编年纪上:Chapter 12


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编年纪上 1 Chronicles
1当达味尚在逃避克士的儿子撒乌耳时,这些人就来到漆刻拉格,投奔达味。他们都是些勇士,善于作战, 1Now these are they that came to David to Siceleg, while he yet fled from Saul the son of Cia, and they were most valiant and excellent warriors,
2能左右开弓,发石射伤的人,是本雅明人,为撒乌耳的同族兄弟: 2Bending the bow, and using either hand in hurling stones with slings, and shooting arrows: of the brethren of Saul of Benjamin.
3为首的是阿希厄则耳,其次为基贝亚人舍玛亚的儿子约阿士,阿次玛委特的儿子耶齐耳和培肋特,贝辣加和阿纳托特人耶胡, 3The chief was Ahiezer, and Joas, the sons of Samaa of Gabaath, and Jaziel, and Phallet the sons of Azmoth, and Beracha, and Jehu an Anathothite.
4基贝红人依市玛雅,他在三十勇士之中,且是三十勇士的首领; 4And Samaias of Gabaon, the stoutest amongst the thirty and over the thirty; Jeremias, and Jeheziel, and Johanan, and Jezabad of Gaderoth;
5还有耶勒米雅,雅哈齐耳,约哈南和革德尔人约匝巴得, 5And Eluzai, and Jerimuth, and Baalia, and Samaria, and Saphatia the Haruphite;
6厄路斋,耶黎摩特,贝阿里雅,舍玛黎雅和哈黎夫人舍法提雅, 6Elcana, and Jesia, and Azareel, and Joezer, and Jesbaam of Carehim:
7厄耳卡纳,依史雅,阿匝勒耳,约厄则尔和雅芍贝罕,科辣黑人, 7And Joela, and Zabadia the sons of Jeroham of Gedor.
8又有革多尔人耶洛罕的儿子约厄拉和则巴狄雅。 8From Gaddi also there went over to David, when he lay hid in the wilderness most valiant men, and excellent warriors, holding shield and spear: whose faces were like the faces of a lion, and they were swift like the roebucks on the mountains.
9有些加得人到旷野的山砦中归顺了达味;他们是孔武有力,精于作战,能使用籐牌枪矛的勇士,面貌相似狮子,敏捷有如山上的羚羊: 9Ezer the chief, Obdias the second, Eliab the third,
10首为厄则尔,次为敖巴狄雅,三为厄里雅布, 10Masmana the fourth, Jeremias the fifth.
11四为米舍曼纳,五为耶勒米雅, 11Ethi the sixth, Eliel the seventh,
12六为阿泰,七为厄里耳, 12Johanan the eighth, Elzebad the ninth,
13八为约哈南,九为厄耳匝巴得, 13Jerenias the tenth, Machbani the eleventh,
14十为耶勒米雅乌,十一为玛革邦乃: 14These were of the sons of Gad, captains of the army: the least of them was captain over a hundred soldiers, and the greatest over a thousand.
15这些人都是加得的子孙,军队的首领,小者可抵百人,大者可抵千人。 15These are they who passed over the Jordan in the first month, when it is used to how over its banks: and they put to flight all that dwelt in the valleys both toward the east and toward the west.
16就是这些人,在一月里,约但河水涨到两岸时,渡过了河,使平原所有的居民东奔西逃。 16And there came also of the men of Benjamin, and of Juda to the hold, in which David abode.
17此外,又有本雅明人和犹大人来到山砦见达味, 17And David went out to meet them, and said: If you are come peaceably to me to help me, let my heart be joined to you: but if you plot against me for my enemies whereas I have no iniquity in my hands, let the God of our fathers see, and judge.
18达味出来迎接他们说:「如果你们带来平安,有意协助我,我的心就与你们相契合;如果你们来是为将我这无辜的人出卖于敌人,愿我们祖先的天主,予以鉴察,予以审判。」 18But the spirit came upon Amasai the chief among thirty, and he said: We are thine, O David, and for thee, O son of Isai: peace, peace be to thee, and peace to thy helpers. For thy God helpeth thee. So David received them, and made them captains of the band.
19当时天主的神充满在那三十个勇士的首领阿玛赛身上,他遂说:「达味!我们属于你;叶瑟的儿子!我们来协肋你;平安!愿你平安!愿协助你的也都平安!因为你的天主扶助了你。」达味便收留了他们,委他们为部队队长。 19And there were some of Manasses that went over to David, when he came with the Philistines against Saul to fight: but he did not fight with them: because the lords of the Philistines taking counsel sent him back, saying: With the danger of our heads he will return to his master Saul.
