智慧篇:Chapter 19
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智慧篇 | Wisdom |
1但是,毫无怜悯的忿怒,必降在不虔敬的人身上,直到发泄完毕,因为天主预先知道他们将作的事: | 1Instead, a pitiless fury raged against the wicked to the very end, for God knew beforehand what they would do: |
2在允许以色列离开,催促他们快快上路之后,又必改变心意前去追赶。 | 2that after allowing them to leave and hastening their departure, they would then pursue them. |
3实在,埃及人还在哀悼,还在死者坟上悲伤的时候,又定了另一个愚蠢的主意:要追赶自己以前要求离去的人,有如逃亡的人。 | 3While the Egyptians were still mourning at the graves of their dead, they had the mad idea of pursuing them as fugitives. |
4应得的报应,使他们糊涂到这种地步,竟然忘记了已经遭遇的事,使自己备受以前未曾受到的刑罚。 | 4A well-deserved fate drove them to this extreme, making them forget what had happened and completing their punishment with further torment. |
5即当你的子民走过奇异的道路时,他们遭遇了骇人听闻的死亡。 | 5While your people would experience a miraculous journey, their oppressors would suffer an extraordinary death. |
6因此那时,各样的受造物,按自己的本性,再重新受造,遵从你的命令,护卫你的子女,不受伤害。 | 6All creation in its different forms was fashioned anew at your command, in order to protect your people. |
7于是有云彩遮蔽营幕,先前有水的地方,露出旱地,红海里开出一条无阻的道路,巨涛中出现了一片青草地, | 7The cloud covered the camp with its shadow, dry land emerged where water had been. A safe passage was opened through the Red Sea, the tempestuous flood became a green plain |
8你的全体百姓,在你亲手掩护之下,由那里经过,看到了神奇的异蹟。 | 8where the whole nation of those protected by your hand passed across, witnessing your astounding deeds. |
9他们有如牧场上牧放的小马,跳跃有如羔羊,赞美你,拯救他们的上主。 | 9They were like horses led to pasture, or like frolicking lambs, praising you, their Lord, who had delivered them. |
10因为,他们还记得自己侨居在异地时发生的事:代替畜牲,地上怎样产生了蚊子;代替鱼,河里怎样生出了成群的蛤蟆。 | 10For they still remembered what they had seen in their exile: how the earth, in place of animals, had produced mosquitoes, and rivers, instead of providing fish, produced frogs. |
11以后,他们大动食欲,要求精美的食物时,又见到了新奇出生的飞鸟: | 11Later your people were to see a new way for birds to appear, for when they hungered for food, |
12为使他们满足,从海上飞来了鹌鹑。 | 12quails came out of the sea to satisfy their need. |
13至于对罪人,却降下了刑罚,事先原已用猛烈的雷电警告过他们;他们因自己的邪恶而遭受痛苦,实是理所当然的,因为埃及人分外苛刻地憎恨了旅客。 | 13Punishment befell the sinners after they had been warned by violent thunder; deservedly they suffered for their own wickedness, for they had given proof of a most cruel hatred towards strangers. |
14索多玛人,只不过不接待初到的陌生客人,而埃及人却将施惠的宾客充作奴隶。 | 14Others had not welcomed unknown strangers, but the Egyptians enslaved guests who had been good to them. |
15不仅如此,而且对索多玛人还可予以宽恕,因为他们只不过对外人表示敌意; | 15The former will be condemned for dealing badly with strangers; |
16可是埃及人曾举行宴会,接待了你的人民,在他们久已获享同等的权利之后,却又用苦役来磨难他们。 | 16worse still, the Egyptians who had welcomed them with celebrations and treated them as equals, but later made them suffer cruelly. |
17为此,埃及人也如在义人门前的索多玛人一样,受了眼瞎的惩罚,一时被浓厚的黑暗包围,各自找寻自己的门路。 | 17For this they were afflicted with blindness like the men of Sodom who came to the door of the righteous man Lot and found themselves in utter darkness, each one groping around to find his own door. |
18各种元素的本质互相调换,就如琴瑟的五声,互相交换,而总不改变原音;这从观察过去的事上,明明可以见到。 | 18The elements interchanged their qualities as on a harp the notes change their tones while retaining their own pitch. Clearly this is what happened as is shown by a scrutiny of events. |
19陆地上的动物变成了水里的;游泳的动物却在旱地上游行; | 19Creatures living on the land became aquatic and those that swam emerged on dry land. |
20火在水中更加强了自己的能力,水也忘了自己灭火的本能。 | 20Fire burned more fiercely in water when water ceased to quench. |
21火燄不烧毁那行走在火里,本容易毁灭的走兽的肉体,也不溶化那本如冰块,易于溶化的天粮。 | 21On another occasion flames did not burn frail animals that passed through them nor did they melt the heavenly food that normally would have melted like frost. |
22的确,上主,你用各种方法显扬光荣了你的子民,从不忽略随时随地加以保护。 | 22For in every way, Lord, you have exalted and glorified your people, never disdaining them, but standing by them always and everywhere. |
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