友弟德传:Chapter 4


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友弟德传 Judith
1住在犹太的以色列子民,听说亚述王拿步高的统帅敖罗斐乃对异民所行的一切,如何抢劫破坏了他们的一切庙宇, 1The children of Israel in Judea learned what had happened to the other nations at the hands of Holofernes, the chief general of Nebuchadnezzar, the king of the Assyrians, and how he had plundered the neighboring villages and destroyed their sanctuaries.
2就万分害怕,为耶路撒冷与上主他们的天主的圣殿十分担心, 2And they trembled with great fear because of him. They were anxious about Jerusalem and the Temple of the Lord their God,
3因为他们才从充军之地归来,全犹太人民重新聚合不久,刚把器皿、祭坛、圣殿在经过亵渎之后,从新祝圣。 3since they had only recently returned from exile. The people of Judea had just come together and the new furnishings of the Altar and the Sanctuary had just been consecrated after being profaned.
4因此,他们便打发使者到撒玛黎雅全境,到科纳、贝特曷龙、贝耳玛因、耶里哥、苛巴、爱索辣与撒冷山谷一带, 4They sent messengers to warn all the inhabitants of the territory of Samaria, Kona, Beth-horon, Belmain, Jericho, Choba and Aesora, and the valley of Salem.
5嘱咐他们先要占据各高山的山顶,在山上的村庄,修筑防御工事,储蓄粮食,准备应战,好在他们的田园才收获不久。 5They occupied all the summits of the mountains, fortified the ramparts of the towns and prepared stores of foodstuff and provisions for the war, since their field had just been harvested.
6当时正在耶路撒冷当大司祭的约雅金,给在拜突里雅及位于厄斯得隆前,多堂附近平原对面的拜托默斯坦城的人民,写了一封信, 6Joakim, the high priest, who was in Jerusalem in those days, wrote to the inhabitants of Bethulia and Betomesthaim opposite Esdraelon, at the entrance to the plain of Dothan.
7吩咐他们应把守上山进入犹太的道路,因为这道路狭隘,只能通过两人,很容易阻止敌人进攻。 7He told them to seize and fortify the mountain passes because it was by them that Holofernes would enter Judea. There it would be easy to stop those who were advancing since the narrow passes allowed no more than two men to go forward at a time.
8以色列子民就遵照大司祭约雅金,以及位于耶路撒冷全以色列人民的长老院的吩咐办了。 8The children of Israel obeyed the orders of Joakim and of the Council of the Elders which assembled in Jerusalem.
9全以色列人,都热切呼号天主,极力自卑自谦。 9All the people of Israel called upon God with great fervor and humbled themselves before him.
10他们和妻子儿女,牲畜旅客,佣工奴婢,都腰束苦衣。 10Men, women and children, including the animals, all the foreigners who resided among them, their laborers and slaves, all clothed themselves in sackcloth.
11凡住在耶路撒冷的以色列男女及幼童,都俯伏在圣殿前,头上撒灰,在上主面前,展开苦衣; 11All the men of Israel in Jerusalem, with their wives and children, bowed before the Temple, sprinkled ashes on their heads and held out their hands in supplication before the Lord.
12即是祭坛,也围上苦衣,诚心热切一同呼求以色列的天主,不让敌人来劫掠自己的幼童,掳掠自己的妇女,毁灭自己产业中的城邑,轻蔑污辱自己的圣所,而使异民得意欢腾。 12They covered the Altar in sackcloth, and with one voice earnestly begged the God of Israel not to let their children be massacred, their wives raped, their towns destroyed and their Sanctuary profaned, that they might not become the laughingstock of other nations.
13上主俯听了他们的哀声,怜视了他们的苦难。全犹太和耶路撒冷境内的百姓,在全能上主的圣所前,禁食多日。 13The Lord heard their prayer and looked upon their anguish. The people throughout the whole of Judea fasted for many days, and those in Jerusalem fasted before the Sanctuary of the Lord Almighty.
14大司祭约雅金,以及一切侍立在上主面前的人,司祭与上主的仆役,都腰束苦衣,奉献恒常的全燔祭,奉献人民许愿和自愿献上的供物, 14The high priest Joakim, with all the priests and ministers, stood before the Lord dressed in sackcloth, and offered continual sacrifice, prayers and the voluntary gifts of the people.
15在头巾上撒灰,高声呼求上主,眷顾以色列全家。 15They put ashes on their turbans and cried out with all their strength to the Lord, asking him to watch over the whole house of Israel.
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