箴言:Chapter 2
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箴言 | Proverbs |
1我儿,你若接受我的话,把我的诫命存在心中, | 1My son, if you heed my words and value my commands, |
2侧耳细听智慧,专心寻求睿智; | 2with your ear attentive to wisdom and your heart obedient to understanding; |
3你若呼求明哲,扬声召寻睿智; | 3if you call for perception and raise your voice for insight; |
4你若寻求她如寻求银子,搜索她如搜索宝藏, | 4if you seek it as silver and search for it more than any treasure |
5你必能领悟什么是敬畏上主,也能明白什么是认识天主。 | 5then you will understand the fear of Yahweh, and you will find the knowledge of God. |
6因为,恩赐智慧的是上主,知识和睿智都出自他的口。 | 6For Yahweh gives wisdom and from his mouth come knowledge and insight. |
7他给正直人保留了救援,又是行止成全者的护盾。 | 7He reserves his help for the upright and is a shield for those who walk in integrity; |
8他护守正直人的行径,他保卫虔诚者的道路; | 8he guards the ways of the just and protects the steps of his faithful. |
9这样,你必能明了仁义和公平,明了正直和一切向善的道路。 | 9Then you will understand justice, discernment and integrity - all that leads you to happiness. |
10如果智慧进入了你的心,智识成了你的喜乐, | 10Wisdom will abide in your heart and knowledge will comfort your inner self. |
11慎思就必监护你,睿智也必防守你, | 11Foresight will guide you and understanding will protect you. |
12使你远离邪道,远离言词荒谬的人: | 12It will guard you from evil, from people of misleading speech, |
13即那些离弃正道,走上黑暗之途, | 13from those who have abandoned the ways of honesty to walk the roads of darkness; |
14喜爱行恶,在邪恶中喜乐的人。 | 14they rejoice in evildoing, they revel in perversions; |
15他们的道路弯曲不直,他们的行径邪僻不正。 | 15their paths are crooked and their ways devious. |
16智慧将救你脱离淫妇,脱离甘言蜜语的娼妓。 | 16Wisdom keeps you from the alien woman, from the stranger with her smooth words, |
17她离弃了少年时的良友,忘记了她的天主的盟约; | 17who deserts the partner of her youth and forgets the covenant of her God. |
18为此,她的家属趋向死亡,她的行径通往黄泉; | 18For her house inclines towards death, her paths towards the grave. |
19凡行近她的人,没有一个返回,再不会走上生路。 | 19Those who go to her never return, they do not regain the paths of life. |
20为此,你应走善人的道路,持守义人的行径, | 20So you will walk along the way of the good, and keep to the paths of the virtuous. |
21因为只有正直的人才能住在地上,只有成全的人方得在那里居留。 | 21For the honest will inherit the land; the people of integrity will live on it. |
22但是,作恶的人必由地上铲除,违法的人必由其中拔除。 | 22The evildoers instead will be cut off from the land. The wicked will be rooted out of it. |
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