20当达味与培肋舍特人一同去攻打撒乌耳时,也有些默纳协人归顺了达味。其实达味并没有协助培肋舍特人,因为培肋舍特人的首领议决将他遣回,说:「怕达味拿我们的头去向他的主人撒乌耳投诚。」 20So when he went back to Siceleg, there fled to him of Manasses, Ednas and Jozabad, and Jedihel, and Michael, and Ednas, and Jozabad, and Eliu, and Salathi, captains of thousands in Manasses.
21达味回漆刻拉格时,默纳协人阿德纳,约匝巴得,耶狄厄耳,米加耳,约匝巴得,厄里胡和漆肋泰,都归顺了他;他们都是默纳协人中的千夫长。 21These helped David against the rovers: for they were all most valiant men, and were made commanders in the army.
22这些人偕同达味攻击了一群贼寇;他们皆是孔武有力的勇士,成了军中的官长。 22Moreover day by day there came some to David to help him till they became a great number, like the army of God.
23前来协助达味的人日渐增多,以致成了一强大的兵团,有如天主的军旅。 23And this is the number of the chiefs of the army who came to David, when he was in Hebron, to transfer to him the kingdom of Saul, according to the word of the Lord.
24来到赫贝龙达味前,欲把撒乌耳的王位,依照上主的命令,交于达味,而准备出征的人数如下: 24The sons of Juda bearing shield and spear, six thousand eight hundred well appointed to war.
25犹大子孙中,执盾持枪的武装战士六千八百人; 25Of the sons of Simeon valiant men for war, seven thousand one hundred.
26西默盎子孙中,英勇有力的战士七千一百人; 26Of the sons of Levi, four thousand six hundred.
27肋未子孙中,四千六百人; 27And Joiada prince of the race of Aaron, and with him three thousand seven hundred.
28亚郎家族的族长约雅达,与他的侍从三千七百人, 28Sadoc also a young man of excellent disposition, and the house of his father, twenty-two principal men.
29少年勇士匝多克和他的家人二十二个军官; 29And of the sons of Benjamin the brethren of Saul, three thousand: for hitherto a great part of them followed the house of Saul.
30撒乌耳的同族本雅明子孙中三千人。直到那时止,他们多半支持撒乌耳家; 30And of the sons of Ephraim twenty thousand eight hundred, men of great valour renowned in their kindreds.
31厄弗辣因子孙中,二万零八百人,都是有力的勇士,在自己家族中也是有名望的人; 31And of the half tribe of Manasses, eighteen thousand, every one by their names, came to make David king.
32默纳协半支派中,报名来立达味为王者一万八千人; 32Also of the sons of Issachar men of understanding, that knew all times to order what Israel should do, two hundred principal men: and all the rest of the tribe followed their counsel.
33依撒加尔子孙中,识时务,指导以色列应如何行事的人,有族长二百人,同族的人都听他们的指挥; 33And of Zabulon such as went forth to battle, and stood in array well appointed with armour for war, there came fifty thousand to his aid, with no double heart.
34则步隆子孙中,能上阵作战,会用各种武器,一心一意助战的,有五万人; 34And of Nephtali, a thousand leaders: and with them seven and thirty thousand, furnished with shield and spear.
35纳斐塔里子孙中,军官一千名,执盾持枪跟从他们的,有三万七千人; 35Of Dan also twenty-eight thousand six hundred prepared for battle.
36丹子孙中,能上阵作战的,有二万八千六百人; 36And of Aser forty thousand going forth to fight, and challenging in battle.
37阿协尔子孙中能上阵作战的,有四万人; 37And on the other side of the Jordan of the sons of Ruben, and of Gad, and of the half of the tribe of Manasses a hundred and twenty thousand, furnished with arms for war.
38约但河东岸,勒乌本族,加得族,默纳协半支派中,能持各种兵器作战的,共有十二万人: 38All these men of war well appointed to fight, came with a perfect heart to Hebron, to make David king over all Israel: and all the rest also of Israel, were of one heart to make David king.
39以上这些人都是军人,有行伍训练的战士,诚心来到赫贝龙,要立达味为全以色列的君王;其余的众以色列人,也都一心要立达味为王。 39And they were there with David three days eating and drinking: for their brethren had prepared for them.
40他们在那里与达味同住了三天,一同饮食,因为有他们的弟兄为他们预备好了一切。 40Moreover they that were near them even as far as Issachar, and Zabulon, and Nephtali, brought leaves on asses, and on camels, and on mules, and on oxen, to eat: meal, figs, raisins, wine, oil, and oxen, and sheep in abundance, for there was joy in Israel.
41附近的人,以及远至依撒加尔则步隆和纳斐塔里的人,都用驴、骆驼、骡和牛给他们载来大批食品:面饼、无花果饼、葡萄干饼、油和牛羊,因为当时在以色列充满了快乐。 41
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