箴言:Chapter 21
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箴言 | Proverbs |
1君王的心在上主的手里,有如水流,可随意转移。 | 1In the hands of Yahweh, the heart of the king is like running water; he directs it wherever he wishes. |
2人对自己的行为,都自觉正直;但审察人心的,却是上主。 | 2To the eyes of man all his ways are honest but it is Yahweh who weighs the heart. |
3秉公行义,比献祭献更悦上主。 | 3To do what is upright and just pleases Yahweh more than sacrifice. |
4傲慢的眼睛,骄矜的心灵,恶人的炫耀,无非是罪恶。 | 4Haughty looks, proud heart, the light of the wicked is sin. |
5熟思的人,必足以致富;草率的人,必贫困缠身。 | 5The plans of a hardworking man result in earnings; poverty is for those who act too hastily. |
6以谎言伪语骗得的财宝,是浮云轻烟,死亡的罗网。 | 6To make a fortune by means of deceit is like running after the wind; the end is death. |
7恶人的暴戾,必殃及自身,因他们不肯去覆行正义。 | 7The violence of the wicked carries them away because they refuse to practice justice. |
8恶人的道路,歪曲邪僻;正人的行为,正直适中。 | 8The way of the criminal is devious; but honest are the ways of the innocent man. |
9宁愿住在屋顶的一角,不愿与吵妇同居一室。 | 9Better the corner of a barn to live in than a house shared with a raging woman. |
10恶人的心灵,只求邪恶;对自己友伴,毫不关怀。 | 10The soul of the wicked desires nothing but evil; not even his friend is treated with compassion. |
11轻狂人遭受处罚,幼稚者将得明智;智慧人接受教训,更增加自己知识。 | 11When the mocker is punished the ignorant man grows wise; when the wise man is instructed he grows in knowledge. |
12正义的上主监视恶人的家,且使恶人们都陷于灾祸中。 | 12The Just One watches the house of the evildoer and hurls the wicked into misfortune. |
13谁对穷人的哀求,充耳不闻,他呼求时,也不会得到应允。 | 13He who is deaf to the poor man's cry will not be heard when he himself calls out. |
14暗中相送的馈赠,可平息忿怒;投入怀中的礼物,可平息狂怒。 | 14A discreet gift pacifies anger, a bribe diverts violent rage. |
15秉公行义,能叫义人喜乐;但为作恶的人,却是恐惧。 | 15Upright men are glad when justice reigns but evildoers tremble. |
16凡远离明智道路的人,必居于幽灵的集会中。 | 16He who departs from the ways of prudence will sleep in the assembly of the Shades. |
17贪爱享乐的人,必遭受穷困;喜爱酒油的人,必不会致富。 | 17Pleasure-lovers remain poor, he who loves wine and perfume will never grow rich. |
18恶人必将为义人作赎金,败类也将替君子作代价。 | 18The wicked man will pay for the virtuous and the treacherous man, for the honest. |
19与好争易怒的女人同居,倒不如独自住在旷野里。 | 19Better to live in a deserted place than with a raging and abusive woman. |
20珍贵的宝藏和油,积藏在智者家里;但糊涂愚昧的人,却将之消耗净尽。 | 20There is oil and precious treasure in the wise man's house, things which the fool squanders. |
21追求正义和仁慈的人,必将获得生命与尊荣。 | 21He who seeks justice and mercy will gain life, prosperity and honor. |
22智者必登上勇士的城邑,攻破城邑所凭倚的堡垒。 | 22The wise man conquers a city of warriors and tears down the walls they trust in. |
23谁谨守自己的口舌,心灵必能免受烦恼。 | 23He who keeps guard over his mouth and tongue saves himself from anguish. |
24高傲的人名叫「狂人」,他行事必极端蛮横。 | 24"Mocker" is the name of the arrogant and haughty, he in whom pride abounds. |
25怠惰人的手不肯操作,必为他的愿望所扼杀。 | 25The idler's desires lead him to death because his hands refuse to work. |
26贪婪的人,终日贪婪;正义的人,广施不吝。 | 26He covets all day long while the upright man gives without stinting. |
27恶人的祭献,已是可憎;若怀恶而献,更将如何? | 27Yahweh detests the sacrifice of the wicked, above all when they offer it for an unjust cause. |
28作假见证的人,必要灭亡;但善于听的人,才可常言。 | 28The lying witness will perish but he who listens wisely will be given time to speak. |
29邪恶的人,常装腔作势;正直的人,却举止检点。 | 29The wicked man tries to appear firm and table while the honest man confirms his way. |
30任何智慧、才略或计谋,都不能与上主相对抗。 | 30No wisdom, prudence or advice can withstand the look of Yahweh. |
31招兵买马,是为作战之日;但是胜利,却由上主指使。 | 31The horse is equipped for the day of battle but it is Yahweh who gives the victory. |
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