友弟德传:Chapter 16


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友弟德传 Judith
1友弟德说:「请你们向我的天主击鼓奏乐,向我的上主敲钹歌唱,向他吟咏诗歌,赞扬欢呼他的圣名! 1Judith said, "Sing a song to my God with tambourines, sing in honor of God with cymbals. Compose for him a psalm of praise. Exalt and bless his Name!
2上主原是粉碎战争的天主,在民间支搭他的幕府,救我脱离仇人的毒手。 2The Lord is truly a God who crushes war, who encamps in the midst of his people for he has snatched me from the hand of those who pursued me.
3亚述由北岳出发,率领着千军万马;大军阻塞了溪流,铁骑掩蔽了山丘, 3The Assyrian came from the mountains of the north. He came with the myriads of his army, his soldiers have filled the torrents and his cavalry covered the hills.
4本想焚毁我村落,刀斩我青年,摔死我乳儿,俘掳我幼童,掠夺我妇女; 4He wanted to burn my land, to kill the young men by the sword, to destroy my children at the breast, to hand over my little ones to slaughter and to rape my young maidens.
5但全能上主,只凭一弱妇之手,把他们消除! 5The Lord Almighty has driven them back by the hand of a woman.
6亚述的名将,非壮丁所能击毙,非巨人之后所能击倒,非大力士所能征服,却为默辣黎之后友弟德,以她花容玉貌,使其心醉。 6Their hero has not been overcome by young warriors; he was not struck down by the sons of the Titans, or laid low by any great giants. But it is Judith, the daughter of Merari, who by the beauty of her face has defeated him. For the relief of the oppressed in Israel
7她脱去寡妇的衣服,去拯救受苦的以色列。香膏敷面, 7she took off her widow's robes, anointed her face with perfume,
8带束云髻,身披锦衣,为将他勾引。 8put a jewelled band around her hair, and put on a linen dress in order to seduce him.
9凉鞋夺目,玉容勾魂,短剑断其头。 9Her sandals delighted his eyes, her beauty captivated his soul, and the scimitar cut through his neck.
10她的胆量,波斯人见而战栗;她的奋勇,玛待人因而恐惧。 10The Persians trembled with fear at her boldness, and the Medes were upset by her daring.
11我卑微者一呼喊,他们便胆破;我弱小者一呐喊,他们便恐慌。高声一嚷,他们都逃亡! 11Then my oppressed people shouted for joy; my weak ones cried out, the enemy was terrified; they raised their voices; the enemy took to flight.
12少妇之子,将他们刺死,击杀他们像逃阵的小卒;我上主一布阵,他们即告灭亡。 12The children of young women pierced them through and struck them down like fugitives, and so the enemy perished in a battle arranged by God.
13我要向我天主咏唱新歌:上主,你伟大而荣耀,德能神妙,战无不胜! 13I will sing to my God a new song: Lord, you are great and glorious, wonderfully strong, invincible!
14愿你所造万物,都服侍你,因你一命,万物造成,你一嘘气,化工成形;你一发命,无人敢违。 14May the whole of your creation serve you, for you spoke and all things were, you sent forth your spirit and all things came into being: No one can resist your voice.
15山岳振撼,山基随水而动,在你面前,磐石似蜡消溶;但敬畏你的,你必仁慈怜悯。 15For the mountains with the waters will be shaken to their foundations, the rocks will melt like wax before you, but to those who fear you you will always show mercy.
16祭祀原属小道,不过香烟一缕;种种燔祭油脂,于你实微不足道;但敬畏上主的人,伟大永存。 16The fragrance of any sacrifice is little to please you and the holocausts of fatted animals are as nothing before you, but he who fears the Lord is forever great.
17祸哉,那攻击我族的异民!全能的上主在审判之日,必要报复,他们的肉体必受火烧虫蚀;哀痛哭泣,永不止息!」 17Woe to the nations which rise up against my people: The Lord Almighty will punish them in the day of judgment, with fire and worms under their skin, and they will keep on weeping, suffering forever."
18百姓进入耶路撒冷,朝拜了天主;取洁之后,奉献了全燔祭、自愿祭和供物。 18When they arrived in Jerusalem, they worshiped God and, when the people had been purified, they presented their holocausts, freewill offerings and gifts.
19友弟德将人民送给她的敖罗斐乃的各种物品,和拿自他寝室内的帷帐,都献给了天主,作为还愿的献礼。 19Then Judith offered all of Holofernes' belongings which the people had given her and she dedicated to the Lord the hangings from his room which she herself had taken.
20三月之久,民众于耶路撒冷,在圣所前举行庆祝;友弟德也与他们同乐。 20So the people remained in Jerusalem, rejoicing before the Sanctuary for three months and Judith stayed with them.
21过了这个日期,各回本家,友弟德也回了拜突里雅,住在家里,一生到处受尊荣。 21After these days were over, each one returned to his own house. Judith returned to Bethulia and devoted herself to her household. During her lifetime she was famous throughout the land.
22想念她的人,虽然很多,但她自从丈夫默纳舍去世,归于亲族之后,她一生岁月,再没有认识男人。 22Though many desired to marry her, she had no relation with any man since the death and burial of Manasseh, her husband.
23她活了很大的年纪,在他丈夫的家里,活到一百零五岁,解放了自己的奴婢,然后死在拜突里雅,埋葬在丈夫默纳舍的坟墓里。 23She spent her old age in the house of her husband. And she set her maidservant free. She died in Bethulia at the age of a hundred and five and was buried in the grave of Manasseh, her husband.
24以色列家,举丧七天哀悼她。她去世以前把家产分给了自己丈夫默纳舍的至亲,和自己的至亲家人。 24All Israel mourned for her for seven days. Before her death she had divided her property among the relatives of her husband, Manasseh, and those of her own family.
25友弟德在世之时,以及在她去世之后,很长久的时期,没有人敢扰乱以色列子民。 25No one again threatened the people of Israel while Judith lived, nor for a very long time after her death.
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