多俾亚传:Chapter 5
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多俾亚传 | Tobit |
1那时多俾亚答应他父亲托彼特说:「父亲!凡你命我的,我必遵行; | 1Tobias spoke to Tobit, "Father, I shall do everything you have asked. |
2但是他不认识我,我也不认识他,我怎能向他索回这项银子呢?我拿什么凭据给他,使他认识我,相信我,而把银子交给我呢?再一说,我也不认识往玛待去的路。」 | 2But how can I get the money from this man. He does not know me and I do not know him. What proof of identity shall I give him to make him trust me and give me the money? Also, I do not know the way to Media." |
3那时,托彼特回答他的儿子多俾亚说:「他给我写了契据,我也给他写了契据,且分成了两份,我们各执一份。我把那份与银子放在一起,请想这钱存在他那里,至今已有二十年了。孩子!现在你去找一个忠实的人与你同去,你回来时,我们要给他报酬。趁我还活着,你去从他那里取回这项银子。」 | 3Tobit gave Tobias a receipt and said to him, "My son, find a trustworthy man to go with you, and on your return I shall give him a salary until he dies. When you reach Rages, collect the money from the man Gabael." |
4多俾亚便出去寻找一个能与他同去玛待,并且熟识路途的人。他一出门,遇见辣法耳天使站在他面前;但是他不知道他是天主的使者, | 4Tobias went to look for a man and he found Raphael. Raphael was an angel but Tobias did not know it. |
5便向他说:「朋友!你是那里的?」天使对他说:「我是你的同胞以色列的子民,我到这里来找工作。」多俾亚对他说:「你认识往玛待去的路吗?」 | 5Tobias said to Raphael, "Can you go with me to Rages in Media? Do you know the place?" |
6天使对他说:「是,我多次到过那里,全条路线我都很熟悉,并且许多次我到玛待去的时候,在我们的同胞加贝罗那里借宿,他住在玛待的辣杰斯。厄克巴塔纳与辣杰斯相隔两天的路程;辣杰斯在山区,厄克巴塔纳在平原。」 | 6The angel said to Tobias, "I will go with you. I know the way and I have even spent a night with your kinsman, Gabael." |
7多俾亚对他说:「朋友!请你等我进去报告我父亲,因为我正需要你与我同去,我要给你报酬。」 | 7Tobias said to Raphael, "Wait for me. I am going to speak to my father. I want you to come with me to Media and I will pay you." |
8天使对他说:「好!我等你,但不可太久。」 | 8Raphael said to Tobias, "Go, but do not delay." |
9多俾亚便进去,告诉他父亲托彼特说:「我从我的同胞以色列子民中找到了一个人。」托彼特对他说:「孩子!你叫那个人到我这里来,我好知道他是那一家族,那一支派的人,与你同去是否可靠。」 | 9Tobias went in and said to his father, "I have found the man who will go with me." His father said, "Bring this man to me. I want to know the name of his tribe. I want to know if I can trust him to go with you." Tobias went out and called Raphael. Tobias said to Raphael, "Young man, my father wants to see you." |
10多俾亚出去叫他说:「朋友!我父亲叫你。」他便进去,托彼特先向他请安;天使对他说:「祝你快乐!」托彼特回答说:「我这个眼睛失明,看不见天日的人,常躺在黑暗之中,像永远看不见光明的死人一样,还有什么快乐呢?我像是生活在死人中,只能听见人讲话,却看不见他们。」天使对他说:「放心!天主快要医好你。放心罢!」托彼特对他说:「我的儿子多俾亚要到玛待去,你能领导他,与他同去吗?老兄,我要给你报酬。」天使回答说:「我可以与他同去,全条路程我都熟悉,我多次到过玛待,那里的平原山地我都去过,那里的一切道路,我都熟悉。」 | 10Raphael entered the house and approached Tobit. |
11托彼特对他说:「老兄!你是那一家族,那一支派的?老兄!请告诉我罢!」 | 11Tobit said to him, "Friend, what is the name of your tribe and of your family? Tell me." |
12他说:「你为什么需要知道我是那一支派的呢?」托彼特对他说:「我愿意知道清楚一切。老兄!你是谁家的儿子?你叫什么名字?」 | 12Raphael said to him, "Are you looking for a tribe and a family or for a hired man to go with your son?" Tobit said to him, "Friend, I want to know your tribe and your name." |
