智慧篇:Chapter 12
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智慧篇 | Wisdom |
1你那不死不灭的生气在万物之内; | 1In fact your immortal spirit is in all. |
2因此,你逐步地惩罚堕落的人,要他们想起所犯的罪恶,藉以警告他们离弃恶事,相信你,上主。 | 2And so by degrees you correct those who sin, you admonish them, reminding them how they have strayed so that turning away from evil they may trust in you, Lord. |
3你憎恨你圣地里的古代居民, | 3So it happened with those who once lived in your holy land. |
4因为他们操行巫术和邪恶的祭祀,作出了最可憎恶的事。 | 4You hated them because of their detestable practices, their sorcery and unholy worship. |
5这些无情杀害婴儿的人,在这些拜神的歌舞宴会中,吞食人血肉的人, | 5They were used to the pitiless slaughter of children at the feasts in which they ate human flesh and blood and even bowels, while they fulfilled secret rituals. |
6这些杀害无能力自卫生灵的父母,你决意要藉我们先祖的手,将他们消灭, | 6Because these parents murdered their defenseless children, you wished our ancestors to destroy them, |
7使你以为地上最宝贵的地方,成为天主子民相宜的侨居地。 | 7and the land dearest to you became the home of God's children who were worthy of it. |
8但你也拿他们当人对待,先派土蜂作你军队的先锋,逐渐将他们消灭。 | 8But you even showed mercy to these sinners because they were human beings. You sent hornets ahead of your army to gradually destroy them. |
9这并不是因为你不能用一场战争,使不虔敬者屈服于义人之下;或用凶猛的野兽,或用严厉的言语,一下将他们歼灭; | 9You could have given the wicked over to the righteous in battle, or destroyed them in one blow by means of savage beasts or with a harsh command; |
10而是因你愿逐渐降罚,给他们一个悔改的机会;并不是你不知道他们的种族不良,生来邪恶,永不会改变心意; | 10but in punishng them gradually you gave them time to repent. Nevertheless you were aware of their evil nature, their innate malice and how fixed they were in their ways, |
11因为他们从起初,就是被诅咒的后裔。你没有降罚他们的罪行,并非因为你怕谁。 | 11for it was a cursed race from the beginning. In any case, it was not through fear of anyone that you left their sins unpunished. |
12谁敢对你说:你作了什么?谁能反抗你的判断?你消灭了你造的民族,谁敢控告你?又谁敢起来面对着你,为恶人作辩护? | 12For who dares say to you, "What have you done?" Who would dare to reject your sentence? Who could reproach you for destroying the nations you formed? Who would dare rise against you in defense of the guilty? |
13因为,除你以外,别无照顾万物的神,你应向他指明你的审判,并非不公; | 13For there is no other god besides you, one who cares for everyone, who could ask you to justify your judgments; |
14也没有一个君王或君主,敢为你惩罚的人,对你怒目而视。 | 14there is no other king or sovereign who could confront you and support those you punish. |
15你是公义的,你必按照公义处理一切,罚不应罚的,你必认为这与你的权威不合。 | 15You are just and you rule all with justice; had you condemned those who should not be punished, you would have misused your power. |
16你的权力原是你公义的本源,因为你主宰一切,所以你必能谅解一切。 | 16Your strength is the source of your justice and because you are the Lord of all, you can be merciful to everyone. |
17为此,如果有人不相信你具有绝对的权威,你就将你的权力显示出来;如果他们知道而仍胆大妄为,你就予以惩罚。 | 17To those who doubt your sovereign power you show your strength and you confound the insolence of those who ignore it. |
18你虽掌有大权,但施行审判,却很温和,治理我们,极其宽忍,因为,权能乃属于你,只要你愿意,你就能行使。 | 18But you, the Lord of strength, judge with prudence and govern us with great patience, because you are able to do anything at the time you want. |
19你这样作,是为教训你的子民,义人必须怜爱众人;并使你的子女满怀希望,因为人在犯罪之后,你常赐予忏悔的机会。 | 19In this way you have taught your people that a righteous person must love his human fellows; you have also given your people cause for hope by prompting them to repent of their sin. |
20你处罚你子女们应处死的敌人,还这样小心温和,给他们时间和机会改恶迁善, | 20For if you have been careful and patient in punishing the enemies of your people when they deserved to die, and have given them a time and a place to turn from their wickedness, |
21你审判你的儿子时,岂不更谨慎?因为,你曾与他们的列祖起过誓,立过约,应许他们得福利。 | 21with what strict attention have you not judged your people, you who bound yourself to our fathers with oaths and covenants full of magnificent promises. |
22你对我们只是惩戒,对我们的仇人却是千百倍的鞭笞:这是为使我们在审断时,应思念你的仁慈;在受审时,应期望你的哀怜。 | 22Yes, you punish us, but you punish our enemies far more severely to teach us when we judge others to remember your kindness, and when we are judged to count on your mercy. |
23因此,对那生活愚蠢,行为不义的人,你便用他们敬拜的丑恶之物来折磨他们。 | 23Those who lived foolishly and wickedly, you tormented with their own abominations. |
24他们实在深深地误入了歧途,竟认最丑怪,最下贱的禽兽为神,让自己受骗,竟如无知的孩童。 | 24For they had strayed into error to the point of choosing vile and disgusting animals as gods, allowing themselves to be deceived like infants. |
25因此,你对待他们也像无知的孩童,给他们派来的刑罚,也只是戏弄。 | 25And, as to children with no sense, you sent them a punishment to mock them; |
26但他们并未因此戏弄的责戒而悔改,所以他们要受相称于天主的重罚。 | 26but if they took no warning from these corrections, they were soon to receive a punishment worthy of God. |
27埃及人在禽兽的折磨中,有见他们所敬奉为神明的禽兽,成了自己受罚的工具,这才明了,并承认从前所否认的实是真天主;但他们仍不肯悔改,因此,最后的惩罚终于降在他们身上。 | 27In their suffering they became indignant at those animals they had taken as gods and who were now used to punish them. Then they saw clearly, and acknowledged as God, him whom before they had refused to know. That is why they suffered the supreme punishment. |
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