友弟德传:Chapter 12


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友弟德传 Judith
1敖罗斐乃令人领她到布满银具的餐厅内,吩咐人给她吃他自己的食品,给她喝他自己的酒。 1Then Holofernes had her brought into the place where his silver dishes were laid out and commanded them to serve her from his food and to give her his wine to drink.
2但友弟德回答说:「我不愿吃这些东西,怕有什么防碍;我带来的东西,已足够我吃用的了。」 2But Judith said, "I will not eat it for fear that it might be the occasion of my downfall. What I have brought with me is sufficient."
3敖罗斐乃问她说:「假使你带来的东西用完了,从那里能拿同样的东西来给你呢?我们这里没有你同族的人。」 3Holofernes said to her, "When you have finished the things that you have brought, where will we be able to get the same kind of food to give you, for there is no one of your race here?"
4友弟德答应他说:「我主万岁!直到上主藉着我的手,完成他所愿意的事以前,我带来的东西,你的婢女是不会用尽的。」 4Judith said to him, "As your soul lives my lord, your servant will not have finished what I have brought with me before the Lord will have carried out by my hand what he has decided to do."
5以后,敖罗斐乃的仆从领她进入一座帐幕。她睡到半夜,晨更前便起来了, 5Then the officers of Holofernes led her to the tent and she slept until midnight. She arose at the morning watch
6打发人到敖罗斐乃那里说:「请我主下令,准你的婢女出外祈祷。」 6and sent a message to Holofernes, "Will my lord command that his servant be allowed to go out to pray."
7敖罗斐乃就吩咐侍卫,不要阻止她。她在营中住了三天,每夜都出去,往拜突里雅山谷中,哨兵布防的水泉旁沐浴; 7Holofernes ordered his bodyguards not to prevent her from doing so. She remained in the camp three days. Each night she went to the ravine of Bethulia and bathed herself in the spring which was in the camp.
8然后上来,哀求上主以色列的天主,指给她一条拯救自己同族子民的正路。 8When she returned to the tent, she prayed to the Lord, the God of Israel, that he would guide her steps in the right path to bring about the release of her people;
9她取洁回去后,留在帐幕里,直到晚上吃饭的时候。 9and now purified, once she had returned, she remained in the tent until she took her food towards evening.
10到了第四天,敖罗斐乃设宴,只邀请自己的侍卫,军官中一个也没有邀请。 10Then on the fourth day, Holofernes gave a banquet for his personal servants without sending invitations to any of his officers.
11他对自己的总管巴哥阿宦官说:「你去劝说住在你旁边的那个希伯来妇女到我们这里来,同我们一起宴饮。 11He said to the eunuch Bagoas who looked after his affairs, "Go and persuade this Hebrew woman who is under your care to come eat and drink with us,
12如果有这样一个美人在跟前,而不与她交结,这真是扫兴的事!如果我们不引她来,人反会耻笑我们。」 12for it would be a disgrace if we allowed such a woman to depart without having enjoyed her company. If we are not able to allure her, she will laugh at us."
13巴哥阿离开敖罗斐乃去见她说:「你这美丽的女郎!不要踌躇到我主上那里去,当面受他的尊敬,与我们饮酒取乐。今日你要变作拿步高宫内亚述的公主。」 13So Bagoas left Holofernes and entered Judith's tent, and said to her, "Will this beautiful slave not hesitate to come to my lord's tent to be honored in his presence, merrily to drink wine with us and to become this very day like an Assyrian woman who dwells in the house of Nebuchadnezzar?"
14友弟德回答他说:「我是谁,胆敢违背我主上的意思?凡他喜欢的事,我必赶快去作。这是我一生至死最大的喜悦。」 14Judith said to him, "Who am I to go against the wishes of my Lord? All that pleases him I will hasten to do and that will be for me a joy until the day of my death."
15遂立即前来,穿上锦衣,佩带了妇女所佩带的装饰品;叫她的婢女先去,把巴哥阿给她每日坐着吃饭的皮垫拿去,给友弟德铺在敖罗斐乃对面的地上。 15Then she arose; she dressed in her beautiful garments and all the finery of a woman. Her servant went and spread on the ground, in front of Holofernes, the fleece which Judith had received from Bagoas for her daily use so that she could recline on it while she ate.
16友弟德进来,就了位,敖罗斐乃一看她,即心不守舍,神魂颠倒,贪其美色;原来自从见了她那一天起,就想乘机勾引她。 16So Judith entered the tent and took her place. The heart of Holofernes was ravished by her beauty, his whole being was captivated and he had a passionate desire to possess her. Ever since the first day he had seen her, he had been waiting for an occasion to seduce her.
17此时敖罗斐乃对她说:「喝罢,大家一同欢乐!」 17Holofernes said to her: "Drink and share our happiness."
18友弟德说:「是,我主!我愿喝,因为我有生以来,我的生活没有像今天再有价值的了!」 18Judith said, "I will drink then, my lord, because today my life has become more precious to me than on any other day since my birth."
19就在他面前,将自己婢女预备好的,拿来吃喝。 19She took what her servant had prepared for her and ate and drank in front of him.
20敖罗斐乃见她如此,喜极狂欢,遂开怀畅饮;有生以来,没有一天,喝过这么多的酒。 20Holofernes was bewitched by her and he drank a great quantity of wine, much more than he had ever drunk on any single day since his birth.
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