玛窦福音:Chapter 23


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玛窦福音 Matthew
1那时,耶稣对民众和他的门徒讲论说: 1Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples:
2「经师和法利塞人坐在梅瑟的讲座上: 2"The teachers of the Law and the Pharisees sat on the seat of Moses.
3凡他们对你们所说的,你们要行要守;但不要照他们的行为去做,因为他们只说不做。 3So you shall do and observe all they say, but do not do as they do,
4他们把沉重而难以负荷的担子捆好,放在人的肩上,自己却不肯用一个指头动一下。 4for they do not do what they say. They tie up heavy burdens and load them on the shoulders of the people, but they do not even raise a finger to move them.
5他们所做的一切工作都是为叫人看;为此,他们把经匣放宽,衣䍁加长; 5They do everything in order to be seen by people; so they wear very wide bands of the Law around their foreheads, and robes with large tassels.
6他们又喜爱筵席上的首位,会堂中的上座; 6They enjoy the first place at feasts and reserved seats in the synagogues,
7喜爱人在街市上向他们致敬,称他们为『辣彼』。 7and being greeted in the marketplace and being called 'Master' by the people.
8至于你们,却不要被称为『辣彼』,因为你们的师傅只有一位,你们众人都是兄弟; 8But you, do not let yourselves be called Master because you have only one Master, and all of you are brothers and sisters.
9也不要在地上称人为你们的父,因为你们的父只有一位,就是天上的父。 9Neither should you call anyone on earth Father, because you have only one Father, he who is in heaven.
10你们也不要被称为导师,因为你们的导师只有一位,就是默西亚。 10Nor should you be called leader, because Christ is the only leader for you.
11你们中那最大的,该作你们的仆役。 11Let the greatest among you be the servant of all.
12凡高举自己的,必被贬抑;凡贬抑自己的,必被高举。」 12For whoever makes himself great shall be humbled, and whoever humbles himself shall be made great.
13「祸哉,你们经师和法利塞假善人!因为你们给人封闭了天国:你们不进去,也不让愿意进去的人进去。 13Therefore, woe to you, teachers of the Law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door to the kingdom of heaven in people's faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor do you allow others to do so.
14【祸哉,你们经师和法利塞假善人!因为你们吞没了寡妇的家产,而以长久的祈祷作掩饰,为此,你们必要遭受更重的处罚。】 14Woe to you, teachers of the Law and Pharisees, you hypocrites!
15祸哉,你们经师和法利塞假善人!因为你们走遍了海洋和陆地,为使一个人成为归依者;几时他成了,你们反而使他成为一个比你们加倍坏的『地狱之子』。 15You travel by sea and land to win a single convert, yet once he is converted, you turn him twice as fit for hell as yourselves.
16祸哉,你们瞎眼的向导!你们说:谁若指着圣所起誓,不算什么;但是谁若指着圣所的金子起誓,就该还愿。 16Woe to you, blind guides! You say: To swear by the Temple is not binding, but to swear by the treasure of the Temple is.
17又昏又瞎的人哪!究竟什么更贵重:是金子或是那使金子成圣的圣所? 17Blind fools! Which is of more worth? The gold in the Temple or the Temple which makes the gold a sacred treasure? You say:
18还有:谁若指着全燔祭坛起誓,不算什么;但是谁若指着那上面的供物起誓,就该还愿。 18To swear by the altar is not binding, but to swear by the offering on the altar is.
19瞎眼的人哪!究竟什么更贵重:是供物或是那使供物成圣的全燔祭坛? 19How blind you are! Which is of more value: the offering on the altar or the altar which makes the offering sacred?
20所以,那指着全燔祭坛起誓的,是指着它和那上面的一切起誓, 20Whoever swears by the altar is swearing by the altar and by everything on it.
21那指着圣所起誓的,是指着它和那住在它内的而起誓; 21Whoever swears by the Temple is swearing by it and by God who dwells in the Temple.
