默示录:Chapter 17


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默示录 Revelation
1那七位拿着七个盂的天使中,有一位前来,向我说道:「你来,我要指给你看,那在多水之旁为王的大淫妇受的惩罚; 1Then one of the seven angels of the seven cups came to me and said, "Now I will show you the judgment of the sovereign prostitute who dwells on the great waters.
2世上的诸王都同她行过邪淫,地上的居民也都喝醉了她淫乱的酒。」 2She it is who let the kings of the earth sin with her; and with the wine of her lewdness the inhabitants of the earth have become drunk."
3于是天使叫我神魂超拔,提我到了旷野,我便看见了一个妇人,坐在一只朱红色且满了亵渎名号的兽身上,牠有七个头,十只角。 3The angel brought me to the desert: it was a new vision. There a woman was seated on a red beast. The beast, which had seven heads and ten horns, covered itself with titles and statements that offend God.
4这妇人身穿紫红和朱红色的衣服,全身点缀着金子、宝石和珍珠;她手里拿着满盛可憎之物和她淫污的金杯。 4The woman was clothed in purple and scarlet, with ornaments of gold, precious stones and pearls. She held in her hands a golden cup full of loathsome idolatry and impure prostitution.
5她的额上写着一个含有奥秘的名字:「伟大的巴比伦!淫乱和地上可憎之物的母亲。」 5Her name could be read on her forehead, written in a mysterious way: Babylon the Great, mother of prostitutes and of the loathsome idols of the whole world.
6我又看见这妇人痛饮了圣徒的血,和为耶稣殉道者的血;我一看见她,遂大为惊奇。 6And I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the holy ones and the martyrs of Jesus. What I saw greatly surprised me,
7天使便对我说:「你为什么惊奇?我要告诉你这妇人和駄着她,而有七个头和十只角的那兽的奥秘: 7but the angel said to me, "Why are you surprised? I will reveal to you the secret of this woman and of the beast with seven heads and ten horns that she mounts.
8你所看见的那兽,先前在而今不在,可是牠又要从深渊中上来,自趋于丧亡;地上的居民,凡他们的名字从创世之初,没有纪录在生命册中的,看见那先前在,而今不在,将来又在的兽,都必要惊奇。 8The beast you saw has been, though it IS not. It will come up from the abyss and then go to perdition. What a surprise for the inhabitants of the earth whose names are not written in the Book of Life from the creation of the world! They will marvel on discovering that the beast who has been IS not and passes away.
9这里需要一个有智慧的明悟去理解:七个头是指那妇人所坐的七座山,也是指七位君王; 9Let us see if you guess: the seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits. And they are also seven kings,
10五位已经倒了,一位仍在,另一位还没有来到;当他来到时,必要存留片刻。 10five of which have already fallen, one is in power, and the seventh has not yet come but will remain only a short while.
11至于那先前在而今不在的兽,是第八位,也属于那七位中之一,牠要趋于丧亡。 11The beast that has been but IS not can be considered as the eighth though it takes place among the seven; and it goes to perdition.
12你所看见的那十只角,是指十个君王,他们还没有领受王位,但必要同那兽一起得到权柄;他们当国王,只一个时辰。 12The ten horns are ten kings who have not yet received power but will have authority for an hour with the beast.
13他们的意见都一致:就是把自己的能力和权柄都交给那兽。 13They all have only one aim and they place their authority and power at the service of the beast.
14他们要同羔羊交战,羔羊却要战胜他们,因为他是万主之主,万王之王,同他在一起的蒙召、被选和忠信的人,也必要获胜。」 14They will fight against the Lamb, but the Lamb will conquer them, for he is Lord of lords and King of kings; and with him will be his followers who have been called and chosen and are faithful.
15天使又对我说:「你看见那淫妇所统治的水,是指诸民族、群众、邦国和异语人民。 15The angel went on, "Those waters you saw, on which the prostitute is seated, are peoples, multitudes and nations of every language.
16你看见的那十只角和那兽,必要憎恨那淫妇,使她成为孤独凄凉,赤身裸体的,并吞食她的肉,且用火焚烧她, 16The ten horns, and the beast itself, will plan evil against the prostitute. They will destroy her and leave her naked; they will eat her flesh and set her on fire.
17因为天主使牠们的心中有这意念,叫牠们实行天主的计划,就是叫牠们一心,把牠们的王权交给那兽,直到天主的话完全应验为止。 17God makes use of them to carry out his plan, so he has inspired them with their common purpose and they will place their power at the service of the beast until the words of God are fulfilled. A last word:
18你所看见的那妇人,是指那座对地上的诸王握有王权的大城。」 18the woman you saw is the Great City which reigns over the kings of the whole world."
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