友弟德传:Chapter 7


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友弟德传 Judith
1次日,敖罗斐乃下令全军和前来与他联盟的队伍,拔营向拜突里雅进发,先占领通往山地的隘口,向以色列子民挑战。 1The next day Holofernes gave an order to the whole of his army and to those people who had come to his help to move camp in the direction of Bethulia, to occupy the mountain slopes and to wage war against the Israelites.
2那天,军队全体出发;作战的队伍,有步兵十七万,骑兵一万二千;此外还有辎重队,和随军步行的人,多得不可胜数; 2All his valiant warriors moved that day; the forces of fighting men numbered one hundred and seventy thousand foot soldiers and twelve thousand cavalry, without counting the baggage and the men who looked after it as well as the crowd of people who accompanied them - a considerable crowd.
3在靠近拜突里雅的山谷中,在水泉旁安营。营幕绵延,长度由多堂到贝耳玛因,宽度由拜突里雅到厄斯得隆对面的夸孟。 3They camped in the valley near Bethulia, near the spring; they spread out the whole width from Dothan to Belbain, and the length from Bethulia to Cyamon which faces Esdraelon.
4以色列子民一见如此众多的军队,惊慌非常,都彼此说:「如今他们必将全地面一扫而光,连高山、幽谷、丘陵都担负不了他们的压力。」 4When the Israelites saw how numerous they were, they were extremely afraid and said to one another, "Without doubt this crowd is going to devour all the country, neither the high mountains nor the ravines nor the hills will be able to put a stop to their progress."
5但以色列人还是各自拿着武器,在碉楼上点起烽火,那一整夜留守戒备。 5Nonetheless each one seized his fighting equipment; they lit fires on the tops of the towers and kept watch all that night.
6第二天,敖罗斐乃把全部马队,开到住在拜突里雅的以色列子民面前, 6The second day, Holofernes lined up all his cavalry in front of the Israelites in Bethulia.
7也探明了通往该城的山路,寻得了水泉,派兵占据把守,然后回到自己部队那里去了。 7He observed the approaches to their town, discovered the sources supplying water, seized them and stationed guards over them, then he returned to his army.
8厄撒乌子民的众长官,摩阿布民族的众首领,和沿海一带的司令,都来向敖罗斐乃说: 8The leaders of the Edomites, the commanders of the Moabites and the generals of the Seacoast approached Holofernes and said,
9「愿我们的主帅听取一个建议,免得你的军队受害。 9"Let our Master listen to us, and your army will not suffer loss.
10以色列这个民族,原不依仗枪矛,惟独依靠所住的高山,因为攀登他们的山顶,并不是一件易事。 10This people of Israel really do not put their trust in javelins but in the height of the mountains which they inhabit, for it is not easy to reach the summit of their mountains.
11主帅!如今不要同他们列阵交战,如此你的军人一个也不会伤亡。 11Master, if you wish to save the lives of your men, do not fight against them in battle formation.
12你可留在营中,督守你军中所有的人马,只让你的仆役去占领山麓下涌出来的水泉, 12Remain in your camp and keep all the men in your army safe but let us take possession of the spring which flows at the foot of the mountain,
13因为凡住在拜突里雅的人,都从那里汲水。他们没有水喝,势必将城交出,同时我们率领我们的军人,上到附近的山顶上安营,监视他们,不许一人走出城来。 13because it is from there that the people of Bethulia draw all their water. They will be dying of thirst and so they will hand over their town. We and our people will scale the summits of the neighboring mountains and set up outposts to prevent anyone from leaving the town.
14他们和妻子儿女必饥渴得衰弱无力,刀剑还未临到身上,他们已躺卧在靠近家门的街道上了。 14The famine will destroy them; men, women and children will be lying dead in the streets of their town before ever the sword is raised against them.
15这样你可以恶毒地报复他们,因为他们顽抗,没有欢迎你。」 15So you will have punished them severely for having rebelled and for not having come out to meet you with offers of peace."
16他们的建议,大得敖罗斐乃和他众官员的欢心。于是下令,依照这建议办理。 16This advice pleased Holofernes and all his officers, and he agreed to do what they said.
17摩阿布子民就移营出发,与他们同去的,还有五千亚述人,驻扎在山谷中,占据了以色列子民的水渠和水泉。 17The Moabites, with five thousand Assyrians, moved camp; they encamped in the valley and cut off the springs and the water supply from the Israelites.