22那指着天起誓的,是指着天主的宝座和坐在上面的那位起誓。 22Whoever swears by heaven is swearing by the throne of God and by him who is seated on it.
23祸哉,你们经师和法利塞假善人!因为你们捐献十分之一的薄荷、茴香和莳萝,却放过了法律上最重要的公义、仁爱与信义;这些固然该作,那些也不可放过。 23Woe to you, teachers of the Law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You do not forget the mint, anise and cummin seeds when you pay the tenth of everything, but then you forget what is most fundamental in the Law: justice, mercy and faith. These you must practice, without neglecting the others.
24瞎眼的向导!你们滤出蚊蚋,却吞下了骆驼。 24Blind guides! You strain out a mosquito, but swallow a camel.
25祸哉,你们经师和法利塞假善人!因为你们洗擦杯盘的外面,里面却满是劫夺与贪欲。 25Woe to you, teachers of the Law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You fill the plate and the cup with theft and violence, and then pronounce a blessing over them.
26瞎眼的法利塞人!你先应清洁杯的里面,好叫它外面也成为清洁的。 26Blind Pharisee! Purify the inside first, then the outside too will be purified.
27祸哉,你们经师和法利塞假善人!因为你们好像用石灰刷白的坟墓:外面看来倒华丽,里面却满是死者的骨骸和各样的污秽。 27Woe to you, teachers of the Law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs beautiful in appearance, but inside there are only dead bones and uncleanness.
28同样,你们外面叫人看来倒像义人,你们里面却满是虚伪和不法。 28In the same way you appear as religious to others, but you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness within.
29祸哉,你们经师和法利塞假善人!因为你们修建先知的坟,装饰义人的墓, 29Woe to you, teachers of the Law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You build tombs for the prophets and decorate the monuments of the righteous.
30且说:假使我们生在我们祖先的时日,我们决不是他们流先知血的伙伴; 30You say: Had we lived in the time of our ancestors, we would not have joined them in the blood of prophets.
31这样你们自己作证,你们是那些残杀先知者的子孙了。 31So, you yourselves confess to be kins of those who murdered the prophets.
32你们就来补足你们祖先作恶的尺度罢! 32And now, finish off what your ancestors began!
33蛇啊!毒蛇的种类,你们怎能逃避地狱的处罚? 33Serpents, race of vipers! How can you escape condemnation to hell?
34为此,看!我打发先知、贤哲和经师到你们这里来,其中有的你们要杀死,有的你们要钉死,有的你们要在你们的会堂中鞭打,有的你们要由一城市追逼到另一城市, 34And so I am sending you prophets, sages and teachers, but you will murder and crucify them, and flog others in the synagogues or drive them from one city to another.
35好叫流在地上的一切义人的血,自义人亚伯尔的血,直到你们曾在圣所与全燔祭坛间,所杀的贝勒基雅的儿子则加黎雅的血,都归到你们身上。 35Because of this you will be accountable for all the innocent blood that has been shed on the earth, from the blood of upright Abel to the blood of Zechariah, son of Barachiah, whom you murdered between the altar and the Sanctuary.
36我实在告诉你们:这一切都要归到这一代人身上。」 36Truly, I say to you: the present generation will pay for all this.
37「耶路撒冷!耶路撒冷!你常残杀先知,用石头砸死那些派遣到你这里来的人。我多少次愿意聚集你的子女,有如母鸡把自己的幼雏聚集在翅膀底下,但你却不愿意! 37Jerusalem, Jerusalem! You murder the prophets and stone those sent to you by God. How often would I have gathered your children together, just as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you refused!
38你看罢!你们的房屋必给你们留下一片荒凉。 38Now you will be left with an empty Temple.
39因为我告诉你们:自今以后,你们断不能再看见我,直到你们说:因上主之名而来的,当受赞颂!」 39I tell you that you will no longer see me until you say: "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!"
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