱了息色辣和他的车辆以及他的军队,息色辣下车,徒步逃跑了。 | 15Yahweh made him win over Sisera and his chariots and all his army. Sisera alighted from his chariot and fled, |
16巴辣克就追赶车辆和军队,直追到哈洛舍特哥因;息色辣的全军都丧身刀下,一个也没有剩下。 | 16while Barak pursued the chariots and the army to Harosheth-ha-goiim. All of Sisera's army perished. Nobody was spared. |
17息色辣徒步逃到刻尼人赫贝尔的妻子雅厄耳的帐幕那里,因为哈祚尔王雅宾和刻尼人赫贝尔的家族相安无事。 | 17There Sisera took refuge, and came running to the tent of Yael, the wife of Heber the Kenite. Peace reigned between the Kenite tribe and the Canaanites of Yabin, king of Hazor. |
18雅厄耳出来迎接息色辣,向他说:「我主!请你躲起来,躲在我这里,不必害怕!」他就躲在她的帐幕里;雅厄耳就用毯子盖住他。 | 18Yael came out to meet Sisera and said to him, "Come this way, my lord, have no fear." Sisera entered and Yael hid him under a blanket. |
19息色辣对她说:「请给我一点水喝!因为我渴了。」她就打开皮囊给他奶喝,然后又盖住他。 | 19He asked her for a little water to quench his thirst. The woman opened a skin of milk, gave him a drink, and covered him again with the blanket. |
20息色辣又向她说:「你站在帐幕门口,若有人来问你说:这里有人吗?你就回答说:没有。」 | 20And he said to her, "Stand at the entrance; and if anyone comes and asks you, tell him there is no one with you." |
21那时,赫贝尔的妻子雅厄耳取了一根帐棚上的木橛,手里拿着锤子,悄悄走到息色辣前,把木橛钉在他的太阳穴里,一直钉到地上; | 21Sisera was very tired, so he slept. Then the woman took a hammer and a tent peg, went quietly to him and drove the peg into his temple till it was fixed into the ground. |
22那时他正疲乏熟睡,就这样死去。那时巴辣克正在追赶息色辣,雅厄耳出来迎接他,对他说:「来!我给你看看你所追寻的人。」他来到她那里,看,息色辣已躺在那里死了!木橛在他的太阳穴中。 | 22When Barak arrived, Yael came out to meet him and said, "Come in, and I will show you the man you are looking for." He entered and saw Sisera dead with a tent peg through his temple. |
23这样,那一天天主在以色列子民面前制伏了客纳罕王雅宾。 | 23On that day Yahweh humbled Yabin before the Israelites. |
24以色列子民的力量日渐强大,超过了客纳罕王雅宾,直到将他消灭。 | 24The Israelites did not rest until they destroyed all the Canaanites. |
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