18厄撒乌的子孙及阿孟子民,也与一万二千亚述人上去,驻扎在多堂对面的山地。又从他们中派遣人,往厄格勒贝耳对面的东南方去,──厄格勒贝耳是在摩客慕尔河旁的雇士附近,──其余的亚述军队,驻扎在平原上,遮遍了地面;帐幕和辎重,堆集如山,多不胜数。 18The Edomites and the Ammonites climbed up and camped on the mountain near Dothan; they sent some of their men to the south and to the east facing Egrebel, near Chusi, which is on the torrent of Mochmur. The rest of the Assyrian army encamped in the plain, covering the whole countryside. The camp site covered by their tents and their bag-gage spread out wide for they were an enormous crowd.
19以色列子民见自己四面受敌,不能逃出,都提心吊胆,遂向上主他们的天主哀号。 19Disheartened, the people of Israel called upon the Lord their God because their enemies had encircled them and had cut off all means of escape.
20这时,亚述大军,即所有步兵、战车、马队,包围他们,已经三十四天了。拜突里雅居民所有的蓄水器,都已空了, 20All the Assyrian army, its foot soldiers, its chariots and horsemen surrounded them for thirty-four days.
21蓄水池都干了。人没有一天可得畅饮,因为水是分配给人喝的。 21The inhabitants of Bethulia saw the water jars becoming empty and the wells running dry so that drinking water had to be rationed every day.
22他们的幼儿渴的没有气力,妇女和青年,渴得发晕,倒在城内大街上和门口,再也没有一点力气。 22The small children became weak with thirst; the women and the young collapsed in the streets and gateways of the town.
23于是全体民众、青年、妇女和幼童,都聚集在敖齐雅及城中首长那里,大声疾呼,当着众长老说: 23Then everyone - men, women, young people and children - gathered and accused Uzziah and the leaders of the town. They called out with loud cries and said before all the elders,
24「愿天主在你们与我们之间,施行审判;因为你们不同亚述人说和,使我们遭此大祸。 24"May God judge between you and us, for you are the cause of this misfortune by not engaging in peaceful negotiations with the Assyrians.
25如今我们不但没有救援,连天主也将我们交在他们手中,叫我们饥渴而死,都倒毙在他们面前。 25And now there is no one who can bring us any help; God has delivered us into the hands of these pagans in such a way that we lie dying before them from great thirst and misery.
26现今你们就叫他们进来,把全城交给敖罗斐乃的人民和大军,任凭他们抢掠。 26You must call on the Assyrians and let the whole army of Holofernes pillage us.
27我们更好当他们的战利品,因为我们虽然身为奴隶,但可保全性命,不至于眼看着我们的幼童夭亡,我们的妻子儿女,断送性命。 27It is better for us to become their booty, for then we shall become slaves, but at least we shall live and not have to see our women, our older children and the little ones die before our eyes.
28我们当着上天下地,因着我们的天主,即因惩罚我们的罪过,及我们祖先过犯的我们祖先的上主,恳求你们设法,别叫天主今日按照这些话来处置我们!」 28We urge you by heaven and earth and by our God, the Lord of our fathers, who punishes us according to our sins and the sins of our fathers: make this decision this very day."
29集会的民众遂不约而同,都放声痛哭,向上主天主大声哀号。 29Altogether they raised a great lamentation in the midst of the assembly, and they cried out with a loud voice to the Lord God.
30敖齐雅遂对他们说:「弟兄们!振作精神,再忍耐五天,也许上主我们的天主,在这个时期内,向我们再施行他的仁慈,因为他决不会永远抛弃我们! 30Then Uzziah said to them, "Have confidence, my brothers; hold out for five days more, during which time the Lord our God will show us his mercy, for he will not abandon us forever.
31如果过了这日期,仍得不到救援,我就依照你们的话办理。」 31If these days pass without his coming to our help, then we shall do what you say."
32遂遣散众人各归本营、城墙和城楼上;妇女幼童,一一遣送回家;当时全城陷于沮丧与绝望。 32Then he dismissed the men, each to his post, and they went towards the ramparts and the towers of the town, and he sent the women and children back to their homes. Now there was a great depression throughout the town.
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