友弟德传:Chapter 6
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友弟德传 | Judith |
1会议厅周围的人怨声一停止,亚述军队总司令敖罗斐乃,在全体外邦民族前,向阿希约尔及一切阿孟子民说: | 1When the tumult among the men standing around the tent had died down, Holofernes, general in chief of the Assyrian army, said to Achior in the presence of all the foreigners and all the people of Moab, |
2「你这阿希约尔,你们这些厄弗辣因的佣兵,算得什么?今日竟对我们说预言,劝我们不要攻打以色列民族,说他们的天主会庇护他们!拿步高外,还有谁是天主?他打发他的兵力,要从地面上将他们消灭,这不是他们的天主所能施救的! | 2"Who are you, Achior, you and all the people bribed by Israel to prophesy against us as you have done today? Why do you counsel us not to make war on the race of Israel because their God will cover them with a shield? Who is God, if not Nebuchadnezzar. He will send out his army and wipe them off the face of the earth and their God will not save them. |
3我们当他仆人的,攻打他们就像打一个人,他们决抵抗不住我们马队的威力。 | 3But we, the king's servants, will crush them as though they were just one man. They will not withstand the onslaught of our horses. |
4我们的马队要将他们踏碎,使他们的山岭饮他们的血,使他们的平原充满他们的尸首;他们在我们跟前决不能立足,必要完全灭亡;这是全世之主拿步高说的。他既如此说了,他的话,决不会落空。 | 4We will burn the whole lot of them in their own homes. Their mountains will be soaked with their blood, their plains will be full of their dead. They will not be able to hold their ground before us. Most surely they will perish, as King Nebuchadnezzar, lord of all the earth, had foretold. He said it and the words he has uttered will not be in vain. |
5至于你,阿孟人的佣工阿希约尔!你说这样的话,是存心不良,从今天起,直到我向这逃出埃及的民族复了仇,你不要再见我的面。 | 5But you, Achior, an Ammonite mercenary who has today uttered these words to your shame, from now on you will not see my face until I avenge myself on this race who came from Egypt. |
6当我回来时,我军队的刀剑,我仆从的长枪,要刺穿你的肋膀,你要倒卧在伤亡者中。 | 6The sword of my soldiers and the lance of my officers will pierce your sides. When I return from battle, your body will be with all the dead of Israel. |
7我的仆人如今要送你到山地,将你弃置在一座位于隘道上的城中, | 7My servants will lead you into the mountain region and will deposit you in one of the towns which are on the slopes, |
8你暂不会死,直到你与他们同归于尽! | 8so that you will share the same fate as the rest of them. |
9如果你心里真希望这些城池不陷落,那又何必垂头丧气!我已说了,我的话一句也不会落空!」 | 9But if you believe that they will not be taken, then do not put on such a long face. I have spoken and not one of my words will be without effect." |
10敖罗斐乃遂吩咐侍立在营幕内的仆人,捉住阿希约尔,送到拜突里雅,交给以色列子民。 | 10Holofernes ordered his guards who were standing in the tent to seize Achior, take him to Bethulia and hand him over into the hands of the Israelites. |
11他的仆人就捉住他,领到营外平原,再由平原带到山上,直到拜突里雅城下的水泉旁。 | 11The servants seized him and took him outside the camp onto the plain; from the middle of the plain they took him towards the mountain country and reached the springs which were at the foot of Bethulia. |
12那在山顶城中的人一见他们,就拿起武器,由山顶的城出来,同时所有的弹石射手,向他们抛石,挡住他们上来的路。 | 12When the men of the town at the top of the mountain saw them coming, they took their weapons, went out of the town to the summit of the mountain, and those who were armed with catapults tried to stop their ascent by slinging stones at them. |
13那些人伏在山下,将阿希约尔綑了,抛弃在山麓,然后回到自己主帅那里。 | 13The guards took shelter, tied up Achior and left him lying on the ground at the foot of the mountain. They then returned to their lord. |
14以色列子民由城中下来,走到他跟前,将他解开,带到拜突里雅,引他去见城中首长。 | 14The sons of Israel descended from the town and went up to Achior, and having untied him, they led him to Bethulia, and took him to the rulers of the town, |
15那时城中首长,有西默盎支派的米加的儿子敖齐雅,还有哥托尼耳的儿子加布黎,默耳基耳的儿子加尔米。 | 15who in those days were Uzziah the son of Micah of the tribe of Simeon, Chabris the son of Gothoniel, and Charmis the son of Melchiel. |
16他们遂召集城里所有的长老;众青年和妇女也都赶来参加集会。阿希约尔站在民众中间,敖齐雅就问他发生了什么事。 | 16As they called for a meeting of all the elders of the town, the young people and the women also joined the assembly. They placed Achior in the midst of the assembled people and Uzziah asked him what had happened. |
17他立即回答,将敖罗斐乃会议中的议案,将自己在亚述子民首领中所说的,以及敖罗斐乃对以色列家所说的大话,都一一告诉了他们。 | 17In reply he told them about the council meeting of Holofernes and all that he himself had said to the leaders of the Assyrians. He also told them of the threatening words of Holofernes against Israel. |
18在场的人民于是俯伏在地,朝拜天主,呼喊说: | 18The people threw themselves down on the ground, worshiped God and called upon his help saying, |
19「上主,天上的大主!你看看他们的骄傲,可怜我们民族所受的苦辱,请你今日眷顾那奉献于你的人民!」 | 19"Lord God of Heaven, take into consideration the insolence of the Assyrians and have pity on your humiliated people. Look this day upon those who are consecrated to you." |
20他们遂安慰阿希约尔,对他大加称赞。 | 20They encouraged Achior and congratulated him warmly. |
21敖齐雅以后由会场中,引他到自己家里,且设宴款待长老。那一夜,他们终夜呼求以色列的天主救助。 | 21Then Uzziah led him from the assembly into his own house and gave a meal for the elders. All through the night the people called upon the God of Israel, begging him to come to their aid. |
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