德训篇:Chapter 7
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德训篇 | Sirach |
1不要作恶,恶便不会胜过你; | 1Do no evil and evil will not take hold of you. |
2远离不义,不义也必远离你。 | 2Keep away from wrongdoing and it will leave you alone. |
3我儿,不要在不义的犁沟中撒种,你就不会收七倍的灾祸。 | 3Son, do not sow in the furrows of injustice for fear of reaping its harvest sevenfold. |
4不要向上主求做大官,也不要向君王求荣位。 | 4Do not demand authority from the Lord nor from the king a place of honor. |
5不要在上主面前,自以为义人,因为他认透人心;也不要在君王面前,自显为明智。 | 5Do not make yourself out to be a just man before the Lord nor a wise man in front of the king. |
6不要谋求做判官,怕你无力拔除不义,而在有权势的人前,恐惧畏缩,因而伤损你的廉洁。 | 6Do not seek a position of responsibility lest you not be powerful enough to root out injustice and, overawed by a powerful man, you lose your integrity. |
7不要得罪城中的民众,免得你在民间,声名扫地。 | 7Do not offend the city's assembly; do not grovel before the people. |
8不要存心再次犯罪,因为就是一次,你都不免要受惩罚。 | 8Do not commit the same sin twice; once is enough to bring punishment upon you. |
9祈求的时候,不要胆怯; | 9Do not say, "When I sacrifice to God, the Most High will take into account the number of gifts and he will accept them." |
10也不要忽略施舍。 | 10Pray with a strong spirit and do not neglect to give alms. |
11不要说:天主必垂视我这许多的礼品;当我向至高者天主奉献礼物时,他必会悦纳。 | 11Do not despise a man when he is downcast, for there is one who casts down and who raises up. |
12心里苦闷的人,你不要嘲笑他,因为,有一位贬抑和举扬人的,鉴临万事的天主。 | 12Do not lie about your brother; likewise, do not lie about your friend. |
13不要捏造谎言,陷害你的兄弟;对你的朋友,也不要有类似的行为。 | 13Do not allow yourself any kind of lie for nothing good will come of it. |
14任何谎话都不要说,因为惯于说谎,不会有好结果。 | 14Do not gossip in front of the council of the elders, nor keep on repeating your words in prayer. |
15在权贵的集会中,不要多言;你祈祷时,言语不要重复。 | 15Do not hate hard work nor the tilling of the land as instituted by the Most High. |
16不要厌恶劳力的工作,和至高者制定的农业。 | 16Do not join the company of sinners, remember that the wrath of God will not be delayed. |
17不要参与罪人的集团; | 17Remain humble, because the godless are punished with fire and worms. |
18应记住:义怒是不会迟延的。 | 18Do not exchange your friend for money, nor a real brother for the gold of Ophir. |
19你当极力谦卑你的心灵,因为,不虔敬人的罪罚,就是烈火与虫子。 | 19Do not separate yourself from a wise and good woman, because a gracious wife is worth more than gold. |
20不可为了钱财而出卖朋友,也不可为了敖非尔的金子,而离弃你最亲爱的兄弟。 | 20Do not maltreat the servant who works honestly, nor the laborer who works diligently. |
21不要离弃因敬畏上主所得到的,明智而有德行的妻子,因为她的可爱,贵于黄金。 | 21Love the intelligent slave as yourself and do not deprive him of his freedom. |
22不要虐待忠诚工作的仆役,和为你牺牲性命的佣工。 | 22Have you any cattle? Take care of them. If they are profitable to you, keep them. |
23你当爱护明智的仆役,如你自己的性命;不可剥夺他的自由,也不可让他依然穷苦。 | 23Have you children? Educate them and teach them to obey from their childhood. |
24你有羊群么?就该照顾;若为你有益,就该保存。 | 24Have you any daughters? Guard their virginity and do not be indulgent towards them. |
25你有儿子么?就该教训他们:从幼年,就该使他们的颈项屈服。 | 25If you marry off your daughter you will have accomplished something of importance, but give her to an intelligent man. |
26你有女儿么?就该保护他们的身体,不要对她们常露笑容。 | 26Have you a wife who is according to your liking? Do not send her away. As for the one you dislike, do not trust her. |
27叫你的女儿出嫁,你算是做了一件大事;但应把她嫁给一个明智的人。 | 27Honor your father with your whole heart and do not be forgetful of the sufferings of your mother. |
28一个妇女若合你的心意,你不要离弃她;若是一个可恼恨的,切不可信赖她。 | 28Remember that they gave you birth. How can you repay them for what they have done for you? |
29你要全心孝敬你的父亲,不要忘掉你母亲的痛苦。 | 29Reverence the Lord with all your being and respect the priests. |
30你要记住:没有他们便没有你;他们对你的恩惠,你如何报答呢? | 30Love your Creator with all your strength and do not abandon his ministers. |
31你当全心敬畏上主,并尊敬他的司祭。 | 31Fear the Lord and honor the priest. Give him the share which has been commanded: the first harvest, the sin-offering, the shoulders of the victims, the holy offerings and the first fruits of sacred things. |
32你当全力爱慕你的创造者,不要抛弃他的臣仆。 | 32Stretch out your hand to the poor and you will receive a blessing from the Lord. |
33你当全灵恭敬上主,尊敬司祭, | 33May your gifts benefit the living and do not forget the dead. |
34并依照定例,给他所应得的一分:即首批成熟的出产,赎罪的祭品,平安牺牲的右腿,圣洁的祭物,和高尚的献仪。你要用少许祭品,洗净你无心的过犯。 | 34Do not turn away from those who weep, and grieve with those who are in sorrow. |
35你应将平安牺牲的一切胳臂,圣洁的祭品,与贵重的献仪,都献给上主。 | 35Do not neglect to visit the sick because it is for such acts that you will be loved. |
36应向穷人伸手施惠,好使你的祝福和怜悯,完备无缺。 | 36In all your actions remember your last end and you will never sin. |
37对一切活人,要施与恩惠;对于死者,不要禁止哀悼。 | 37 |
38不要中止哭吊的人,要同哀悼的人一同哀悼。 | 38 |
39看望病人,不可怠慢;惟其如此,你才能受人爱戴。 | 39 |
40你在一切事上,要记得你的末日;这样,你就永远不会犯罪。 | 40 |
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