箴言:Chapter 23
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箴言 | Proverbs |
1几时你与首长坐席,应记着,在你面前的是谁。 | 1If you sit at a table with a great man, beware of what is in front of you; |
2你若过于贪食,应在咽喉上,放上一把刀。 | 2if your appetite is too great, put a knife to your throat. |
3休要羨慕他的珍馐,因那是骗人的食品。 | 3Do not greedily desire his fine food for it is deceptive nourishment. |
4不要辛苦企求致富,反应放弃这种企图。 | 4Do not wear yourself out trying to be rich, do not dwell on it. |
5你向之一注目,即不再存在了:它会生出翅膀,如鹰向天飞去。 | 5Set your eyes on wealth and it no longer exists; it sprouts wings and flies into the sky like an eagle. |
6不要与虎视眈眈的人进食,也不要羨慕他的山珍海味, | 6Do not eat with the wicked man or be greedy for his choice food. |
7因为他原是只顾自己的人,他口头虽对你说「请吃请喝!」但他的心中并不与你友善; | 7All is appearance, for he plots in his heart. "Eat and drink," he says but he is not to be trusted. |
8你吃下的那口食物,还得吐出;你婉转悦耳的言辞,尽属枉费。 | 8You will spit it out as soon as it is tasted and your words of praise will be wasted. |
9不要与愚人交耳接谈,因他必轻视你的高见。 | 9Do not speak with a fool; he will not be able to appreciate your remarks. |
10不要移动孀妇的地界,不要侵占孤儿的田地; | 10Do not move the ancient boundaries or take possession of the orphan's land because his Avenger is powerful; |
11因为他们的辩护者是大能的,他必为他们的案件与你争辩。 | 11he will take sides against you. |
12你应专心接受教训,倾耳细听益智之言。 | 12Apply your heart to instruction and your ears to words of wisdom. |
13对孩童不可忽略惩戒;用棍打他,他不致死去。 | 13Do not hold back from correcting a youth; the rod will not kill him. |
14你用棍杖打他,是救他的灵魂免下阴府。 | 14With several strokes, you save him from death. |
15我儿,你若心怀智慧,我也诚心喜乐; | 15My son, if your heart is wise, then my own heart is glad, |
16你的唇舌若谈吐正义的事,我的五衷也必会踊跃欢欣。 | 16and my whole being will rejoice when you speak the truth. |
17心里不要羨慕罪人,欲要日日敬畏上主; | 17Do not envy sinners but, each day, fear Yahweh; then you will have a future and |
18这样,你的将来必然顺利,你的希望绝不落空。 | 18your hope will not be in vain. |
19我儿,你要听话,作个明智人;且要引领你的心走上正道。 | 19Listen, my son, and you will be wise and you will make your heart go straight on its way. |
20贪嗜酒肉的人,不可与之来往; | 20Do not be one of those who get drunk with wine or who stuff themselves with meat, |
21因为嗜酒贪食的人,必陷于穷困;贪懒好睡的人,必衣着褴褛。 | 21since the drunkard and the glutton impoverish themselves and the sleepyhead is clothed in rags. |
22对生养你的父亲,应当听从;对你年迈的母亲,不可轻视。 | 22Listen to your father who begot you; do not despise your mother in her old age. |
23应获取真理,不可出卖,还有智慧、训诲和见识。 | 23Acquire truth and never sell it; gain wisdom, discipline and discernment. |
24义人的父亲,必欣然喜乐;生育慧子的,必为此欢腾。 | 24Happy the father of a virtuous man! How he will rejoice, |
25应使你的父亲因你而喜悦,应使你的生母因你而快乐。 | 25he who fathers a wise man! May your father and mother rejoice and may she who bore you be glad. |
26我儿,将你的心交给我,注目于我的道路: | 26My son, give me your heart, that your eyes may delight in my ways. |
27妓女是一个深坑,淫妇是一个陷阱; | 27You should know that the prostitute is a deep abyss and the unknown woman a narrow well. |
28她潜伏着,实如强盗,使人世间,增添奸夫。 | 28Like a thief she lies in wait and she increases the sinners among men. |
29是谁将哀鸣,是谁将悲叹?是谁将争吵,是谁将抱怨?是谁将无故受伤,是谁将双目赤红? | 29For whom are the cries and laments? For whom the complaints and sighs? For whom the blows without reason? For whom the eyes which see double? |
30是那流连于醉乡,去搜求醇酒的人。 | 30For those who abandon themselves to wine and go in search of the well-blended wine. |
31你不要注视酒色怎样红,在杯中怎样闪耀,饮下去怎样痛快! | 31Do not consider the wine: how red it is and how sparkling the glass! How smoothly it flows! |
32终究它要咬人如蛇,刺人如虺。 | 32In the end, it bites like a snake and stings like a viper. |
33那时,你的眼要见到奇景,你的心要吐出狂语。 | 33Your eyes will see strange things and you will end up speaking nonsense. |
34你宛如躺在海中心,睡在桅杆顶。 | 34You will be like a man asleep on the high seas or at the rudder: "They hit me but I am not hurt. |
35「人打我,我不痛,人捶我,我不觉;我何时苏醒,好再去寻醉!」 | 35They beat me but I feel nothing. When will I wake up? I will go in search of more." |
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