多俾亚传:Chapter 3


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多俾亚传 Tobit
1我心中悲伤至极,痛哭流泪,开始呻吟祈求道: 1Distressed, I wept and prayed and expressing my sorrow, I said,
2「上主!你是公义的,你的一切作为都公正,你的一切措施都慈爱忠诚,你审判万世。 2"You are just, O Lord; all your actions and all your ways are merciful and just; your judgments are always true and just.
3上主!现在求你顾念我,看护我,不要因我和我的祖先在你面前所犯的罪恶和愚昧而惩罚我。 3Remember me, Lord, and look on me. Do not punish me for my sins nor for the wrongs I have committed through ignorance. Pardon the sins which my fathers have committed in your sight,
4因为他们没有遵守你的诫命,所以你使我们遭遇劫掠、俘掳、死亡,使我们流亡到一切外邦人中,受他们的讽刺、嘲笑、诅咒。 4for they disobeyed your commandments. You have allowed us to suffer pillage, captivity and death. You have allowed us to be mocked by all the pagan nations among whom we have been dispersed.
5如今,你因我和我祖先的罪行而加给我的种种刑罚,都是针对事实的,因为我们没有遵守你的诫命,在你面前没有忠诚行事。 5Ah well! All your judgments are just when you choose to punish me for my sins and those of my fathers, because we have not accomplished your will, nor have we sincerely obeyed your commands. We have not walked before you in truth.
6如今,请你按你的圣意对待我罢!请你收去我的灵魂,使我从地面上消逝,化为灰土,因为死比生为我更好!因为我听见了虚伪的辱骂,我心中很是忧伤。上主!请你救我脱离这种苦难,领我进入永远的安所罢!上主!求你不要转面不顾我,因为死了比活着看见这许多苦难,为我更好。这样,我再也听不见辱骂之声了!」 6Do with me as you will. Order my life taken from me, and turn me into dust, because I prefer death to life. In this way free me and let me return to dust. It is better for me to die than to live, because these unjust reproaches have caused me great distress. Command that I be now released from trials, and let me enter my eternal dwelling place. Do not turn your face away from me."
7同日,在玛待厄克巴塔纳城里,辣古耳的女儿撒辣听到了她父亲的一个使女的辱骂, 7That same day, at Ecbatana in Media, Sara, the daughter of Ragouel, was insulted in a similar way by her father's young maidservants.
8因为她已嫁过七个丈夫,而恶魔阿斯摩太在他们按礼俗与她合房以前,就一一杀死了。使女对她说:「是你杀了你的丈夫,你已嫁过七个丈夫,但是你连他们中的一个姓氏都没有得到。 8Sara had had seven husbands, but the demon Asmodeus had killed each one of them before the marriage had been consummated. The maidservants said, "It was you who killed your husbands. You have had seven husbands and you have not enjoyed marital relationship with any of them.
9你为什么因为你丈夫死了,就责打我们呢!你也跟他们去罢!巴不得我们永远见不到你有子女!」 9Why do you punish us? Since they are dead, go and join them. May we never see a son or daughter of yours!"
10当日她心中十分忧伤,流泪痛苦,便走上她父亲的楼台,想要悬梁自尽。但她转念一想,说道:「决不能让人讥讽我的父亲说:你只有一个爱女,但是她为了许多苦难而自缢了;这样,我必使我老年的父亲悲惨地进入阴间了!还是苦求上主使我死去,总比我自缢为我更好;这样,我一生再也听不到辱骂了。」 10That same day Sara was so distressed in mind that she went to the upper room in her father's house. She wished to hang herself. But she thought better of it and said: "If people ever reproached my father and said to him: 'You had an only daughter whom you cherished and she hanged herself because she was unhappy,' I would cause my father in his old age to die of grief. It is better for me not to hang myself but to ask the Lord that I may die and not live to hear any more insults."
11那时,她便向窗户伸手祈祷说:「慈悲的天主!你是可颂扬的,你的圣名是永可赞颂的,愿你的一切造物永远赞颂你! 11At that moment she stretched forth her hands towards the window and prayed, saying, "You are blessed, O Lord my God, and blessed is your holy and glorious Name throughout the ages. May all your works praise you forever.
12现在,我向你仰面举目, 12Lord I have turned my eyes and my face towards you.
13请你发言,命我脱离现世,使我再听不到辱骂之声罢! 13Command that I be set free from the earth and that I may hear no more insults.
14主你知道,我是清白的,我从没有受到男子的玷污。 14You know, O Lord, that I am pure of all contact with man;
15我在流徙之地,从没有玷污过我的名和我父亲的名。我是我父亲的独生女,他没有别的儿子来继承,他也没有近支的兄弟或近亲,可以让我嫁给他为妻。我的七个丈夫业已死去,我为什么还活着呢?假使你不愿叫我死去,那么,上主!请你垂顾可怜我,使我再不听见辱骂罢!」 15that I have not defiled my name, nor my father's name in the country of my captivity. I am my father's only daughter. He has no other son or daughter who can inherit from him, neither has he a close relative who can be given to me as a husband. So, after my seven husbands are dead, I have no one to live for. If it does not seem good to you, O Lord, that I should die, command that people will respect me and have pity on me and that I may hear no more insults."
16那时,二人的祈祷,在荣耀的天主前都获得垂允。 16The Lord in his glory heard the prayer of Tobit and of Sara
17所以天主打发辣法耳来医治他们二人:给托彼特除去了他眼中的白膜,使他再亲眼见到天主的光芒;将辣古耳的女儿撒辣嫁给托彼特的儿子多俾亚为妻,把恶魔阿斯摩太从她身上赶出去,因为多俾亚比那一切愿意娶她的人,更有权利占有她。那时,托彼特正从庭院回到屋里,而辣古耳的女儿撒辣也正从楼台上下来。 17and he sent Raphael to heal them both - to give back his sight to Tobit and to give Sara, the daughter of Ragouel, to Tobit's son Tobias, as his wife. Also, Raphael would enchain the wicked demon Asmodeus so that Sara would be the wife of Tobias. At the same time Tobit, who had gone for a short walk, returned to the house; and Sara, the daughter of Ragouel, came down from the upper room.
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