圣咏集:Chapter 24


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圣咏集 Psalms
1达味诗歌。大地和其中的万物,属于上主,世界和其间的居民,属于上主。 1The earth and its fullness belong to the Lord, the world and all that dwell in it.
2是他在海洋上奠定了大地,是他在江河上建立了全世。 2He has founded it upon the ocean and set it firmly upon the waters.
3谁能登上上主的圣山?谁能居留在他的圣殿? 3Who will ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who will stand in his holy place?
4是那手洁心清,不慕虚幻的人,是那不发假誓,不行欺骗的人。 4Those with clean hands and pure heart, who desire not what is vain, and never swear to a lie.
5他必获得上主的祝福;和拯救者天主的报酬。 5They will receive blessings from the Lord, a reward from God, their savior.
6这样的人是寻求上主的苖裔,追求雅各伯天主仪容的子息。(休止) 6Such are the people who seek him, who seek the face of Jacob's God.
7城门,请提高你们的门楣,古老的门户,请加大门扉,因为要欢迎光荣的君王。 7Lift up, O gateways, your lintels, open up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may enter!
8谁是这位光荣的君主?就是英勇大能的上主,是那有力作战的天主。 8Who is the King of glory? The Lord, the strong, the mighty, the Lord, valiant in battle.
9城门,请提高你们的门楣,古老的门户,请加大门扉,因为要欢迎光荣的君主, 9Lift up your lintels, O gateways, open up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may enter!
10谁是这位光荣的君主?其实这位光荣的君主,就是万军之军的上主。(休止) 10Who is the King of glory? The Lord of Hosts, he is the King of glory!
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