智慧篇:Chapter 10
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智慧篇 | Wisdom |
1智慧保护了最初受造,世界上惟一的原祖, | 1Wisdom protected the father of the world, the first man to be formed, who was created alone. |
2救他脱离了本身的罪过,给了他统治万物的能力。 | 2She delivered him from his fault and gave him power to govern all things. |
3但当不义者在愤怒中背弃了智慧,遂怒杀兄弟而自取灭亡。 | 3When a violent man turning in anger strayed from Wisdom, he perished in his fratricidal fury. |
4因他的缘故,洪水淹没了世界,仍是智慧指引义人,藉着贱价的木材,拯救了世界。 | 4Because of the violent, the earth was submerged by the flood, but Wisdom again saved it by piloting an upright man on a frail piece of wood. |
5当列国同谋作恶而混乱时,智慧又辨别出义人来,加以保护,使他在天主前无瑕可指;当他痛惜儿子时,又坚强了他。 | 5Again when the nations, united in evil, had been thrown into confusion, it was Wisdom who singled out a righteous man, keeping him blameless before God and steadfast, despite his pity for his child. |
6当不虔敬的人被毁灭时,智慧救了义人,逃脱了那降在五城的天火; | 6It was she who, when the godless perished, saved the righteous man and let him flee from the fire pouring down on the Five Cities. |
7为证明他们的邪恶,这块荒地还在冒烟;树木结果,却不成熟;盐柱留在那里,以作那无信的灵魂的纪念碑。 | 7To this day the arid land, a smoking waste, witnesses to their perversity, for plants there bear unripe fruit and a pillar of salt stands as a monument to an unbelieving woman. |
8因为他们离弃了智慧,不但害得自己不认识善事,而且还给世人留下了他们愚妄的纪念,致使他们的过犯一点也不能隐瞒。 | 8For having ignored Wisdom, not only were they kept from knowing what is good, but their ruins were left as a monument to their foolishness so that their failure might never be forgotten. |
9但是,智慧却从因难中拯救了崇拜她的人。 | 9But Wisdom rescued her servants from their trials. |
10智慧引导逃避长兄愤怒的义人,走上了正路;将天主的国指示给他,叫他明白神圣的事;在困苦之中使他顺利,令他的劝劳效果丰满。 | 10Along straight paths she led the upright man who fled from his brother's anger. She showed him God's kingdom and let him know the holy angels; she made him prosperous and successful in his toil. |
11有人由于贪婪,窘迫他时,智慧又在旁协助,使他致富。 | 11Wisdom stood by him against the greed of oppressors and made him rich. |
12智慧保护他脱离仇敌,使他安全,不受暗算;在他搏斗时,使他获胜,叫他明了虔敬的能力,高于一切。 | 12She protected him from his enemies and saved him from the traps they set for him; with Wisdom he triumphed in an arduous struggle, learning in this way that nothing is as strong as piety. |
13智慧没有离弃被卖的义人,反而救他免于罪恶; | 13She did not abandon the righteous man when he was sold; still more she kept him free from sin. |
14与他同入坑狱,在缧絏之中,也没有舍弃他,直到令他取得王权,统治欺压他的人们,证明诬谤他的人说的尽是谎言;赏给了他永垂不朽的光荣。 | 14She went down into the cistern with him; she did not leave him in chains, but made him the ruler of a kingdom, giving him authority over his oppressors. She denounced as liars those who accused him falsely and gave him everlasting honor. |
15智慧拯救了圣洁的民族,使无瑕可指的种族,脱离压迫他们的异民。 | 15It was she who rescued an innocent and holy people from a nation of oppressors. |
16她进入了上主仆人的灵魂,藉异能和奇迹,对抗可畏的君王。 | 16She entered the soul of God's servant and through him withstood terrible kings with signs and wonders. |
17她酬报了圣徒的劳苦,领他们走上了奇妙的道路:日间作他们的荫凉,夜里作他们的星光; | 17To the holy people she gave the wages of their labor, leading them in a wonderful way, giving them shade during the day and the light of the stars at night. |
18领他们走过了红海,引他们穿过了洪涛, | 18She brought them across the Red Sea, but drowned their enemies |
19却淹没了他们的仇敌,又将他们从海底抛出;因此,义人反夺得了不虔敬者的战利品。 | 19and later washed them ashore from the depth of the abyss. |
20上主!他们遂称颂了你的圣名,同心赞美了你施展卫护的手臂; | 20So the righteous looted the godless, singing hymns, Lord, to your holy Name, and one in heart, they gave thanks for your saving hand. |
21因为,智慧开了哑巴的口,使婴儿的舌伶俐善言。 | 21Wisdom gives speech to the dumb and makes infants speak clearly. |
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