圣咏集:Chapter 35
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圣咏集 | Psalms |
1达味作。上主,求你斗争那斗争我的人,求你攻击那攻击我的人; | 1O Lord, attack those who attack me; fight against those who fight against me. |
2求你手持籐牌盾橹,振奋起来予我救助; | 2Come to my aid with armour and shield; |
3挥舞长矛,阻止追逐我的人,愿你向我说:「我是你的救星!」 | 3stand with your spear and war ax, halt my pursuers. Say to my soul, "I am your deliverer." |
4愿谋害我生命的人蒙受耻辱,愿企图磨难我的人含羞退走! | 4Let them be shamed and dishonored, those who seek my life. Let them be routed and destroyed, those who plot my ruin. |
5愿上主的天使迫他们逃跑,有如随风飘零的糠粃禾草! | 5Let them be like chaff before the wind, when the Lord's angel drives them away. |
6当上主的天使追逐他们时,愿他们的路,又漆黑又滑漓! | 6Let their escape path be dark and precipitous, with the Lord's angel always at their heels. |
7因为他们无故为我暗设网罗,他们无故为我挖掘坑窖。 | 7They set their net against me for no cause, they dug a pit for me without reason. |
8愿不可预料的灭亡突然降临,使他们暗布的网罗缠住他们,使他们挖掘的坑窖陷害他们。 | 8Let ruin come upon them unexpectedly, let them be entangled in their own snare; let them fall into the trap of their own making. |
9如此我的心灵要欣悦于上主,要因获得上主的救助而欢舞。 | 9Then will my soul rejoice in the Lord and exult in his salvation. |
10我每根骨骸要说:「上主!谁能和你相比?是你拯救弱小于强权,挽救贫困于盗匪。」 | 10My whole being will exclaim, "O Lord, who is like you? You who deliver the oppressed from those too strong for them, you who rescue the poor and the afflicted from their oppressors." |
11蛮横的证人纷纷立起,质问与我无关的事宜。 | 11False witnesses take the stand, accusing me of crimes of which I am innocent. |
12他们对我是以怨报德,这正是我心灵的创痍。 | 12For my kindness they return evil, bringing my life to despair. |
13他们患病时,我身着苦衣,不断虔心祈祷,守斋克己; | 13When they were sick, I wore sackcloth and fasted; I prayed hard with head bowed, |
14我待他们,有如自己的亲友骨肉,苦闷忧虑,有如哀悼自己的慈母。 | 14as if I were bereft of a friend or brother; I shed tears in grief, as one mourning the death of his mother. |
15但我一遇难,他们即群集相庆,突然来攻击欺凌我,肆虐不停。 | 15But when I stumbled they gathered in glee and, began to strike me; like strangers they disowned me and accused me falsely. |
16他们戏弄我,并向我狂喜,他们朝着我咬牙又切齿。 | 16Like an ungodly circle of mockers, they gnashed their teeth and made me the butt of all their ridicule. |
17上主,你坐视这一切要到何时?求你救我身免受他们的凌欺,求你救我命脱离少壮的猛狮; | 17How long, O Lord, will you look on? Deliver my life, my only one, from these lions. |
18使我在盛大的集会中歌颂你,使我在众多的民族中称扬你。 | 18Then I will thank you in the great assembly; I will praise you in the mighty throng. |
19不要让那无理敌对我的人沾沾自喜,不要让那无故仇恨我的人扬眉吐气。 | 19Do not let them gloat over me - those who, unprovoked, have become my foes. Do not let them wink maliciously - those who hate me without cause. |
20因为他们从不谈论和平,捏造谎言欺压地上良民。 | 20Sowing discontent with their tongue and mind, they devise false accusations against the peace-loving people of the land. |
21他们对我张开大口说:「哈哈!我们亲眼看见了!」 | 21They open wide their mouths against me: "Aha, aha!" they say, "We have seen it with our own eyes!" |
22上主你看见了,不要缄口不言,上主,求你千万不要离我太远。 | 22But you, O Lord, who have seen, do not keep silent. Do not stand far from me. |
23我上主,求你醒来为我辩护;我天主,求你起身为我伸屈。 | 23Stir yourself up, stand up for my rights and my cause, my God and my Lord! |
24上主,求你审断我要照你的公义,我主,不要让他们对我洋洋得意。 | 24Declare me innocent, O Lord, my God, according to your justice. Let them not gloat over me. |
25不要让他们心中想:「哈哈!这正是我们的意愿!」也决不要让他们说:「我们已经将他活活吞咽。」 | 25Never give them reason to say, "We have trampled him down!" |
26愿庆幸我遭难的人,都面红惭愧,愿高傲攻击我的人,都蒙受羞耻! | 26Let them be utterly disgraced and confounded, who exult over my calamity. Let them be ashamed and dishonored, who rejoice at my distress. |
27愿爱护我正义的人,时常高兴欢呼说:「愿爱护自己仆人安宁的上主受赞美!」 | 27But let them be glad and rejoice, who are in sympathy with my cause. And may they ever say, "Great is the Lord, who has justified his servant." |
28我的口舌将歌颂你的正义,我的唇舌必将终日赞美你。 | 28Then will my tongue proclaim your righteousness, and sing your praises all day long. |
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