智慧篇:Chapter 4


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智慧篇 Wisdom
1纯洁的后代,是多么光辉,多么美丽!更好是无子而有道德,因为道德的记念,永存不朽,常为天主和世人所赏识。 1Better to have no children and to be virtuous. People like this are highly considered by God and men. The memory of their life will never end.
2有道德在,人都效法;道德不在,人都期待;道德在永远加冕奏凯,因为她在为无玷的报酬奋斗,获得了胜利。 2When virtue is present we imitate it; when it is absent we long for it; it is crowned in eternity for having triumphed in the blameless struggle.
3不虔敬者的子孙,虽然众多,一无所用,杂种的苗裔,扎根不深,根底不稳; 3The numerous progeny of the wicked will be of no use. Offspring of doubtful plants, they will not have deep roots or lay solid foundations.
4即使一时枝叶繁茂,但因扎根不深,风一吹即摇动;暴风一发,即连根拔出; 4For a time they may produce, but their weak branches shaken by the wind will be uprooted by the storm.
5嫩枝尚未长成,即被打断;结的果实毫无益处,酸得不能吃,毫无用途。 5Their twigs will be broken off before grown, their fruit useless, unripe for eating and good for nothing.
6到了审判之日,凡不合法而生的子女,将作他们父母淫行的证人。 6Children born of unlawful intercourse witness, when God examines them, to the wrongdoing of their parents.
7义人纵或夭折,亦必获享安息。 7The upright, even if he dies before his time, will be at rest.
8因为,可敬的老年并不在于高寿,也不在于以年岁来衡量; 8Honorable age does not depend on length of days, nor is the number of years a true measure of life.
9其实;人的老年是在于有智慧,高寿是在于生活纯洁。 9A man's gray hair is understanding, and a spotless life is ripe old age.
10这样的人悦乐了天主,也为天主所爱,因他生活在罪人中间,所以天主把他接去。 10The upright was pleasing to God, who loved him, and since he was living among sinners, he was taken up.
11他被接去,免得邪恶改变了他的心意,虚伪迷惑了他的心灵; 11God removed him lest evil impair his understanding and treachery seduce his soul.
12因为罪恶的蛊惑,使人丧失天良;情欲的风暴,毁坏纯朴的心灵。 12For the fascination of evil obscures true values and restless desire undermines a simple heart.
13他在短期内成为完人,与满享高寿无异。 13Though his life soon ended, he traveled far.
14他的灵魂使天主悦乐,因此,天主迅速将他从邪恶之中提去。世人见了,并不明了,也不存心细想: 14Because his soul was precious to the Lord, he was quickly removed from the wickedness around him.
15他拣选的人,必获恩宠和仁慈;对他虔诚的人,必蒙眷顾。 15People saw but did not under-stand, and it did not occur to them that God's grace and mercy are with his chosen ones, his protection is for the holy.
16死去的义人,是判定活着而不虔敬的人有罪;夭折的青年完人,是判定高寿而不义的老年人有罪。 16The just man who dies will condemn the wicked man who survives. A life fulfilled early in youth condemns the endless days of the wicked.
17这般人虽然看到智慧人的结局,却不明了上主对他有什么计划,也不明了上主为什么使他平安无恙; 17They may see the death of the wise, but they will not understand God's design for him and why he has taken him to safety.
18他们见了,反而嗤笑,但上主却要讥笑他们。 18They may see and sneer at him, but the Lord will also laugh at them
19最后,他们将成为一具卑鄙的死尸,是亡者中的永远的耻辱,因为上主要将他们打倒在地,使之俯首无言,连根拔除,彻底破坏,长处于痛苦中,永无记念存在。 19when they have become a useless corpse, a loathsome and dead thing forever. The Lord will dash them to the ground, voiceless, shaking them from their foundations; they will wither and suffer anguish; even their memory will fade.
20在清算他们的罪恶时,他们将战兢前来受审,他们的邪恶要起来作证,控告他们。 20They will come trembling for the reckoning of their sins and they will be confounded when confronted with their wickedness.
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