箴言:Chapter 11


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箴言 Proverbs
1上主深恶假秤,却喜爱法码准确。 1Yahweh detests a false scale but a just weight pleases him.
2傲慢来到,耻辱随后而至;智慧只与谦逊人相处。 2Disgrace always accompanies pride; wisdom resides with the humble.
3正直的人,以正义为领导;背义的人,必为邪恶所毁灭。 3Honesty illumines the path of the upright; but the corrupt are confounded by their own evil.
4在上主盛怒之日,财富毫无用途;只有正义,能救人免于死亡。 4On the day of vengeance riches will prove useless but honest living will save from death.
5完人的正义,为他修平道路;恶人必因自己的邪恶而颠仆。 5The virtuous man's integrity smooths his way, while the wicked man falls by his own evil.
6正直的人,将因自己的正义而获救;奸诈的人,反为自己的恶计所连累。 6Upright living saves the virtuous while evildoers are caught in their own greed.
7恶人一死,他的希望尽成泡影;同样,奸匪的期待也全然消失。 7The hope of the wicked is buried with them and their trust in riches is of no avail.
8义人得免患难,恶人反来顶替。 8The upright will escape from distress; a wicked man will take his place.
9假善人以口舌,伤害自己的近人;义人因有知识,却得以保全。 9The godless man uses his mouth to destroy his neighbor but the virtuous use their wisdom to save themselves.
10几时义人幸运,全城欢腾;几时恶人灭亡,欢声四起。 10The city rejoices in the good fortune of the upright and delights in the ruin of the wicked.
11义人的祝福,使城市兴隆;恶人的口舌,使城市倾覆。 11A city is raised on the blessing of honest men and destroyed by the mouth of the wicked.
12嘲弄自己朋友的人,毫无识趣;有见识的人,必沉默寡言。 12Whoever mocks his neighbor is a fool; the wise man chooses silence.
13往来传话的人,必泄漏秘密;心地诚朴的人,方能不露实情。 13The gossip reveals secrets, but the trustworthy man keeps a secret.
14人民缺乏领导,势必衰弱,人民的得救,正在于谋士众多。 14Lack of guidance leads to a nation's decline whereas numerous counselors bring success.
15为外人作保的,必自讨苦吃;厌恶作保的,必自享安全。 15He who stands bail for a stranger harms himself; he who avoids going bail will be safe.
16淑德的妇女,必为丈夫取得光荣;恼恨正义的妇女,正是一耻辱的宝座;懒散的人失落自己的财物,勤谨的人反取得财富。 16A gracious woman wins renown, and bold men acquire riches.
17为人慈善,是造福己身;残酷的人,反自伤己命。 17The generous man does himself a favor while a cruel man wounds his own flesh.
18恶人所赚得的工资,是空虚的;播种正义者的报酬,才是真实的。 18The pay of the wicked is an illusion; while the upright man reaps a sure reward.
19恆行正义,必走向生命;追求邪恶,必自趋丧亡。 19Upright living leads to life but the way of evil leads to death.
20上主憎恶心邪的人,喜悦举止无瑕的人。 20Yahweh detests the corrupt of heart but loves those whose life is upright.
21恶人始终不能逃避惩罚,义人的后裔必获得拯救。 21Be assured that the wicked will not go unpunished, and the sons of the virtuous will be saved.
22女人美丽而不精明,犹如套在猪鼻上的金环。 22The pretty woman without discretion is like a gold ring in the snout of a pig.
23义人的心愿必获善报;恶人的希望终归破灭。 23The upright desire nothing but good; the desires of the wicked are in vain.
24有人慷慨好施,反更富有;有人过于吝啬,反更贫穷。 24Those who are generous increase their riches; others are misers and impoverish themselves.
25慈善为怀的人,必得富裕;施惠于人的人,必蒙施惠。 25The warmhearted soul will prosper; he who waters will himself be watered.
26屯积粮食的人,必受人民咀咒;祝福却降在卖粮食者的头上。 26He who hoards wheat is cursed by the people; blessed is he who sells his seeds.
27慕求美善的,必求得恩宠;追求邪恶的,邪恶必临其身。 27Yahweh rewards the one who seeks good; but he who pursues evil will be caught by it.
28信赖自己财富的人,必至衰落;义人却茂盛有如绿叶。 28He who trusts in riches will stumble; while the upright will flourish like leaves.
29危害自己家庭的,必承受虚幻;愚昧的人,必作心智者的奴隶。 29Whoever mismanages his house will inherit only wind; the fool will end up a slave of the wise.
30义人的果实是生命树,智慧的人能夺取人心。 30The fruit of the upright is a tree of life while the wicked are uprooted before their time.
31看义人在地上还遭受报复,恶人和罪人更将如何? 31If here on earth the upright get their due, how much more the wicked and the sinner!
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