箴言:Chapter 29
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箴言 | Proverbs |
1人若屡受谴责,仍然顽固,他必突然丧亡,无法挽救。 | 1He who resists correction will be broken suddenly and without remedy. |
2义人执政,人民喜庆;恶人专权,人民叹息。 | 2When the virtuous rule, the people are happy, but they groan when the wicked are in power. |
3喜爱智慧的,使父亲喜悦;寻花问柳的,必倾家荡产。 | 3He who loves wisdom makes his father happy, but whoever maintains prostitutes will lose his wealth. |
4君王秉公行义,必将兴邦;但若暴歛横征,必将丧邦。 | 4Through justice a king makes his country prosper; but the extortioner brings it to ruin. |
5对自己的友伴阿谀的人,是在他脚下张设罗网。 | 5The one who flatters his neighbor lays a snare at his feet. |
6作恶的人,满路绊索;正义的人,载欣载奔。 | 6In the wicked man's sins lies a snare for himself, while the upright man runs on rejoicing. |
7义人关注穷人的案情,但是恶人却毫不知情。 | 7The virtuous man is concerned about the problems of the poor; the evildoer, however, understands nothing. |
8轻狂的人,煽动城市作乱;明智的人,设法挽回狂澜。 | 8Mockers create disturbances in the city but the wise turn troubles away. |
9智愚争辩,或怒或笑,终无结果。 | 9When the wise man argues with the fool, whether he is annoyed or joking, he will get nowhere. |
10嗜杀的人,常憎恨正人君子;正直的人,却关怀他的性命。 | 10The violent hate the blameless man but the virtuous seek out his presence. |
11愚人忿怒,必尽情发泄;明智的人,必自知抑制。 | 11The fool gives free rein to his rage; while the wise man restrains it. |
12作首长的,如听信谗言,他的臣仆,必尽属小人。 | 12When a ruler listens to false reports, all his ministers will be scoundrels. |
13穷人与压迫者彼此相遇,二者皆由主获得光明。 | 13The poor man and usurer have something in common: both receive the light of day from God. |
14君王如秉公审判穷人,他的宝座必永久稳立。 | 14The king who judges the poor with justice will affirm his throne forever. |
15杖责与惩戒,赐予人智慧;娇纵的孩子,使母亲受辱。 | 15Both the stick and rebuke bring wisdom, while the spoilt child brings shame to his mother. |
16恶人掌权,罪恶随之增多;正义的人,必亲见其崩溃。 | 16When the wicked rule, sin abounds, but the virtuous shall witness their downfall. |
17惩戒你的儿子,他必使你安心,令你心旷神怡。 | 17Correct your son and he will bring you rest; you will be happy in him. |
18神视缺乏时,人民必放纵;遵守法律的,才蒙受祝福。 | 18Where prophets are lacking, the people get out of hand; happy is he who obeys the Law. |
19要纠正奴才,不宜用言语;即使他明白,他仍不服从。 | 19A slave is not corrected by words; even if he understands he will take no notice. |
20你是否见过信口开河的人?寄望于愚人胜于寄望于他。 | 20You see a man dying to speak? There is more hope for a fool. |
21对奴才自幼加以娇养,他日后终必反仆为主。 | 21If you spoil your slave from childhood, he will end up a rebel. |
22易怒的人,极易引起纷争;性急的人,必犯很多过错。 | 22The hot-tempered man provokes disputes, his anger multiplies his sins. |
23骄傲自大,使人屈辱;虚心谦下,使人受荣。 | 23A man's pride results in his humiliation, but he who humbles himself will achieve honors. |
24谁与盗贼合伙,实是痛恨自己;他虽听见咀咒,却不敢发一言。 | 24He who shares with the thief harms himself; even you who kept silent when you should have denounced him. |
25对人畏惧,必陷入羁绊;信赖上主,必获得安全。 | 25To be afraid of men is a trap; but whoever trusts in Yahweh will be safe. |
26许多人寻求王侯的慈惠,但每人的判决出自上主。 | 26Many seek a ruler's favor but each one's fate comes from God. |
27为非作歹的人,为义人所憎恶;行为正直的人,为恶人所憎恶。 | 27The upright man detests the wicked and the evildoer hates the honest man. |
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