米该亚:Chapter 4
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米该亚 | Micah |
1到末日,上主的圣殿山必要矗立在群山之上,超乎一切山岳,万民都要向它涌来; | 1In the last days, the mountain of Yahweh's house shall be set over the highest mountains and will tower over the hills. |
2将有许多民族前来说:「来,我们攀登上主的圣山,往雅各伯天主的殿里去!他必指示我们他的道路,教给我们循行他的途径,因为法律将出自熙雍,上主的话将出自耶路撒冷。」 | 2All the nations will stream to it, saying, "Come, let us go to the mountain of Yahweh, to the house of the God of Jacob, so he may teach us his ways and we may walk in his paths. For the Teaching comes from Zion and from Jerusalem the word of Yahweh." |
3他将统治万民,为远处的强国宣布定案;他们必要把自己的刀剑铸成锄头,将自己的枪矛制成镰刀;民族与民族不再持刀相向,人也不再学习武斗; | 3He will rule over the nations and settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not raise sword against nation; neither will they train for war any more. |
4各人只坐在自家葡萄树和无花果树下,无人来惊扰,因为万军的上主亲口说了。 | 4But each one will sit in peace and freedom under a fig tree or a vine of his own, for the mouth of Yahweh of hosts has spoken. |
5虽然万民各奉自己神祇之名而生活,但是我们却永远奉上主我们天主之名而生活。 | 5While peoples walk, each in the name of his god, we shall walk in the name of Yahweh, our God, forever and ever. |
6到那一日──上主的断语──我要聚集跛行的人,集合被驱散和我所磨难的人; | 6Yahweh declares, "On that day I will assemble the lame and gather the banished, those whom I have afflicted. |
7我必使跛行的人成为遗民,使离散的人成为强大的民族。从今以后,我,上主要在熙雍山上作他们的君王,以至永远。 | 7I will make the lame a remnant and those driven out a mighty nation. Yahweh will reign over them on Zion from now and forever. |
8你这羊群的守望台,熙雍女子的高岗,昔日的王权必再归于你,耶路撒冷女子的王国必再来临。 | 8As for you, O watchtower of the flock, O city of Zion, city of the king, your former dominion will be restored, the kingdom of the daughter of Jerusalem. |
9现在你为什么高呼?难道你中间没有了君王,或者你的参议已丧亡,令你痛苦,像临产的妇女? | 9Now, why do you wail? Would it be that you have no king and your counselor has perished? Why are you in anguish like a woman in labor? |
10熙雍女子,你应辗转呻吟,像个临产的妇女,因为现在你应出城,住在田野,并且要到巴比伦去,在那里你将获救;在那里,上主你的天主,要从你仇敌手中把你赎回。 | 10Writhe and howl, O daughter of Zion, like a woman in labor, for now you must leave the city and camp in the open country. To Babylon you must go; there you shall be rescued and Yahweh will redeem you from the hand of your enemies. |
11现在许多异族集合起来攻击你说:「愿她赤身裸体!愿我们亲眼见到熙雍灭亡!」 | 11But now many nations are massed against you; they say, "Let Jerusalem be defiled, let our eyes gloat over Zion." |
12但是,他们不知道上主的心意,不明白他的策略,原来是上主集合了他们,如把禾捆收集在禾场上一样。 | 12But they do not know Yahweh's thoughts, nor do they understand his purpose: that he has gathered them like sheaves on the threshing floor. |
13熙雍女子,起来打场罢!因为我要使你的角变成铁角,使你的蹄变成铜蹄,使你踏碎许多民族;你将把他们的战利品奉献给上主,将他们的财宝奉献给全地的主宰。 | 13Arise and thresh, O Zion, for I will give you horns of iron and hooves of bronze, and you shall crush many peoples. You shall devote their plundered wealth to Yahweh, their treasures to the Lord of the whole earth. |
14被围攻的女子,现在你要抓伤己身,他们已围困住我们,用棍杖击打以色列民长的面颊。 | 14Strengthen the walls of your fortress, for they have laid siege against us. With a rod they want to strike the cheek of Israel's ruler. |
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