米该亚:Chapter 7


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米该亚 Micah
1我有祸了!因为我变成了一个夏季搜摘果实,采集残余葡萄的人,却没有一粒葡萄可吃,也没有我心所想望的早熟的无花果。 1How I sorrow! For I am like the gatherer of summer fruit, like the gleaner of the vintage, when there are no grapes to eat, none of the early figs I crave.
2虔敬人从地上消逝了,人间竟没有一个正直人;人人都潜伏着要流人血,各以罗网猎取自己的弟兄。 2The godly have vanished from the earth and not one upright man is to be found. All lie in ambush to shed blood, one hunts another with a net.
3他们的手善于作恶,官员贪求贿赂,法官勒索酬金,权贵只随自己的心愿发言,他们颠倒了一切。 3Their hands are skilled at doing evil. The official demands a bribe, the judge judges for a price and the mighty decides as he pleases.
4他们中最好的人也不过相似荆棘,最正直的人也不过相似有刺的篱笆。你的守望者所宣布的惩罚之日已经到了;现在他们必要惊惶。 4Their kindness is like a brier, their justice worse than a thorn hedge. But the time of punishment has come, and now is the time of confusion.
5你们不要信赖邻里,不要依靠朋友,连对躺在你怀中的妻子,你也要坚守口舌, 5Do not rely on a friend nor trust an intimate companion. Be guarded in speech with the woman who shares your bed.
6因为儿子要侮辱自己的父亲,女儿要反抗自己的母亲,儿媳要违抗自己的婆母:人的仇敌就是自己的家人。 6For son treats father like a fool, daughter rebels against mother, daughter-in-law against mother-in-law. The enemies of each one are those of his household.
7至于我,我要仰赖上主,寄望于拯救我的天主;我的天主必要俯听我。 7As for me, I will watch expectantly for Yahweh, waiting hopefully for the God who saves me. My God will hear me.
8我的仇敌!你不要因我遭难而高兴;我虽然跌倒,必再起来;我虽坐在黑暗中,但上主是我的光明。 8Do not rejoice over me, my enemy; though I have fallen, I will rise again. Though I now dwell in darkness, Yahweh is my light.
9因为我得罪了上主,我必须承当上主的义怒,直到他审断我的案件,为我主持公道时,他必领我进入光明,我必能目睹他的正义。 9I will bear the wrath of Yahweh - for I have sinned against him - while he examines my cause and defends my rights. Then he will bring me out to the light and I shall probe his justice.
10我的仇敌见了,必然蒙受羞辱,因为他曾对我说:「上主你的天主在那里?」我的眼必要看见他,有如街上的污泥被人践踏。 10Then my enemy shall also see and shame will cover her. Did she not say, "Where is Yahweh, your God?" My eyes, then, shall rejoice: See how she is trampled like mud in the street!
11必有一天,要重建你的城垣;那一天,你的地界必要扩展; 11The day is coming when your walls will be rebuilt and your boundaries extended.
12那一天,从亚述到埃及,从提洛到幼发拉的河,从这海到那海,从这山到那山的人民,都要向你归来; 12On that day they will come to you from Assyria to Egypt, from Tyre to the Euphrates, from sea to sea and from mountain to mountain,
13但其余的地域,必因其中居民行为的恶果,变为一片荒凉。 13while the earth will remain desolate because of its citizens and their deeds.
14上主,求你拿你的牧杖牧放你的人民 ── 独留在草莽中,在田园间,作你基业的羊群;让他们在巴商和基肋阿得获得豢养,一如昔日。 14Shepherd your people with your staff, shepherd the flock of your inheritance that dwells alone in the scrub, in the midst of a fertile land. Let them feed in Bashan and Gilead
15上主,让我们一如在你出离埃及的时日内,见到奇蹟; 15as in the days of old, in the days when you went out of Egypt. Show us your wonders.
16让异民见了,感到自己一筹莫展,深自惭愧,用手掩口,双耳变聋。 16On seeing this the nations will be put to shame in the midst of all their might. People will lay their hands upon their mouths and they will not believe the news.
17他们将舔土如蛇,像地上爬行的爬虫,战战兢兢地从他们的洞穴里爬出来,向你,上主我们的天主,表示尊敬敬畏。 17They shall lick the dust like snakes, like creatures that crawl upon the ground. They will come trembling out of their strongholds; they will be in fear of you.
18那里有神相似你,赦免罪恶,宽宥他的基业 ── 遗民的过错,不坚持愤怒于永远,反而喜爱仁慈? 18Who is a god like you, who takes away guilt and pardons crime for the remnant of his inheritance? Who is like you whose anger does not last? For you delight in merciful forgiveness.
19你必再怜悯我们,将我们的邪恶踏于足下,将我们的一切罪过投入海底。 19Once again you will show us your loving kindness and trample on our wrongs, casting all our sins into the depths of the sea.
20你必按照你昔日向我们祖先所发了的誓,对雅各伯表示忠信,对亚巴郎施行仁慈。 20Show faithfulness to Jacob, mercy to Abraham, as you have sworn to our ancestors from the days of old.
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