厄斯德拉下:Chapter 13


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厄斯德拉下 Nehemiah
1那日,当着民众宣读《梅瑟书》时,人们听到书中写着说:「永远不准阿孟人和摩阿布人,加入天主的会众, 1At that time, the book of the Law of Moses was read in the presence of the people, and they found this written in it: "The Ammonite and Moabite will never enter the assembly of God,
2因为他们没有携带饮食欢迎以色列子民,反贿赂巴郎诅咒他们,我们的天主却将诅咒转为祝福。」 2for they did not welcome the sons of Israel with bread and water. They gave money to Balaam to curse them, but our God turned their curse into a blessing."
3民众一听了这法律,便将各外族由以色列人中隔绝。 3When they heard this Law, they excluded from Israel all those of foreign descent.
4这事以前,厄肋雅史布司祭,曾被派管理我们天主圣殿的仓库,他是托彼雅的亲信, 4Before this, the priest Eliashib had been caretaker of the chambers of the House of God. Since he was related to Tobiah,
5遂为托彼雅准备了一所大仓房,以前其中是存放供物、乳香、器具,以及肋未人、歌咏者和守门者按法律所应得的什一之谷、酒和油,并司祭所应得的供物。 5he had allotted to him a spacious chamber which used to be the storage room for the offerings, incense, utensils, tithes of the wheat, wine and oil, that is, for what belonged to the Levites, singers and gatekeepers, and the contributions for the priests.
6发生这一切事时,我不曾在耶路撒冷,因为在巴比伦王阿塔薛西斯三十二年,我已回到君王那里;满了一个时期以后,我又求得君王准许, 6I was not in Jerusalem when this happened, because in the thirty-second year of Artaxerxes, king of Babylon, I had gone to see the king. Then after some time, the king allowed me to return.
7回了耶路撒冷;此时我才发觉出,厄肋雅史布为托彼雅所行的坏事,为他在天主圣殿的庭院中,准备了一所大仓房。 7I returned to Jerusalem and I was informed of the evil Eliashib had done just to please Tobiah, allotting to him a chamber inside the court to the House of God.
8我感觉十分难受,立即将托彼雅的一切器物,抛出仓房之外, 8This made me very angry. So I threw all of Tobiah's furniture out of the chamber and
9下命清洁那仓房,将天主圣殿的器具、供物和乳香仍放在里面。 9ordered the chamber to be purified, and had the utensils of the House of God, the offerings and the incense put back in place.
10我还发觉肋未人应得之分,人们已不缴纳,为此供职的肋未人和歌咏者,各回了本乡。 10I also learned that the portions were not given to the Levites. And because of this, the Levites and the singers in charge of the ceremonies had gone back to their fields.
11我便责斥首长们说:「为什么又将天主的圣殿忽略了呢?」以后我将肋未人召集起来,又恢复了他们的职务。 11I was angry with the counselors and said to them, "Why is the House of God abandoned?" Then I gathered together the Levites and the singers, and sent them back to work according to their respective duties.
12那时,全犹大又将什一之谷、酒和油送入仓房。 12With this, all the Jews turned over to the storehouses the tenth part of their wheat, wine and oil.
13我派定了舍肋米雅司祭、匝多克经师和肋未人培达雅,作管理仓库的人;委任玛塔尼雅的孙子,匝雇尔的儿子哈南,作他们的助手,都是忠实可靠的人;他们的职务是将什一之物,分给他们的兄弟。 13I entrusted the administration of the storehouses to the priest Shelemiah, to the teacher of the Law Zadok, to the Levite Pedaiah, and to Hanan, son of Zaccur, as assistant. I appointed them since they were regarded as responsible men. Their work consisted in distributing the food to their brothers.
14我的天主,为了这事,请记忆我!不要抹去我对我天主的圣殿,和其中的礼仪所做的一切善事。 14My God, remember the things I have done. Do not forget the good works I did for your House and its ceremonies.
15那时我在犹大,看见有人在安息日踏榨酒池,搬运禾綑,驮在驴上,并把酒、葡萄、无花果和其他各种重载,在安息日运到耶路撒冷;为了他们在此日买卖应用品,我曾警戒了他们。 15In those days, I found men of Judah working in the winepress on the sabbath. Others took sheaves of wheat and loaded them on their asses together with wine, grapes, figs and every kind of produce they wanted to bring into Jerusalem on the sabbath day. I reprimanded them as they were selling their produce.
