多俾亚传:Chapter 2


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多俾亚传 Tobit
1厄撒哈冬为王时,我回了家,我的妻子亚纳和我的儿子多俾亚也归还了给我。在我们的五旬节日,即七七节日,他们为我预备了盛筵,我便坐下准备进膳。 1When I returned to my house, my wife Anna and my son Tobias were given back to me. At the feast of Pentecost, the sacred feast of the Seven Weeks, they prepared a good meal for me and I sat down to eat.
2在给我预备桌子,摆上丰盛的食品时,我对我的儿子说:「孩子!你去,在掳到尼尼微的同族兄弟中,寻找一个全心怀念上主的穷人,领他来与我们一同进膳。孩子,我等你回来。」 2I saw the many dishes and said to my son: "Go and bring as many as you can find of our relatives who are in need and who remember the Lord. I will wait here for them."
3多俾亚便出去,在同族兄弟中寻找一个穷人,他回来时说:「父亲!」我对他说:「孩子!我在这里。」他接着说:「父亲!我看见了我们同族的一个人被杀,扔在市场上,他是刚才在那里被绞死的。」 3When Tobias returned, he said: "Father, one of ours has been strangled and thrown into the public square."
4我立刻跳起来,离开了筵席,连什么都没有尝,就去把他从大街上抬回来,放在一间小屋里,等到太阳西落以后,再去埋葬。 4Before I ate anything I hurried out and carried this man into the house and waited till sunset to bury him.
5我回来沐浴之后,悲伤着吃了些食物; 5When I returned home I washed myself and ate my food in sorrow.
6于是记起了亚毛斯先知对贝特耳发的预言说:「你们的庆节将变为悲哀,你们的一切歌曲将变为伤叹。」我便哭起来。 6I remembered the prophecy which Amos uttered against Bethel: "Your feasts will be turned into mourning. All your songs will be turned into lamentations,"
7太阳西落以后,我去掘了坟,把他埋葬了。 7and I wept. After sunset I went out and, after I had dug a trench, I buried the man.
8我的邻居讥讽说:「他还不怕!他以前为了这事曾被通缉处死,以致必须逃命。看,他又埋葬死人。」 8My neighbors mocked me, saying: "He no longer fears to be put to death for doing that; he had to flee but look he is again burying the dead."
9当夜,我沐浴之后,便进了我的庭院,靠着庭院的墙睡下了。当时因为天热,我的脸没有盖上, 9That same night, after I had buried the body, I returned home. I washed myself and went out into the courtyard to sleep against the wall; my face was uncovered because of the heat.
10也没有看见小鸟在我上面的墙上,牠们的热粪落到我的眼里,即起了一层白膜;我去求医诊治,但是愈给我敷药,我的眼睛愈被白膜所遮蔽,以致完全失明。四年之久,我甚么也看不见。我的众兄弟都为我悲伤,阿希加养了我两年,直到他去厄蓝为止。 10I did not see that there were sparrows on the wall of the courtyard and, as my eyes were open, the hot droppings from the sparrows fell into my eyes and formed a white film on my eyes. I went to find doctors to attend to me for medical treatment but the more ointments they smeared on my eyes, the more blind I became because of the film. Finally I became totally blind. I suffered from blindness for four years. All my brothers were burdened because of me. Ahikar kept me for two years before he departed for Elymiade.
11那时,我的妻子亚纳去作各种女工, 11My wife Anna worked hard at a woman's task, weaving.
12她把做好的工作交给雇主,雇主便付给她工钱;到「狄斯托」月七日,她把布疋剪下,交给雇主,雇主便付给她全部工资,并且还送给她一只小山羊吃。 12On the seventh day of the month of March she cut the cloth and delivered it to her employers. They paid her wages and gave her, over and above, a young goat for food.
13但是,小羊一到了我的家里,便开始叫起来;我便叫她来,对她说:「这只小山羊是那里来的?是不是偷来的?妳应该把牠还给原主,因为我们不可以吃偷来的东西。」 13When she returned home the kid began to cry. I said to her, "Where does the little kid come from? Did you steal it? Return it to its owners for we are not allowed to eat anything that is stolen."
14她对我说:「这是在工资以外送给我的。」但是,我仍不相信,命她归还原主;我且为了这事替她害羞。但是,她回答我说:「你的施舍在那里?你的善行在那里?看,人都知道你得到了什么报应!」 14But she said, "It is a gift which has been given to me in addition to my wages." "I don't believe it. I tell you to return it to its owners." I was ashamed of her. She replied, "What about your own almsgiving and your good deeds? I have to put up with all this from you."
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