箴言:Chapter 24


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箴言 Proverbs
1你不要妒忌作恶的人,不要希求与他们共处; 1Do not envy the wicked or desire their company,
2因为他们的心灵,只图谋不轨;他们的嘴唇,只讲论是非。 2for their hearts dream only of violence and their lips speak nothing but evil.
3因着智慧,家庭得以兴建;因着明智,家庭得以稳定。 3With wisdom a house is built.
4各种珍奇可爱的宝物,因着智识可储藏满室。 4It is strengthened by prudence. Its granaries are filled by knowledge with all that is good, precious and desirable.
5智慧人胜于壮士,明智人强于勇士; 5The wise man is powerful; the one of knowledge adds to his strength.
6因为作战须有智谋,胜利在于谋士众多。 6Because of this, he goes into battle with wise plans, since success depends on many advisers.
7为愚昧的人,智慧太高妙;他在城门口,只好不开口。 7Wisdom is beyond the reach of the fool; let him not open his mouth in the assembly.
8筹划作恶的人,可称为阴险家。 8The plotter of evil is called an unscrupulous mastermind.
9愚人的计谋只是罪恶;狂妄的人为人所憎恶。 9The fool dreams only of sin, the mocker deserves only contempt.
10你若萎靡不振,到灾难的日子,必然气竭力尽。 10If you lose heart when misfortune comes, miserable is your strength.
11被带去受死的人,你应拯救他;行将被杀戮的人,你要挽救他。 11Rescue those who are being carried away to die; save those who are being dragged away to torture.
12或许你要说:「看!我全不知道!」难道那权衡人心的能不明了?难道监察你心灵的能不知道?他必按每人的作为还报每人。 12Afterwards you will say, "We did not know." But he who weighs the heart, does he not understand? He who watches over the soul is aware and he will give to each one according to his deeds.
13我儿,你要吃蜜,因为蜜好;蜂房的蜜,香甜可口。 13Eat honey, my son, because it is good; the honeycomb is sweet to the taste.
14对你的灵魂,智慧也是这样:你找得了她,必有好前途;你所希望的,决不会落空。 14So also will wisdom be to your soul. If you find it, you have a future and your hope will not be in vain.
15恶人,对义人的家,不要图谋不轨;对他的住所,不要加以破坏; 15Evildoer, do not spy on the house of the virtuous man, do not disturb his home.
16因为义人虽七次跌倒,仍然要起来;但是恶人一失足,必陷祸患中。 16Because even though the virtuous man falls seven times, he gets up again, while the wicked sink in their adversity.
17你的仇人跌倒,且不要高兴;他若失足摔倒,且不要心喜; 17Do not rejoice if your enemy falls or let your heart be glad if he stumbles,
18免得上主看见而不快,因而撤消对他的忿怒。 18lest Yahweh see and be displeased and his anger be turned on you.
19对作恶的人,你不要动怒;对乖戾之徒,也不必嫉妒; 19Do not be incensed by the wicked or envious of the ungodly,
20因为恶人终没有好前途,恶人的灯必要熄灭。 20since there is no future in evil and the lamp of the wicked will be extinguished.
21我儿,上主和君王,你都要敬畏;对他们二者,皆不可触怒; 21Fear Yahweh and the king, my son; make no deals with agitators,
22因为他们的惩罚可突然而至;他们的摧残,有谁能知晓? 22for disaster will befall them without warning and who knows when their ruin will come?
23以下是智者的箴言:在判案时,顾及情面,决不公平。 23It is not good for judges to show partiality. People curse and nations hate him
24谁对恶人说:「你是正义的。」人民必骂他,百姓必恨他。 24who says to the wicked man, "You are just."
25按公道加罚的,必事事顺遂;美好的祝福,必临于其身。 25But those who punish the evildoer can boast; blessing and happiness will be theirs.
26应答适宜的人,宛如与人接吻。 26An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips.
27你要先在外经营好事业,在田间将工作准备停当,然后才可建立你的家室。 27Finish your work out-of-doors and plan your work in the fields; afterwards, you can think of building your house.
28不要轻易作证,反对你的近人;也不要以你的口舌,欺骗他人。 28Do not lightly bear witness against your neighbor lest you lie.
29不可说:「人怎样待我,我怎样待人;照人之所行,我向他还报。」 29Do not say, "I will do to him what he did to me; I will repay him for his deeds."
30我走过懒惰人的田地,经过愚昧人的葡萄园: 30I passed by the lazy man's field, near the vineyard of the senseless man.
31看,到处是荆棘,满地是蒺藜,石墙也倒了! 31Everywhere it was full of weeds; thistles covered the ground and the stonewall was fallen apart.
32我看了,便心下自思;我见了,取得了教训: 32Seeing all this, I reflected and drew this lesson from what I saw.
33「再睡片刻,再假寐片刻,再抱臂躺卧片刻」— 33A little sleep, a little drowsiness and
34这样,贫穷就要如同窃贼,困乏也要如同武士,向你侵袭。 34your laziness creeps upon you and then, like a tramp, poverty comes, bringing misery like a vagabond.
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