德训篇:Chapter 8
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德训篇 | Sirach |
1不要同有权势的人争吵,免得你落在他的手中。 | 1Do not argue with a powerful man lest you fall into his hands. |
2不要同富贵人争执,怕他用财势来反对你; | 2Do not quarrel with a rich man lest he throw his weight into the scale against you. |
3因为金银败坏了许多人,连君王的心,也受了金银的迷惑。 | 3Do not argue with a talkative person; do not heap up wood on his fire. |
4不要同饶舌的人争辩,也不要在他的火上添柴。 | 4Do not joke with an ignorant man for fear your ancestors will be insulted. |
5不要同粗暴的人开玩笑,免得你的祖先受到耻辱。 | 5Do not offend the man who repents of his sins, remember that we are all deserving punishment. |
6人若改恶迁善,你不要嘲笑他,也不要责斥他;该记住:我们都是应受责罚的罪人。 | 6Do not despise a man in his old age, because we ourselves will grow old. |
7不要轻慢老人,因为我们将来也要成为老人。 | 7Do not rejoice at the death of any man, remember that we shall all die. |
8一个仇人死了,不要喜欢;该记住:我们都要死。我们也不愿别人,见我们死了而喜欢。 | 8Do not neglect the teaching of the wise, apply yourself well to their precepts. Through them you will learn how to live and how to serve the great. |
9不要轻忽明智长老的教训,要反复玩味他们的名言; | 9Do not set aside the teachings of the elders for they also learnt it from their fathers; they will open up your understanding and enable you to reply at the right moment. |
10因为从他们那里,你可以学得教训,及明智的至理,好能从容地服事王侯。 | 10Do nothing to arouse the sinner for fear of being burned by the flames of his fire. |
11不要忽略长老的传授,因为他们也是从祖先学来的; | 11Do not annoy the angry man for fear that he will twist your words to his own advantage. |
12从他们那里,你能学得明智,在需要时,你便能自知解答。 | 12Do not lend to those more powerful than yourself; if you have lent anything, consider it as lost. |
13不要点燃罪人的煤炭,申斥他们,免得你被他的火焰烧伤。 | 13Do not stand surety beyond your means; if you have done so, be ready to pay. |
14不要对傲慢人生气,免得他吹毛求疵,陷害你。 | 14Do not go to law with a judge because, due to his position, judgment will be given in his favor. |
15不要借钱给比你有权势的人;你若借钱给他,就等于丢了。 | 15Do not travel with an adventurer lest he impose himself on you and, as he does whatever he pleases, you both perish through his folly. |
16担保不要超过你的力量;假使你作了保,你该想你已成了债户。 | 16Do not quarrel with a bad-tempered person nor get involved with him in a lonely place; blood counts for little in his eyes and, when he sees you defenseless, he will attack you. |
17不要同判官诉讼,因为人审判他时,必顾全他的面子。 | 17Do not take counsel with a fool because he will not be able to remain silent about what you have said. |
18不要同冒失的人一起走路,怕他加给你困难,因为他任意行动,你必因他的鲁奔,而与他一起丧亡。 | 18Do nothing which should be secret before a stranger because you do not know how he will react. |
19不要同容易愤怒的人吵架;不要同他走入旷野,因为在他眼中,流血是不算什么的;在没有人帮助你的地方,他就要杀害你。 | 19Do not reveal your secrets to any man, he will not be grateful to you for doing so. |
20不要同鲁莽人商量事情,因为他不会严守秘密。事情一不称心,他就不喜爱。 | 20 |
21在外人面前,不可作你想隐瞒的事,因为你不知道,这事会发生什么结果。 | 21 |
22若你不愿招致祸患而受辱,就不要向人人表露你的心事。 | 22 |
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