匝加利亚:Chapter 12


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匝加利亚 Zechariah
1神谕:上主论以色列的话:展开苍天,奠定大地,在人体内造化人灵的上主的断语: 1An oracle. This is the word of Yahweh concerning Israel. Word of Yahweh, who spread out the heavens, laid the foundations of the earth and formed the spirit of man within him.
2看,我要使耶路撒冷成为四周万民的醉杯;在耶路撒冷被围困时,犹大也必如此。 2"See, I am making of Jerusalem a cup that will send the nations reeling; it will happen when Jerusalem is besieged.
3在那一天,我必使耶路撒冷成为一切民族的举重石;凡欲举起它的,必受重伤。地上所有的民族,都要聚集起来攻击它。 3On that day I shall make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations around her. All the nations will be united against her and all who try to lift the rock will be badly injured."
4在那一天──上主的断语──我要以惊慌打击一切战马,以疯狂打击骑兵;但对犹大家,我却要睁开我的双眼;我要以盲目打击万民所有的战马。 4Yahweh says: "On that day I will make every horse wild with fright, every rider demented. All the horses of the nations will be blinded but I will watch over Judah
5那时,犹大的族长心里必要说:耶路撒冷居民的力量全在乎万军的上主,他们的天主。 5and the leaders of the clans of Judah will say to themselves: 'The strength of the inhabitants of Jerusalem comes from Yahweh their God.'
6在那一天,我必要使犹大的族长好像木柴中的火盆,有如草堆中的火把;他们必左右吞灭四周所有的民族;但耶路撒冷必仍安居在自己的原处。 6On that day I will make the leaders of the clans of Judah like a fire in a woodland and a flaming torch among the sheaves. They will devour right and left all the nations around them, while Jerusalem will continue to hold its site.
7上主首先要使犹大的家族胜利,免得达味家的光荣和耶路撒冷居民的光荣超过犹大。 7Yahweh will first save the towns and villages of Judah so that David's people and the inhabitants of Jerusalem will not feel more important than the rest of Judah.
8在那一天,上主必要保卫耶路撒冷的居民,使他们中的衰弱者,在那一天有如达味,而达味家在他们前却有如神,有如上主的使者。 8On that day Yahweh will strengthen the inhabitants of Jerusalem in such a way that the weaklings among them shall be like David and David's people who lead them, will be like God, like an angel of Yahweh.
9在那一天,我必设法消灭一切来攻打耶路撒冷的异民。 9On that day I will see to the destroying of all the nations that came against Jerusalem.
10我要对达味家和耶路撒冷的居民倾注怜悯和哀祷的神,他们要瞻望他们所刺透的那一位:哀悼他如哀悼独生子,痛哭他像痛哭长子。 10I will pour out on the family of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of love and supplication. They will look at the one who was pierced and mourn for him as for an only child, weeping bitterly as for a firstborn.
11在那一天,在耶路撒冷必要大举哀悼,有如在默基多平原中的哈达得黎孟的哀悼。 11The mourning in Jerusalem will be as great as the mourning of Haddadrimmon in the plain of Megiddo.
12全国将要哀悼,各家各族合成一伙:达味家的家族一伙,他们的女人一伙;纳堂家的家族一伙,他们的女人一伙; 12Each family will mourn individually: the family of David by themselves and their wives separately; the family of Nathan by themselves and their wives separately,
13肋未家的家族一伙,他们的女人一伙;史米家族一伙,他们的女人一伙; 13the family of Levi by themselves and their wives separately, the family of Shimei by themselves and their wives separately
14其余所有的家族,各家各族合成一伙,他们的女人一伙。 14and the same with the other families, each family by themselves and their wives separately.
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