雅歌:Chapter 6
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雅歌 | Song of Songs |
1你这女中极美丽的啊!你的爱人往那里去了?你的爱人转向何处去了?好让我们同你一起去寻找。 | 1Where has your lover gone, most beautiful woman? Where has your lover turned, that we may help you look for him? |
2我的爱人到自己的花园,到香花畦去了,好在花园中牧羊,采摘百合花。 | 2My lover has gone down to his garden, to the beds of spices, to pasture his flock in the garden and to gather lilies. |
3我属于我的爱人,我的爱人属于我,他在百合花间,牧放他的羊群。 | 3My lover is mine, and I am his; he shepherds his flock among the lilies. |
4我的爱卿!你美丽有如提尔匝,可爱有如耶路撒冷,庄严有如齐整的军旅。 | 4My love, you are lovely as Tirzah, beautiful as Jerusalem, majestic as bannered troops. |
5转过你的眼去,不要看我,因为你的眼使我迷乱;你的头发犹如由基肋阿得山下来的一群山羊。 | 5Turn your eyes away from me for they bewitch me. Your hair is like a flock of goats streaming down the heights of Gilead. |
6你的牙齿像一群浴后上来的母绵羊,都怀有双胎,没有不生育的。 | 6Your teeth are like sheep coming in droves from the washing, each one opposing its twin, not one has been left alone. |
7你隐在面纱后的两颊,有如分裂两半的石榴。 | 7Your cheeks behind your veil are like halves of a pomegranate. |
8皇后六十,嫔妃八十,少女无数; | 8Sixty queens, eighty concubines, virgins beyond number - |
9但是,我的鸽子,我的完人,只有一个;她是她母亲的独生女,她是生养她者的爱女;少女见了她,都称她有福,皇后与嫔妃也都赞扬她。 | 9but my dove, my perfect one, is unique, the only daughter and favorite of her mother. She was called blessed by the virgins and praised by queens and concubines: |
10「那上升如晨曦,美丽似月亮,光耀若太阳,庄严如齐整军旅的,是谁?」 | 10"Who is this coming like the dawn, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, majestic as bannered troops?" |
11我下到核桃园中,要欣赏谷中的新绿,看看葡萄树是否发了芽,石榴树是否开了花? | 11I went to the nut orchard to look over the valley in bloom, to see if the vines had flowered, or if the pomegranates had blossomed. |
12不知不觉,我的热诚催促我登上了我民主上的御驾。 | 12Before I became aware of it, my desire had set me on the chariot with the daughter of the prince. |
10寓意 第四幕(5:2-6:10)又暗示充军期后犹太人的心景。有些犹太人由于贪恋世物,仍留在巴比伦,不肯回归许地;在回归者当中,有热心事奉天主,有的却疏懒懈怠,对天主不忠(见第二幕寓意)。净配──上主──终于来照顾自己新娘,给了她自己爱情的凭据(纯正的没药);可是因新娘对新郎的热情未够热烈,新郎便逃遁了,等待她悔悟了再去找他。新娘果真悔悟,并因爱成疾。新娘这番悔悟的热情,也见于所谓「依撒意亚的默示录」里(依24-27,特别是26:8,9,16,19)。此「默示录」可能著于公元前四八五年左右,大约与「雅歌」为同时代的作品;那年薛西斯毁灭了巴比伦。新娘在寻找新郎的时候,打她的「守卫」,也许指示在乃赫米雅省长以前,苛待民众的波斯国所派的官员(厄下5:15)。以民对天主因痛悔而净化了的爱,才是纯洁的热爱。这爱在5:10-16内表示无遗。新娘在这几节内,好似将耶京的圣殿拟人化,以赞颂圣殿的美丽,来颂扬住在百姓间的上主;同样在6:4-10节内,新郎(上主)好似将圣地拟人化,以描绘巴力斯坦的美景,来表示他对选民的爱。新郎所提出的那两座旧京城──提尔匝和耶京,是为证明他的爱包括以色列十二支派(依11:10-15; 耶31:1-6 ; 则37:15-28)。9节内的「皇后与嫔妃」,按寓意来讲,表示异邦民族(见咏45; 87 ; 申7:6,8; 32:8,9)。在此所描写的天主对以民的钟爱,就新约来说,更表现基督对圣教会的亲爱(弗5:25-32)。但基督的这种超絻的爱,也要求教会常应准备好,等待基督的来临(默3:20; 19:7; 谷13:33-37; 路12:36)。 |
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