16有住在这里的提洛人,运来鱼和各种货物,安息日还在耶路撒冷卖给犹太人, 16Some Tyrians who had settled in Jerusalem brought in fish and every sort of merchandise to sell to the Jews on the Sabbath day.
17我遂责斥有权势的犹太人说:「你们怎么行这样的坏事,亵渎安息日呢, 17So I reprimanded the leaders of Judah, saying to them, "You have done great evil by not respecting the sabbath day.
18你们的祖先不是曾这样行事,而使我们的天主,加给了我们和这城这一切灾祸吗?现今你们亵渎安息日,还要义怒再多加在以色列人身上吗?」 18When your fathers did not observe the sabbath, our God brought all those misfortunes on us and on this city. You increase the wrath of God against Israel by not respecting his sabbaths."
19所以在安息日前一天,阴影一来到耶路撒冷城门,我就下令关闭城门,不准开门,直到安息日过去;并派我的仆役守门,安息日不准任何重载运进。 19So I ordered that as the shadows were falling on the gates of Jerusalem in the evening before the sabbath, the gates were to be closed and not to be opened until after the sabbath was over. Moreover, I also stationed some of my men by the gates so that no goods would be brought in on the sabbath day.
20有一两次,贩夫和卖各种货物的商人,在耶路撒冷外过夜; 20Once or twice, some merchants who sold every kind of merchandise spent the night outside Jerusalem,
21我警告他们说:「你们为什么在城垣前过夜?若是你们再这样做,我就要向你们下手」,从此以后,安息日他们不敢再来。 21but I warned them, saying, "Why do you spend the night by the wall? Do this again, and I shall use force against you." From then on, they did not return any more on the sabbath day.
22我也命令肋未人先圣洁自己,然后去看守城门,为圣化圣日。我的天主,为了这事也请你记忆我!照你的大仁慈怜恤我! 22I also ordered the Levites to purify themselves and to come and guard the gates in order to sanctify the sabbath. For this, too, remember me, my God, and have pity on me according to your great mercy.
23那时,我还发現好些犹太人,娶了阿市多得、阿孟和摩阿布人的女子为妻。 23In those days, I also saw that some Jews had remarried Ashdodite, Ammonite and Moabite women,
24他们的儿子,有一半只会说阿市多得话,或这些民族的一种语言,而不会讲犹太话。 24and half of their children spoke Ashdodite and did not know our own language.
25我遂责斥咒骂这样的男人,其中一些我还打了他们,扯了他们的头发,叫他们指着天主起誓,向他们说:「你们不可再把你们的女儿,嫁给他们的儿子,也不可再为你们的儿子并为你们自己,娶他们的女儿。 25I reprimanded them and cursed them; I had some of them flogged and tore out their hair, and made them swear in the name of Yahweh, saying to them: "You shall not marry your daughters to the sons of those people, nor take any of their daughters as wife, neither you nor your sons.
26以色列的君王撒罗满,岂不是在这事上犯了罪吗?在这样多民族中,没有一个相似他的君王,他又是天主所爱的,天主使他成为全以色列的君王,但是外方女子竟引他犯了罪。 26Did Solomon, king of Israel, not sin in this? Among the many nations, there had not been a king like him. He was loved by God, and God made him king of all Israel. But foreign women also made him sin.
27我们岂能任凭你们行这一切大坏事,娶外方妇女,背弃天主吗?」 27Will it also be said of you that you committed the same grave crime by rebelling against our God in marrying foreign women?"
28大司祭厄肋雅史布的儿子约雅达,有个儿子是曷龙人桑巴拉特的女婿,我便驱逐他离开我。 28I also sent away from my side one of the sons of Jehoiada, son of the high priest Eliashib, who was the son-in-law of Sanballat, the Horonite.
29我的天主,请记住他们!因为他们亵渎了司祭的品位,破坏了司祭和肋未的誓约。 29Remember this people, my God, for they defiled the priesthood and your covenant with the priests and Levites.
30如此我清除了一切异类,整顿了司祭和肋未人的职守,规定了各人应尽的任务, 30So I purified them from everything foreign. And I established regulations for the priests and the Levites, defining the tasks of everyone.
31划定了奉献木柴和什一之物的时期。我的天主!求你记忆我使我蒙福! 31I also fixed the time for the wood offering and for the firstfruits. Remember me, my God, for my good!
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