肋未纪:Chapter 5
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肋未纪 | Leviticus |
1若有人听了诅咒的誓言,能为所见所知的事作证而不肯声明,就犯了罪,应负罪咎; | 1Sacrifice for sin is required in the following cases: A man should have come forward to give evidence in court when officially summoned; but he did not speak and give information about something he had seen or heard; and so he is guilty. |
2或有人误触了什么不洁之物,不论是不洁野兽的尸体,或是不洁家畜的尸体,或是不洁昆虫的尸体,而未发觉,以后发觉自己成了不洁的,因而有罪; | 2Or else he accidentally touches something unclean, whatever it may be - the dead body of an unclean animal, wild or tame; or the dead body of one of the unclean beings that swarm - and so without realizing it, he becomes unclean, and guilty. |
3或有人误摸了人的不洁,任何能玷污人的不洁,而未发觉,以后发觉,就有了罪; | 3Or else he accidentally touches some human uncleanness, whatever it may be, and contact with it makes him unclean; so he becomes guilty as soon as he realizes what he has done. |
4或有人出言轻易发了誓,或怀恶意,或怀善意,人无论在什么事上轻易发了誓,当时未发觉,而以后发觉自己在某件事上有了罪; | 4Or else a man makes a careless vow to do either evil or good in any of those matters on which a man may swear unthinkingly; he does not notice it, then, but when he realizes it later, he becomes guilty. |
5那么几时他发觉自己在上述某件事上有了罪,就该承认自己所犯的罪, | 5He who is guilty in any of these cases, shall confess the sin committed, |
6为赔补所犯的罪,应由羊群中取一只母羊或绵羊,或山羊,献给上主作赎罪祭,司祭应为他的罪行赎罪礼。 | 6and bring to Yahweh as a sacrifice for the sin committed a female of the flock (sheep or goat); and the priest shall offer the sacrifice for the man's sin to free him from his sin. |
7如果他的财力不足备办一只羊,为赔补所犯的罪,应献给上主两只斑鸠或两只雏鸽:一只作为赎罪祭,一只作为全燔祭。 | 7If a man cannot afford a sheep or a goat, he shall offer to Yahweh, as payment for the sin he has committed, two turtledoves or two young pigeons, one for a sacrifice for sin and the other for a burnt offering. |
8将牠们交给司祭;司祭应先奉献那作赎罪祭的一只,掐住脖子扭断牠的头,却不可分离; | 8He will bring them to the priest who is to offer first the one intended for the sacrifice for sin. The priest shall wring its neck, without removing the head. |
9然后取些赎罪祭牺牲的血,洒在祭坛壁上,其余的血都挤在祭坛脚旁:这是赎罪祭。 | 9He shall sprinkle the side of the altar with the victim's blood, and then drain out the rest of the blood at the foot of the altar. This is a sacrifice for sin. |
10至于第二只:照全燔祭的仪式献作全燔祭。司祭这样为他所犯的罪行赎罪礼,他方可获得罪赦。 | 10Of the other bird he is to make a burnt offering according to the regulations. When the priest offers the sacrifice for the man's sin, he will be forgiven. |
11如果他的财力连两只斑鸠或两只雏鸽也不能备办,为赔补所犯的罪,应献十分之一『厄法』细面,作赎罪祭祭品,上面不可倒油,也不可放乳香,因为是赎罪祭。 | 11If this man cannot afford two turtledoves or two young pigeons, he is to bring two pounds of flour as an offering for the sin committed; but he shall not mix oil with it or put incense on it, for it is a sacrifice for sin. |
12将祭品交给司祭,司祭就取出一把面,放在祭坛上与献给上主的火祭一同焚烧,为获得记念:这是赎罪祭。 | 12He is to bring it to the priest, who is to take a handful of it to be put on the burnt offering for Yahweh in order to recall this man to Yahweh. This is a sacrifice for sin. |
13司祭这样为他所犯的罪过行赎罪礼,他方可获得罪赦。剩下的,如素祭一样,应归于司祭。」 | 13This is how the priest is to offer the sacrifice for the sin the man committed in any of these cases, and he will be forgiven. In this case, as in the case of a grain offering, the rest of the flour belongs to the priest." |
14上主训示梅瑟说: | 14Yahweh spoke to Moses; he said: |
15「若有人有了过犯,不慎冒犯了上主的圣物,为赔补自己的过失,应从羊群中取一只无瑕的公绵羊,依照你的估价,按圣所的币制折合银子,献与上主作赎过祭。 | 15"If anyone is guilty of unintentionally cheating by failing to hand over the payments that are sacred to Yahweh, he is to bring to Yahweh as a sacrifice of payment a ram with no defects. This ram is to be valued according to the official standard. This is a sacrifice of repayment. |
16为赔偿他对圣物所犯的过失,还应另加五分之一,交给司祭。司祭应用赎过祭的公绵羊为他行赎罪礼,他方可获得罪赦。 | 16He must make the payments he has failed to hand over, pay an extra fifth as well, and give it to the priest. The priest shall offer the ram as a sacrifice for the man's sin and he will be forgiven. |
17若有人犯了罪,不慎做了上主诫命所不许做的事,有了过犯,应负罪债, | 17If anyone sins and does one of the things forbidden by the commandments of Yahweh without realizing it, he is guilty and must pay the penalty for his fault. |
18他应照你的估价,从羊群中取一只无瑕的公绵羊,交给司祭作赎过祭。司祭这样为他不慎而误犯的过失,替他行赎罪礼,他才可获得罪赦: | 18As a sacrifice of repayment he is to bring to the priest a ram without any defect. Its value will be according to the official standard. The priest shall offer the sacrifice for the sin he has committed without realizing it and he will be forgiven. |
19这是赎过祭,是他应向上主献的赎过祭。」 | 19This is a sacrifice of repayment for the man was guilty in the eyes of Yahweh." |
20上主训示梅瑟说: | 20Yahweh spoke to Moses; he said: |
21「若有人犯了罪,冒犯了上主,因为在寄托物上,或抵押品上,或劫掠物上欺骗了自己的同胞,或剥削了自己的同胞, | 21"This refers to the man who sins against Yahweh by not returning to his neighbor a deposit or a security, or withholding something due to him or cheating him; |
22或对拾得的遗物,加以否认,或对常人惯犯的罪发了虚誓; | 22and also to the one who finds lost property and swears he has not found it; and also to the man who swears falsely in one of the cases in which people usually swear. |
23如果他犯了这样的罪,而自知有过,应归还劫掠所得,或剥削所得,或人寄存之物,或拾得的遗物, | 23In all these cases the man who sins and becomes guilty is to give back what he has taken or demanded that does not belong to him: the deposit entrusted to him, the lost property that he found, |
24或以虚誓所占夺的任何物件,应全部偿还;此外还应另加五分之一。他那一天认错,那一天应归还物主。 | 24or any object about which he has sworn untruthfully. He must repay the owner in full and give an extra fifth as well on the day when he is found guilty. |
25为赔补自己的过犯,应照你的估价,从羊群里取出一只无瑕的公绵羊,交给司祭献与上主作赎过祭。 | 25Then he is to bring a ram without any defect to Yahweh as a sacrifice of repayment. |
26司祭应为他在上主面前行赎罪礼。不论他犯的是什么过犯,他都可获得罪赦。」 | 26The priest shall offer the sacrifice for the man's sin and he will be forgiven, whatever the act of which he became guilty." |
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