箴言:Chapter 13
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箴言 | Proverbs |
1智慧之子,听从父亲的教训;轻狂的人,不听任何人规劝。 | 1An intelligent son listens to his father's advice, but a mocker listens to no correction. |
2义人必饱尝自己口舌的果实,恶人的欲望只有饱食强暴。 | 2A man can taste goodness from the fruit of his own mouth, but the treacherous feed on violence. |
3谨口慎言,方能自保性命;信口开河,终必自取灭亡。 | 3He who guards his mouth preserves his life, the constant talker is lost. |
4懒人虽常盼望,却一无所得;勤劳的人,却常如愿以偿。 | 4The lazy man hopes but his desires are in vain, whereas hard workers have their desires fulfilled. |
5义人憎恶谎言,恶人令人可憎可恶。 | 5The upright man hates lying words but the evildoer slanders and defames. |
6正义保卫行为正直的人,邪恶却使罪人灭亡。 | 6Virtue protects men of honest life; while sin brings ruin to the wicked. |
7有人自充富人,其实一贫如洗;有人佯作穷人,其实腰缠万贯。 | 7One pretends to be rich but has nothing, another, of great wealth, feigns poverty. |
8富人的钱财只是性命的赎价,穷人却没有这样的威胁。 | 8A man's wealth lets him ransom his life but the poor man has nothing with which to do so. |
9义人的光明,必要高升;恶人的灯火,势必熄灭。 | 9The light of the virtuous is bright, the lamp of the godless is extinguished. |
10傲慢只有引起争端,虚心受教的人才有智慧。 | 10Arrogance only brings trouble; wisdom is found in those who take advice. |
11傥来之物,容易消逝;经久积存,日渐增多。 | 11Sudden riches will decrease, he who gathers little by little will be enriched. |
12希望迟不兑现,令人心神烦恼;愿望获得满足,像株生命树。 | 12Delayed hope makes the heart languish, but desire fulfilled is a tree of life. |
13谁轻视法令,必遭灭亡;谁敬畏诫命,必得安全。 | 13The one who scorns teaching will be in want, those who respect the commandment will be rewarded. |
14智慧人的教训是生命的泉源,人可赖以脱免死亡的罗网。 | 14The wise man's teaching is a life-giving fountain for escaping the snares of death. |
15明哲的规劝,使人蒙恩,残暴人的举止,粗鲁蛮横。 | 15Prudent intelligence wins favor, the way of liars leads nowhere. |
16精明的人,常按理智行事;愚昧的人,只自夸其糊涂。 | 16Every prudent man acts with reflection, the fool parades his stupidity. |
17奸侫的使者,使人陷于灾祸;忠诚的使者,给人带来安和。 | 17A wicked messenger falls on misfortune, the reliable one brings healing. |
18拒绝规劝的,必遭贫苦羞辱;接受惩戒的,反要受人尊敬。 | 18Poverty and shame to the one who rejects correction; honor to him who accepts rebuke. |
19愿望获得满足,能使心灵愉快;远离邪恶,却为愚昧人所深恶。 | 19Desire fulfilled is sweet to the soul; but fools spurn rejection of evil. |
20与智慧人往来,可成智慧人;与愚昧人作伴,必受其连累。 | 20Walk with the wise and you will gain wisdom; those who befriend fools become wicked. |
21恶运追踪罪人,义人却得善报。 | 21Misfortune hounds the sinner, while the upright abound in good fortune. |
22善人为子子孙孙留下产业,罪人的财富是为义人积蓄。 | 22A good man's inheritance is for his children's children, a sinner's wealth will be kept for the virtuous. |
23穷人开垦的田地,生产大量食物;谁若缺乏正义,定不免于灭亡。 | 23The tillage of the poor supplies food, while others perish because of their lack of righteousness. |
24不肯使用棍杖的人,实是恨自己的儿子,真爱儿子的人,必时加以惩罚。 | 24Unloved is the child whom the father hates to punish; the loving father frequently corrects. |
25义人必得饱食,恶人无以果腹。 | 25The upright man eats his fill, while the stomach of the wicked goes hungry. |
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