箴言:Chapter 12
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箴言 | Proverbs |
1喜爱受教的人,必喜爱智慧;憎恨规劝的人,真是糊涂。 | 1He who loves discipline, loves knowledge; foolish is he who rejects correction. |
2善心的人,必得上主喜悦;心术邪恶的人,必受降罚。 | 2The good man wins the favor of Yahweh who condemns the one of evil schemes. |
3没有人作恶而能稳立,惟有义人的根基永不动摇。 | 3No man is made secure by evil but nothing undermines the roots of the upright. |
4贤能的妻子,是她丈夫的冠冕;无耻的妻子,宛如丈夫骨中的腐蚀。 | 4A good wife is her husband's crown while the shameless woman is like a cancer in his bones. |
5义人思念公正,恶人计划诡谲。 | 5The plans of the upright are honest and the plottings of the wicked deceitful. |
6恶人的言谈,是流血的陷阱;义人的口舌,设法搭救他人。 | 6The words of the wicked are mortal snares but the virtuous refute and elude them. |
7恶人一旦倾覆,便不复存在;义人的家室,却得以久存。 | 7The evildoers are thrown down and are no more; but the house of the virtuous will never crumble. |
8人凭自己的识见,获得赞美;但心地邪僻的人,必受轻视。 | 8Everyone is praised in proportion to his prudence; while the corrupt of heart will be met with contempt. |
9一个自给自足的平民,比爱排场而缺食的人,更为可贵。 | 9Better to be a common man and have a servant than to feel oneself great and run short of bread. |
10义人珍惜禽兽的生命,恶人的心肠残忍刻薄。 | 10The upright man looks after his animals but the wicked are heartless. |
11自耕其地的人,必得饱食;追求虚幻的人,实属愚昧。 | 11He who cultivates the earth will have his fill of bread, while the fool chases after illusions. |
12邪恶的想望,是恶人的罗网;义人的根基,却永不动摇。 | 12The desires of the wicked produce evil, but the roots of the virtuous produce fruit. |
13恶人失口,自寻苦恼;义人却能幸免受累。 | 13The wicked man is entangled in his own lies, but the virtuous man will be saved from misfortune. |
14人必饱尝自己口舌的果实,必按自己的行为获得报应。 | 14Those who meditates on wisdom will attain all that is good; each one is rewarded according to the works of his hands. |
15愚昧的人,常以为自己的道路正直;但明智的人,却常听从劝告。 | 15The fool considers his way right while the wise man listens to advice. |
16愚昧的人,立时显出自己的愤怒;机智的人,却忍辱而不外露。 | 16The fool shows his annoyance immediately, but the discreet man overlooks an insult. |
17吐露真情,是彰显正义;作假见证,是自欺欺人。 | 17The trustworthy witness leads to the truth, and the liar to confusion. |
18出言不慎,有如利刃伤人;智者的口,却常疗癒他人。 | 18The one who speaks thoughtlessly pierces like a sword; but the words of the wise bring healing. |
19讲实话的唇舌,永垂不朽;说谎话的舌头,瞬息即逝。 | 19Truthful words endure forever but lies, for only a moment. |
20图谋恶事的,心怀欺诈;策划和平的,必得喜乐, | 20Deceit dwells in the heart of the schemer, happiness in those who pursue peace. |
21义人常无往不利,恶人却备受灾殃。 | 21No misfortune will befall the virtuous but the wicked will have their fill of troubles. |
22欺诈的唇舌,为上主所深恶;行事诚实的,才为他所中悦。 | 22Yahweh hates the lips of liars and loves those who speak the truth. |
23机智的人,使自己的才学深藏不露;心中愚昧的人,只会彰显自己的愚蠢。 | 23The discreet man conceals his wisdom while fools make public their nonsense. |
24勤劳的手,必要掌权;懒慢的手,只有服役。 | 24The hardworking hand will rule; and the lazy will have to obey. |
25忧郁使人心消沉,良言使人心快活。 | 25Intense grief depresses the heart while a friendly word makes it glad. |
26义人给自己的友伴指示道路,恶人的行动却引人误入歧途。 | 26The just man guides his neighbor while the way of the wicked leads them astray. |
27懒惰的人,无米为炊;勤劳的人,腰缠万贯。 | 27The lazy hand will have no game to cook: being industrious is the secret of wealth. |
28正义的路,导向生命;邪恶的路,引人丧亡。 | 28Life is to be found on the path of virtue, the way of the wicked leads to death. |
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