13天使对他说:「我是你同胞中的大阿纳尼雅的儿子阿匝黎雅。」 | 13Raphael said, "I am Azarias, the son of Ananias the Great, one of your kinsmen." |
14托彼特对他说:「老兄!欢迎,欢迎!老兄!你不要因我想知道清楚你的家族而见怪!很幸运你是我的同胞,又是出自良善尊贵的家庭,我认识大舍默雅的两个儿子,阿纳尼雅和纳堂,他们曾与我一同去过耶路撒冷,在那里一同朝拜过上主;虽然我们的同胞已走入歧途,他们却没有失去正道;你的兄弟们都是好人,你又是出自良好的家族,你来的正巧。」 | 14Tobit said to him, "Welcome, my brother! Do not be angry with me because I have tried to find out the name of your tribe and your family, for now I find that you are my kinsman, that you come from a noble and good family. Indeed, I knew Ananias and Nathan, sons of Semaiah the Great. We used to travel together to worship in the city of Jerusalem and bring the firstborn of our sheep, and a tithe of our produce. They did not adopt pagan practices when other countrymen went astray. My friend, you come of good stock. |
15又说:「每天我要给你一『达玛』作报酬,又给你一切所需,完全和我的儿子一样。 | 15But tell me what salary should I give you, a drachma a day, and whatever is necessary for you as well as for my son? |
16你同我儿一同去罢!若你们平安回来,我还要多给你报酬。」 | 16I shall give you something over and above if you return in safety." They settled on that. Raphael said to Tobit, "I will go with him. Do not be afraid. We shall set out in safety and return to you in safety, because I am sure of the way." |
17他们就如此接洽好了。天使对他说:「我与他一同去,你不要害怕。我们平安去,也要平安回到你这里来,因为道上很太平。」托彼特对他说:「老兄!祝你一路平安!」他便唤他的儿子说:「孩子!你去预备路上所需的一切,与你的兄弟一同去罢!孩子!愿天上的天主使你们一路平安,保护你们在那里平安,也领你们平安回到我跟前来!愿他的天使与你们同行,救助你们!」多俾亚便预备路上需要的一切;临动身时,口亲了他的父母。托彼特对他说:「祝你一路平安!」 | 17Then Tobit called his son Tobias and said to him, "My child, prepare what is necessary for the journey and set out with your friend. May the God of Heaven protect you on your way and may he bring you back to me in safety. May his angel go with you on the way." Then Tobias prepared to leave. He kissed his father and mother and Tobit said to Tobias, "Safe journey!" |
18他的母亲亚纳哭着对托彼特说:「你为什么打发孩子出外呢?他不是我们的扶手杖,常在我们面前出入吗? | 18The two companions were setting off and Tobias' dog followed him when Anna, the mother of Tobias, burst into tears and said to Tobit, "Why have you sent away our child? Is he not our support as he comes and goes?" |
19钱又加不上钱,宁愿失去那笔钱,而使我们的儿子安全。 | 19Anna said, "What use is it to add money to money? Better we save our son's life. |
20其实,上主赐予我们的生活,为我们已足够了。」 | 20Is not what God has provided for us enough to live on?" |
21他对她说:「妹妹!你不要挂心!我们的儿子平安去,也必平安回到我们跟前来。在他平安回到你跟前的那一天,你要亲眼看见他。 | 21Tobit said to her, "Don't get upset, my sister. He will return in safety. You will see him again. |
22妹妹!你不要挂虑,也不要为他们担心,因为良善的天使陪伴着他,他的旅途必定顺利,也必会平安回来。」 | 22Indeed a good angel will go with him; he will have a successful journey and he will return in safety." |
23于是她就止泪不哭了。 | 23 |
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