编年纪上:Chapter 24


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编年纪上 1 Chronicles
1亚郎的子孙也有他们的班次。亚郎的儿子:纳达布、阿彼胡、厄肋阿匝尔和依塔玛尔。 1Now these were the divisions of the sons of Aaron: The sons of Aaron: Nadab, and Abiu, and Eleazar, and Ithamar.
2纳达布和阿彼胡在他们父亲以前死了,又没有儿子,所以厄肋阿匝尔和依塔玛尔作了司祭。 2But Nadab and Abiu died before their father, and had no children: so Eleazar, and Ithamar did the office of the priesthood.
3达味和厄肋阿匝尔的后裔匝多克,并依塔玛尔的后裔阿希默肋客,将他们的同族兄弟分开班次,按班服役。 3And David distributed them, that is, Sadoc of the sons of Eleazar, and Ahimelech of the sons of Ithamar, according to their courses and ministry.
4以后发现厄肋阿匝尔的子孙中为首领的人,多于依塔玛尔的子孙,遂将他们如此划分:厄肋阿匝尔的后裔中族长十六人,依塔玛尔的后裔中族长八人, 4And there were found many more of the sons of Eleazar among the principal men, than of the sons of Ithamar. And he divided them so, that there were of the sons of Eleazar, sixteen chief men by their families: and of the sons of Ithamar eight by their families and houses.
5以抽签方式将他们分开,彼此同列,因为在厄肋阿匝尔子孙中和依塔玛尔子孙中,都有在圣所作首领和在天主面前作首领的。 5And he divided both the families one with the other by lot: for there were princes of the sanctuary, and princes of God, both of the sons of Eleazar, and of the sons of Ithamar.
6肋未人乃塔乃耳的儿子舍玛雅书记在君王、首领、司祭匝多克、厄彼雅塔尔的儿子阿希默肋客和众司祭及肋未族长前登记:一签为厄肋阿匝尔家族,一签为依塔玛尔家族。 6And Semeias the son of Nathanael the scribe a Levite, wrote them down before the king and the princes, and Sadoc the priest, and Ahimelech the son of Abiathar, and the princes also of the priestly and Levitical families: one house, which was over the rest, of Eleazar: and another house, which had the rest under it, of Ithamar.
7中签的:首为约雅黎布,次为耶达雅, 7Now the first lot came forth to Joiarib, the second to Jedei,
8三为哈陵,四为色敖陵, 8The third to Harim, the fourth to Seorim,
9五为玛耳基雅,六为米雅明, 9The fifth to Melchia, the sixth to Maiman,
10七为哈科兹,八为阿彼雅, 10The seventh to Accos, the eighth to Abia,
11九为耶叔亚,十为舍加尼雅, 11The ninth to Jesua, the tenth to Sechenia,
12十一为厄肋雅史布,十二为雅肯, 12The eleventh to Eliasib, the twelfth to Jacim,
13十三为胡帕,十四为耶舍贝阿布, 13The thirteenth to Hoppha, the fourteenth to Isbaab,
14十五为彼耳加,十六为依默尔, 14The fifteenth to Belga, the sixteenth to Emmer,
15十七为赫齐尔,十八为哈丕责兹, 15The seventeenth to Hezir, the eighteenth to Aphses,
16十九为培塔希雅,二十为耶赫次刻耳, 16The nineteenth to Pheteia, the twentieth to Hezechiel,
17二十一为雅津,二十二为加慕耳, 17The one and twentieth to Jachin, the two and twentieth to Gamul,
18二十三为德拉雅,二十四为玛阿齐雅。 18The three and twentieth to Dalaiau, the four and twentieth to Maaziau.
19这就是他们进入上主殿内,按照上主以色列的天主吩咐他们祖先亚郎所制定的规律,供职的班次。 19These are their courses according to their ministries, to come into the house of the Lord, and according to their manner under the hand of Aaron their father: as the Lord the God of Israel had commanded.
20肋未的其余后裔中,有阿默兰的子孙叔巴耳;叔巴耳的子孙中,有耶赫狄雅。 20Now of the rest of the sons of Levi, there was of the sons of Amram, Subael: and of the sons of Subael, Jehedeia.
21至于勒哈彼雅:勒哈彼雅子孙中,为首的是依史雅。 21Also of the sons of Rohobia the chief Jesias.
22依兹哈尔的子孙中,有舍罗摩特;舍罗摩特子孙中,有雅哈特。 22And the son of Isaar Salemoth, and the son of Salemoth Jahath:
23赫贝龙的子孙中,为首的是耶黎雅,次为阿玛黎雅,三为乌齐耳,四为耶卡默罕。 23And his son Jeriau the first, Amarias the second, Jahaziel the third, Jecmaan the fourth.
24乌齐耳的子孙中,有米加,米加的子孙中,有沙米尔。 24The son of Oziel, Micha: the son of Micha, Samir.
25米加的弟兄:依史雅;依史雅的子孙中,有则加黎雅。 25The brother of Micha, Jesia: and the son of Jesia, Zacharias.
26默辣黎的子孙中,有玛赫里和慕史及雅哈齐雅的儿子巴尼。 26The sons of Merari: Moholi and Musi: the son of Oziau: Benno.
27默辣黎的子孙中,有雅哈齐雅的儿子巴尼、芍罕、匝雇尔和依贝黎。 27The son also of Merari: Oziau, and Seam, and Zacchur, and Hebri.
28玛赫里的儿子:厄肋阿匝尔和克士;厄肋阿匝尔没有儿子。 28And the son of Moholi: Eleazar, who had no sons.
29至于克士:克士的儿子是耶辣默耳。 29And the son of Cis, Jeramael.
30慕史的儿子:玛赫里、厄德尔和耶黎摩特。这些人按照他们的家族,都是肋未的后裔。 30The sons of Musi: Moholi, Eder, and Jerimoth. These are the sons of Levi according to the houses of their families.
31他们在达味君王与匝多克、阿希默肋客,并司祭及肋未人的族长面前,像他们的弟兄亚郎的子孙,族长与年幼的兄弟,都一样抽了签。 31And they also cast lots over against their brethren the sons of Aaron before David the king, and Sadoc, and Ahimelech, and the princes of the priestly and Levitical families, both the elder and the younger. The lot divided all equally.
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