编年纪上:Chapter 14


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编年纪上 1 Chronicles
1提洛王希兰派使臣来见达味,给他送来香柏木,派来石匠和木工,为他建宫室。 1And Hiram king of Tyre sent messengers to David, and cedar trees, and masons, and carpenters, to build him a house.
2那时达味知道上主已确定他为以色列王,并为了自己的百姓以色列,提高了他的王位。 2And David perceived that the Lord had confirmed him king over Israel, and that his kingdom was exalted over his people Israel.
3达味在耶路撒冷又娶了妻室,生了许多子女。 3And David took other wives in Jerusalem: and he beget sons, and daughters.
4达味在耶路撒冷所生儿子的名字如下:沙慕亚、芍巴布、纳堂、撒罗满、 4Now these are the names of them that were born to him in Jerusalem: Samua, and Sobad, Nathan, and Solomon,
5依贝哈尔、厄里叔亚、厄里培肋特、 5Jebahar, and Elisua, and Eliphalet,
6诺加、乃费格、雅非亚、 6And Noga, and Napheg, and Japhia,
7厄里沙玛、贝里雅达和厄里培肋特。 7Elisama. and Baaliada, and Eliphalet.
8培肋舍特人听说达味受傅,为全以色列王,遂都上来向达味寻衅。达味听说,便出来迎击。 8And the Philistines hearing that David was anointed king over all Israel, went all up to seek him: and David heard of it, and went out against them.
9培肋舍特人上来侵入了勒法因平原。 9And the Philistines came and spread themselves in the vale of Raphaim.
10那时达味求问天主说:「我可以上去攻打培肋舍特人吗?你将他们交在我手中吗?」上主答应他说:「你上去,我必将他们交在你手中。」 10And David consulted the Lord, saying: Shall I go up against the Philistines, and wilt thou deliver them into my hand? And the Lord said to him: Go up, and I will deliver them into thy hand.
11达味于是上到巴耳培辣亲,在那里击败了他们。达味因此说:「天主假我的手使我的敌人崩溃,如水破堤。」因此后人称这地方为巴耳培辣亲。 11And when they were come to Baalpharasim, David defeated them there, and he said: God hath divided my enemies by my hand, as waters are divided: and therefore the name of that place was called Baalpharasim.
12培肋舍特人把自己的神像都遗弃在那里,达味命人用火烧毁。 12And they left there their gods, and David commanded that they should be burnt.
13培肋舍特人又侵入平原。 13Another time also the Philistines made an irruption, and spread themselves abroad in the valley.
14达味又求问天主,天主对他说:「不要一直上去追击他们,要绕到他们后方,从桑林那边抄他们的后路。 14And David consulted God again, and God said to him: Go not up after them, turn away from them, and come upon them over against the pear trees.
15你一听见桑树梢上有脚步声,要即刻出战,因为天主在你前面出击培肋舍特人的军队。」 15And when thou shalt hear the sound of one going in the tops of the pear trees, then shalt thou go out to battle. For God is gone out before thee to strike the army of the Philistines.
16达味就照天主所命的行了,击杀培肋舍特人的军队,由基贝红直到革则尔。 16And David did as God had commanded him, and defeated the army of the Philistines, slaying them from Gabaon to Gazera.
17因此达味的声名传遍了各地,上主使各民族都害怕他。 17And the name of David became famous in all countries, and the Lord made all nations fear him.
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