箴言:Chapter 6


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箴言 Proverbs
1我儿,你如果为你的朋友作保,或为外人击掌; 1My son, if you have stood bail for your neighbor or guaranteed the word of a stranger;
2你如果为你口中说的话所连累,为你口中的言词所束缚, 2if you have committed yourself with your own lips, know that you have trapped yourself with your own words.
3那么,我儿,你既然已陷在你友人的手中,你就该逃脱,该这样做:火速前去,央求你的友人, 3Then do this, my son: release yourself. If you have fallen into the hands of your neighbor, go speedily, kneel down and plead with him;
4不要合上眼睛睡觉,也不要垂下眼睑假寐, 4do not give sleep to your eyes or rest to your eyelids.
5应急速解救自己,如羚羊挣脱罗网,飞鸟逃脱猎人的圈套。 5Break free, like a gazelle from the trap or a bird from the hand.
6懒汉,你去看看蚂蚁,观察牠的作风,便可得些智识: 6You idler, go to the ant, watch her ways and be wise.
7牠没有领袖,没有监督,没有君王; 7She has no master, no steward or overseer.
8但在夏天却知准备食粮,在秋收时积贮养料。 8She secures food in summer and stores up provisions during harvest time.
9懒汉,你要睡到几时,你几时才睡醒﹖ 9How long, you idler, are you going to lie around? When do you intend to rise from sleep?
10「再睡片刻,再假寐片刻,再抱臂躺卧片刻!」 10A little sleep, a little drowsiness and your laziness creeps upon you and then, like a tramp,
11这样贫穷就要如同窃贼,困乏也要如同武士,向你侵袭。 11poverty comes, bringing misery like a vagabond.
12无赖与恶徒,行事满口欺诈; 12The villain, the unjust man, goes about with a sneer on his lips,
13他以眼传神,以脚示意,以手指东画西。 13winking his eye, shuffling his feet and beckoning with his finger.
14他存心不良,常蓄意惹事生非。 14His heart is deceitful; he is forever plotting evil and causing arguments.
15为此,他的丧亡必突然来临,霎时间全被毁灭,无法挽救。 15Therefore, disaster will suddenly and irrevocably overtake him.
16上主憎恨的事,共有六件,连他心里最厌恶的事,共有七件: 16There are six things Yahweh hates; seven his inner being detests:
17傲慢的眼睛,撒谎的舌头,流无辜者血的手, 17the proud look, the lying tongue, hands which spill innocent blood,
18策划阴谋的心,疾趋行恶的脚, 18the depraved heart, feet which speed towards evil,
19说谎的假见证,和在兄弟间搬弄是非的人。 19a false and lying witness and the one who sows discord among people.
20我儿,应坚守你父亲的命令,不要放弃你母亲的教训; 20My son, respect your father's instruction and do not reject your mother's teaching.
21应将二者常刻在你心中,系在你的颈项上。 21Hold them forever in your heart and hang them around your neck.
22她们在你行路时引领你,在你躺卧时看护你;在你醒来时与你交谈。 22These will guard your footsteps, protect you when you sleep and speak to you on waking.
23因为父命是盏灯,母教是光明,严格的劝告是生命的道路, 23For the commandment is a lamp and the teaching a light; correction teaches you the way of life.
24使你远避恶意的女人,离开淫妇阿谀的言词, 24It will protect you from the evil woman, the smooth talking of the stranger.
25不让你的心贪恋她的美色,不让她的秋波迷惑你, 25Do not covet her beauty in your heart or let her captivate you with her looks.
26因为娼妓所求的只是一块饼,有夫之妇却猎取宝贵的生命。 26For the prostitute deserves a piece of bread but the adulteress hunts after your worthy life.
27人岂能怀中藏火,而不烧毁自己的衣服﹖ 27Can you hold fire in your pocket without setting fire to your clothes or
28人岂能在火炭上行走,而不灼伤自己的脚﹖ 28walk on hot coals without burning your feet?
29与他人妻子通奸的人就是这样:凡接近她的,必难免受罚。 29So it is for the man who approaches his neighbor's wife: all who touch her will be punished.
30盗贼若因饥饿行窃以果腹,人都不鄙视他; 30One does not condemn the hungry thief who steals to fill his stomach;
31但若被擒获了,他仍须七倍偿还,交出家中所有的财物。 31nevertheless, if he is caught, he must pay sevenfold and give all the goods in his house.
32与妇人通奸的人,实属愚眛,他这样做,却是毁灭自己。 32How senseless is the adulterer! Whoever commits adultery destroys himself.
33他必遭受可耻的打击,并且他的耻辱,永不得拭去; 33He will reap blows and contempt and his disgrace will not be erased.
34因为妒火能激怒男人,使他在报复时,决不留情; 34Jealousy inflames the husband's heart and when he can take revenge he will have no mercy.
35任何的赔偿,他都不理睬;即使你多送礼品,他也不肯罢休。 35He will accept nothing, neither reparation nor lavish gifts.
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