箴言:Chapter 14
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箴言 | Proverbs |
1智慧的妇女,足以兴家;愚昧的妇女,亲手将家拆毁。 | 1Wisdom builds her house, foolishness destroys it with her own hands. |
2履行正路的人,敬畏上主;爱走曲径的人,轻视上主。 | 2Upright living is fear of Yahweh, but he who is devious in his ways scorns him. |
3愚昧人口中,有傲慢的根苗;智慧人的唇舌,是自己的保障。 | 3From the fool's mouth comes the rod of his pride, the wise man's lips protect him. |
4没有耕牛,没有五谷;耕牛愈雄壮,收获愈丰富。 | 4Where there's no oxen, there's no wheat, in the oxen's strength there's abundant harvest. |
5忠实的证人,决不说谎;虚伪的证人,谎言连篇。 | 5The truthful witness does not lie; the false witness breathes deceit. |
6轻狂人求智,只属徒然;明智人求知,却很容易。 | 6The mocker searches for wisdom in vain; knowledge comes easily to the discreet man. |
7你应远离愚昧的人,由他口中决得不到明哲。 | 7Keep away from the fool for you will find no wisdom in his words. |
8明智人的智慧,在于审察自己的行径;愚昧人的昏愚,在于自欺欺人。 | 8The wisdom of the discreet man lies in guarding his conduct, but the foolishness of fools is full of deceit. |
9罪孽住在愚昧人中,恩爱与正直人为伍。 | 9Fools never make amends, while goodwill dwells among the upright. |
10心头的愁苦,惟有自己知;心中的喜乐,他人无分享。 | 10The heart understands its own grief; no stranger can share in its joy. |
11邪僻人的家庭,必遭破坏;正直人的帐幕,却要兴隆。 | 11The house of the wicked will be destroyed, but the tent of the upright will stand firm. |
12有些道路,看来正直;走到尽头,却是死路。 | 12To one, his way appears correct, but in the end it leads to death. |
13连在欢笑中,心亦有感伤;欢笑的结局,往往是痛苦。 | 13The heart feels pain in the midst of laughter, and joy ends in sorrow. |
14变心的人,必自尝其果;良善的人,必得其善报。 | 14The reckless man reaps the fruit of his ways; the good man will earn reward. |
15幼稚的人,有话必信;明智的人,步步谨慎。 | 15The simpleton believes all he's told, the prudent man watches his step. |
16智慧人戒避邪恶,愚昧人骄矜自负。 | 16The wise man fears and avoids evil, the fool goes near and feels safe. |
17易怒的人,做事昏愚;慎思的人,事事含忍。 | 17The angry man does foolish things, the crafty man makes himself hated. |
18愚昧的人,以愚昧为基业;明智的人,以知识为冠冕。 | 18Foolishness is the inheritance of fools, the prudent choose wisdom as their crown. |
19歹徒将伏在善人面前,恶人将跪在义人门前。 | 19The wicked shall kneel before the good, and the godless, before the gates of the virtuous. |
20贫穷的人,为亲朋所厌;富贵的人,则高朋满座。 | 20The poor man is detestable even to his neighbor while the rich man has many friends. |
21藐视近人,便是犯罪;怜悯苦人,才是有福。 | 21A sinner is he who looks down on his neighbor, happy is he who shows pity to the poor. |
22阴谋邪恶的人,岂非走入歧途?策划行善的人,必获慈惠忠诚。 | 22Does evil plotting not lead to ruin? Do goodness and sincerity not belong to those devoted to good? |
23一切劳苦,皆有利益;只有闲谈,引人贫穷。 | 23Hard work yields a profit but the idler brings misfortune. |
24智慧人的冠冕,是他们的机智;愚昧人的冠冕,是他们的糊涂。 | 24Wealth is the wise man's crown, foolishness the diadem of fools. |
25忠实的见证,救人性命;作假证的人,危害他人。 | 25A truthful witness saves lives; he who lies will be lost. |
26敬畏上主,是稳固的靠山;为他的子孙,也是个避难所。 | 26There is great security in the fear of Yahweh, his sons find refuge in him. |
27敬畏上主,是生命的泉源,使人脱免死亡的罗网。 | 27The fear of Yahweh is a life-giving fountain for escaping the snares of death. |
28人民众多,是君王的光荣;庶民缺少,是王侯的没落。 | 28Numerous people are a king's glory; lack of subjects ruins a prince. |
29缓于发怒的人,必甚有见识;脾气暴躁的人,必大显愚昧。 | 29The discerning man is slow to anger, the impatient one displays stupidity. |
30心平气和,使身体康健;心怀嫉忌,使骨骸腐蚀。 | 30A peaceful heart is the body's life but the passions are a cancer in the bones. |
31欺压穷人的,就是凌辱他的造主;怜恤苦人的,就是尊敬他的造主。 | 31Oppression of the weak insults their creator, he is honored by those who have compassion on the needy. |
32恶人因自己的邪恶,必被毁灭;义人因自己的正义,有所凭借。 | 32The evildoer is overthrown by his own evil, the upright man feels safe up to death. |
33智慧居於哲人的心中,愚人的怀中一无所见。 | 33Wisdom resides in the heart of the discerning; who ever sees her among fools? |
34正义能以兴邦立国,罪恶却使人民衰落。 | 34Virtue makes a nation great; the sinner disgraces a people. |
35明哲的臣仆,蒙受君王的宠幸;无用的臣仆,必遭君王的盛怒。 | 35The clever servant enjoys the king's favor but the fool has to suffer his anger. |
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