马尔谷福音:Chapter 13
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马尔谷福音 | Mark |
1耶稣从圣殿里出来的时候,他的门徒中有一个对他说:「师傅!看,这是何等的石头!何等的建筑!」 | 1As Jesus left the Temple, one of his disciples said, "Look, Master, at the enormous stones and wonderful buildings here!" |
2耶稣对他说:「你看见这些伟大的建筑吗?将来这里决没有一块石头留在另一块石头上,而不被拆毁的。」 | 2And Jesus answered, "You see these great buildings? Not one stone will be left upon another, but all will be torn down." |
3耶稣在橄榄山上,面对圣殿坐着的时候,伯多禄、雅各伯、若望和安德肋私下问他说: | 3After a while, when Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, facing the Temple, Peter, James, John and Andrew approached him privately and asked, |
4「请告诉我们:什么时候发生这些事?这一切事要完成时,将有什么先兆?」 | 4"Tell us when this will be. What sign will be given us before all this happens?" |
5耶稣就开始对他们说:「你们要谨慎,免得有人欺骗了你们。 | 5Then Jesus began to tell them, "Don't let anyone mislead you. |
6将有许多人假冒我的名字来说:我就是(默西亚);并且要欺骗许多人。 | 6Many will come, taking my place, and say: 'I am the one you are waiting for,' and they will deceive many people. |
7当你们听到战争和战争的风声时,不要惊慌,因为这是必须发生的,但还不是结局。 | 7When you hear of war and threats of war, don't be troubled; this must occur but the end is not yet. |
8因为民族要起来攻击民族,国家攻击国家;到处要有地震,要有饥荒;但这只是苦痛的开始。」 | 8Nation will fight nation and kingdom will oppose kingdom. There will be earthquakes everywhere and famines, too. And these will be like the first pains of childbirth. |
9「你们自己要谨慎!人要把你们解送到公议会,你们在会堂里要受鞭打,并且也要为我的原故,站在总督和君王面前,对他们作证。 | 9Be on your guard, for you will be arrested and taken to Jewish courts. You will be beaten in synagogues; and you will stand before governors and kings for my sake to bear witness before them. |
10但福音必须先传于万国。 | 10For the preaching of the Gospel to all nations has to come first. |
11人把你们拉去解送到法庭时,你们不要预先思虑该说什么;在那时刻赐给你们什么话,你们就说什么,因为说话的不是你们,而是圣神。 | 11So when you are arrested and brought to trial, don't worry about what you are to say; for you shall say what will be given you in that hour. It is not you who speak but the Holy Spirit. |
12兄弟将把兄弟,父亲将把儿子置于死地;儿女将起来反对父母,把他们处死。 | 12Brother will betray brother, even to death, and the father his child. Children will turn against their parents and have them put to death. |
13你们为了我的名字,将为众人所恼恨;但那坚持到底的,必要得救。」 | 13You will be hated by all for my name's sake, but whoever holds out to the end will be saved. |
14「几时你们看见那『招致荒凉的可憎之物』立在不应在的地方──读者应明白;那时在犹太的,该逃往山中; | 14So, when you see the idol of the oppressor set in the place where it should not be (may the reader understand!), then let those in Judea flee to the mountains. |
15在屋顶上的,不要下来,也不要进去,从屋里取什么东西; | 15If you are on the housetop, don't come down to take anything with you. |
16在田地里的,不要回来取自己的外衣。 | 16If you are in the field, don't turn back to fetch your cloak. |
17在那些日子里,怀孕的和哺乳的是有祸的! | 17How hard it will be then for pregnant women and mothers with babies at the breast! |
18但你们当祈祷,不要叫这事逢到冬天。」 | 18Pray that it may not happen in winter. |
19「因为在那些日子里,必有灾难,这是从天主创造开始,直到如今从未有过的,将来也不会再有。 | 19For this will be a time of distress such as was never known from the beginning when God created the world, until now and is never to be known again. |
20若不是上主缩短了那些时日,凡有血肉的人都不会得救;但为了他所拣选的被选者,他缩短了那些时日。 | 20So that if the Lord had not shortened that time, no one would survive; but he decided to shorten it for the sake of some of his chosen. |
21那时,若有人对你们说:看,默西亚在这里!看,在那里!你们不要相信! | 21And if anyone says to you at that time: 'Look, here is the Messiah! Look, he is there!' - do not believe it. |
22因为将有假默西亚和假先知兴起,行异迹和奇事,如果可能的话,他们连被选者都要欺骗。 | 22For false Messiahs and false prophets will arise and perform signs and wonders in order to deceive even God's chosen people, if that were possible. |
23所以,你们要谨慎!看,凡事我都预先告诉了你们! | 23Then be on your guard, I have told you everything ahead of time. |
24但是,在那些日子里,在那灾难以后,太阳将要昏暗,月亮不再发光; | 24Later on, in those days after that disastrous time, the sun will grow dark, the moon will not give its light, |
25星辰要从天上坠下,天上的万象也要动摇。 | 25the stars will fall out of the sky and the whole universe will be shaken. |
26那时,人要看见人子带着大威能和光荣乘云降来。 | 26Then people will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. |
27那时,他要派遣天使,由四方,从地极到天边,聚集他的被选者。」 | 27And he will send the angels to gather his chosen people from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the sky. |
28「你们应由无花果树取个比喻:几时它的枝条已经发嫩,生出叶子,你们就知道夏天近了。 | 28Learn a lesson from the fig tree. As soon as its branches become tender and it begins to sprout leaves, you know that summer is near. |
29同样,你们几时看见这些事发生了,就该知道:他已近在门口了。 | 29In the same way, when you see these things happening, know that the time is near, even at the door. |
30我实在告诉你们:非到这一切发生了,这一世代决不会过去。 | 30Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all this has happened. |
31天地要过去,但是我的话决不会过去。 | 31Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. |
32至于那日子和那时刻,除了父以外,谁也不知道,连天上的天使和子都不知道。」 | 32But, regarding that Day and that Hour, no one knows when it will come, not even the angels, not even the Son, but only the Father. |
33「你们要当心,要醒寤,因为你们不知道那日期什么时候来到。 | 33Be alert and watch, for you don't know when the time will come. |
34正如一个远行的人,离开自己的家时,把权柄交给了自己的仆人,每人有每人的工作;又嘱咐看门的须要醒寤。 | 34When a man goes abroad and leaves his home, he puts his servants in charge, giving to each one some responsibility; and he orders the doorkeeper to stay awake. |
35所以,你们要醒寤,因为你们不知道,家主什么时候回来:或许傍晚,或许夜半,或许鸡叫,或许清晨; | 35So stay awake, for you don't know when the Lord of the house will come, in the evening or at midnight, when the cock crows or before dawn. |
36免得他忽然来到,遇见你们正在睡觉。 | 36If he comes suddenly, do not let him catch you asleep. |
37我对你们说的,我也对众人说:你们要醒寤。」 | 37And what I say to you, I say to all: watch." |
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