箴言:Chapter 16


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箴言 Proverbs
1内心策划在于人,应允却在于上主。 1Man's heart makes plans but it is Yahweh who answers.
2对自己的行为,人都自觉无瑕;但审察心灵的,却是上主。 2Although people are satisfied with all of their deeds Yahweh considers the motives.
3将你的作为委托于上主,这样你的计划必会成功。 3Entrust all you do to Yahweh and your plans will be realized.
4上主所造的各有其用意,连恶人也有不幸的一日。 4Yahweh made everything for a purpose, even the evildoer for the day of punishment.
5居心傲慢的,上主必厌恶;这一类的人,逃不掉惩罚。 5Yahweh hates the arrogant heart; you can be sure it will not go unpunished.
6藉慈善忠诚,可补赎罪过;藉敬畏上主,可避免罪恶。 6With goodness and faithfulness you atone for your sin; with fear of Yahweh you may turn away from evil.
7世人的行径,若中悦上主,他必使仇敌,再与他和好。 7When Yahweh is pleased with a man's conduct, he reconciles even his enemies with him.
8收入少而守正义,胜于进款多而行不义。 8Better to have little but be just than to have a great income without honesty.
9人心里都策划自己的行径;但他的步伐却由上主支配。 9Man's heart seeks the right way but it is Yahweh who makes his footsteps sure.
10神明的断语,出自君王口;他口下判断,必不致差错。 10The lips of the king utter oracles; he will not be mistaken when he judges.
11天秤和称盘,属上主所有;囊中的法码,全由他制定。 11Yahweh demands a just balance and scales; the weights are the work of his hands.
12君王最厌恶的是作恶,因为王位赖正义而立。 12Kings who do evil are an abomination; it is justice that supports the kingship.
13正义的唇舌,为君王所喜悦;说话正直者,为君王所爱戴。 13He who judges according to justice wins the king's favor, honest men are pleasing to him.
14君王的震怒,是死讯的使者;但是智慧人,能平息王怒。 14The king's anger is a messenger of death but the wise man knows how to appease him.
15君王容光焕发,人即可活命;君王的恩泽,有如春云时雨。 15The king's serene countenance means life, his favor is like the spring rain.
16获得智慧,胜于获得黄金;获得智识,胜于获得白银。 16Better to have acquired wisdom rather than gold, discernment rather than silver.
17正直人的行径远离邪恶,谨守行为的人必确保生命。 17The way of the honest man is to turn away from evil; he who watches his steps keeps his life safe.
18骄横是灭亡的先声,傲慢是陨落的前导。 18Pride goes before destruction, an arrogant spirit before a fall.
19谦下与贫民共处,胜于与骄傲人分赃。 19Better be humble among the lowly than share loot with the proud.
20细听劝言的,必将受益;信赖上主的,真是有福。 20He who listens to the word will find happiness; blessed is he who trusts in Yahweh.
21有慧心的人,被称为哲人;温和的口吻,更具说服力。 21He whose heart is wise will be proclaimed discerning; moderate speech brings knowledge.
22为有智识的人,智识是生命的泉源;然而糊涂愚昧,却是愚昧人的惩罚。 22Good sense is a life-giving fountain to those who possess it, foolishness is the punishment of fools.
23智慧人的心,使自己的嘴灵巧,使自己的唇舌,更具说服力。 23The wise man's heart keeps guard over his mouth, making his words more effective.
24亲切的言语,有如蜂蜜,使心灵愉快,使筋骨舒畅。 24Kind words are like a honeycomb: sweet to the spirit and healthy to the body.
25有些道路,看来正直;走到尽头,却是死路。 25To one, his way seems honest, but ultimately it leads to death.
26工人的胃口,催他劳作;一人的口腹,迫他工作。 26The worker's appetite works to his benefit; the need to eat spurs him on.
27无赖之徒,图谋邪恶;他的嘴上,似有火烧。 27The troublemaker prepares disgrace, a scorching fire is on his lips.
28乖戾的人,撒播争端;告密的人,离间友情。 28The scoundrel stirs up trouble; his critical comments split up friends.
29强横的人,诱惑朋友;引他走入不正之途。 29A violent man deceives his neighbor and leads him along a path that is not good.
30谁紧闭眼睛,是在策划阴谋;谁紧咬口唇,邪恶业已完成。 30He who closes his eyes and purses his lips to plot deceit already commits evil.
31皓首白发,是尊荣的冠冕;只在正义的道上,方可获得。 31White hairs are a magnificent crown for the one who has followed the path of virtue.
32有涵养的人,胜于勇士;克服自己的人,胜于克城的人。 32The patient man is to be preferred to the hero; better the man who masters himself than the conqueror of cities.
33人尽可在怀中抽签,但决断却在乎上主。 33Fate is thrown in the bag but the decision depends on Yahweh.
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