箴言:Chapter 18
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箴言 | Proverbs |
1与众寡合的,只求私意;对任何指教,都表忿恨。 | 1He who holds himself aloof follows his own whims and is annoyed at others' advice. |
2愚昧的人不喜爱受教,只爱显露自己的心意。 | 2The fool does not relish reflection but only the airing of his own views. |
3邪恶一来,轻视随到;侮辱也随无耻而至。 | 3When the wicked come, scorn also comes, and offense brings shame. |
4哲人口中的言语有如深水,又如汹涌的溪流,生命的泉源。 | 4Man's words are like deep waters; an overflowing torrent is the fountain of wisdom. |
5在判案时,徇恶人之私,加害于义人,实属不公。 | 5It is not good to give consideration to the wicked or to harm the virtuous when giving judgment. |
6愚人的唇舌,常引起争端;愚人的口舌,常自招责打。 | 6The fool's lips cause disputes and his mouth attracts blows. |
7愚人的舌,使自己丧亡;他的嘴唇,是害己的陷阱。 | 7The fool's mouth is his undoing; his lips will ensnare his life. |
8进谗者的话,如可口美味,能深深透入肺腑的深处。 | 8The gossiper's words are tasty mouthfuls which go right to the bottom of the stomach. |
9懒于操劳的人,是败子的弟兄。 | 9He who dawdles at work is a brother of the destroyer. |
10上主的名号,是坚固堡垒;义人投入内,必得享安全。 | 10Yahweh's name is a strong tower, the virtuous rely on it and are safe. |
11富人的财产,是他的坚城;在他意想中,像座高墙垣。 | 11The rich man's wealth is his fortress; he relies on it as on a high wall. |
12心傲是灭亡的前导,心谦是光荣的前驱。 | 12Before its downfall, the heart is wrapped in pride; while humility goes before honor. |
13未听而先答,实愚昧可耻。 | 13To argue before listening to the facts shows stupidity which leads to disgrace. |
14刚毅的精神,能忍受病苦;若精神萎靡,有谁能支持? | 14The spirit of man sustains him when ill but who will lift the one of broken spirit? |
15明智人的心,必获得学问;智慧人的耳,必探求知识。 | 15The discerning heart obtains wisdom, the ear of the wise searches out knowledge. |
16礼物能给人大开门路,引人晋谒权贵。 | 16A present opens all doors to you and brings you into the company of the powerful. |
17先诉理者似有理,对手来时再审断。 | 17The first to plead his case seems to be right, but his opponent appears and there is matter for trial. |
18抽签可以使争端平息,也能调解权贵的纠纷。 | 18Casting lots terminates disputes and decides between the powerful. |
19兄弟若不和,比坚城还难攻克;他们的争辩,有如碉堡的门闩。 | 19A brother who is helped is more steadfast than a fortress but quarrels are like the bars of a castle. |
20人必以口中果实充满肚腹,必饱尝自己唇舌的出产。 | 20A man is filled with what comes from his mouth and is nourished by what his lips provide. |
21死亡和生命,全在乎唇舌;放纵唇舌的,必自食其果。 | 21The tongue has power over life and death, those who like speaking will eat its fruit. |
22谁觅得了贤妻,便觅得了幸福,得了上主恩眷。 | 22He who finds a wife finds happiness, he has won Yahweh's favor. |
23贫穷的人哀恳乞怜;富贵的人厉声以对。 | 23The poor man pleads, while the rich man responds harshly. |
24交朋友过多,必会有损害;但有些朋友,远胜亲兄弟。 | 24Some friends only bring ruin, others are closer than a brother. |
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