编年纪上:Chapter 25


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编年纪上 1 Chronicles
1达味与掌管礼仪的首长,也给阿撒夫、赫曼和耶杜通的子孙分派了任务,要他们以琴瑟、铙钹奏圣乐。任职的人数如下: 1Moreover David and the chief. officers of the army separated for the ministry the sons of Asaph, and of Heman, and of Idithun: to prophesy with harps, and with psalteries, and with cymbals according to their number serving in their appointed office.
2阿撒夫的子孙:匝雇尔、约色夫、乃塔尼雅和阿沙勒拉,都是阿撒夫的子孙,归阿撒夫指挥;阿撒夫则照君王的指示奏圣乐。 2Of the sons of Asaph: Zacchur, and Joseph, and Nathania, and Asarela, sons of Asaph: under the hand of Asaph prophesying near the king.
3属耶杜通的,有耶杜通的子孙革达里雅、责黎、耶沙雅、史米、哈沙彼雅、玛提提雅,一共六人,都归他们的父亲耶杜通指挥。耶杜通弹琴奏乐,称谢颂扬上主。 3And of Idithun: the sons of Idithun, Godolias, Serf, Jeseias, and Hasabias, and Mathathias, six, under the hand of their father Idithun, who prophesied with a harp to give thanks and to praise the Lord.
4属赫曼的,有赫曼的子孙步克雅、玛塔尼雅、乌齐耳、叔巴耳、耶黎摩特、哈纳尼雅、哈纳尼、厄里雅达、基达耳提、洛玛默提厄则尔、约市贝卡沙、玛罗提、曷提尔和玛哈齐约特。 4Of Heman also: the sons of Heman, Bocciau, Mathaniau, Oziel, Subuel, and Jerimoth, Hananias, Hanani, Eliatha, Geddelthi, and Romemthiezer, and Jesbacassa, Mellothi, Othir, Mahazioth:
5这些人都是那奉天主命,作君王「先见者」的赫曼的儿子,天主为使他有能力,赐给了他十四个儿子和三个女儿。 5All these were the sons of Heman the seer of the king in the words of God, to lift up the horn: and God gave to Heman fourteen sons and three daughters.
6这些人皆归他们的父亲指挥,在上主的殿内,以铙、钹、琴、瑟、演奏圣乐。在天主的圣殿供职时,受君王指示的是阿撒夫、耶杜通和赫曼。 6All these under their father's hand were distributed to sing in the temple of the Lord, with cymbals, and psalteries and harps, for the service of the house of the Lord near the king: to wit, Asaph, and Idithun, and Heman.
7这些人连同他们在歌咏上主的事上,受过特殊训练的弟兄,共计二百八十八人。 7And the number of them with their brethren, that taught the song of the Lord, all the teachers, were two hundred and eighty-eight,
8这些人,不分大小,不分师生,一律以抽签分派职务。 8And they cast lots by their courses, the elder equally with the younger, the learned and the unlearned together.
9首先中签的是属阿撒夫的约色夫,他与他的兄弟及他的儿子共十二人;次为革达里雅,他与他的兄弟及他的儿子共十二人; 9And the first lot came forth to Joseph, who was of Asaph. The second to Godolias, to him and his sons, and his brethren twelve.
10三为匝雇尔,他与他的儿子及他的兄弟共十二人; 10The third to Zachur, to his sons and his brethren twelve.
11四为依责黎,他与他的儿子及他的兄弟共十二人; 11The fourth to Isari, to his sons and his brethren twelve.
12五为乃塔尼雅,他与他的儿子及他的兄弟共十二人; 12The fifth to Nathania, to his sons and his brethren twelve.
13六为步克雅,他与他的儿子及他的兄弟共十二人; 13The sixth to Bocciau, to his sons and his brethren twelve.
14七为耶沙勒拉,他与他的儿子及他的兄弟共十二人; 14The seventh to Isreela, to his sons and his brethren twelve.
15八为耶沙雅,他与他的儿子及他的兄弟共十二人; 15The eighth to Jesaia, to his sons and his brethren twelve.
16九为玛塔尼雅,他与他的儿子及他的兄弟共十二人; 16The ninth to Mathanaias, to his sons and his brethren twelve.
17十为史米,他与他的儿子及他的兄弟共十二人; 17The tenth to Semeias, to his sons and his brethren twelve.
18十一为阿匝勒耳,他与他的儿子及他的兄弟共十二人; 18The eleventh to Azareel, to his sons and his brethren twelve.
19十二为哈沙彼雅,他与他的儿子及他的兄弟共十二人; 19The twelfth to Hasabia, to his sons and his brethren twelve.
20十三为叔巴耳,他与他的儿子及他的兄弟共十二人; 20The thirteenth to Subael, to his sons and his brethren twelve.
21十四为玛提提雅,他与他的儿子及他的兄弟共十二人; 21The fourteenth to Mathathias, to his sons and his brethren twelve.
22十五为耶黎摩特,他与他的儿子及他的兄弟共十二人; 22The fifteenth to Jerimoth, to his sons and his brethren twelve.
23十六为哈纳尼雅,他与他的儿子及他的兄弟共十二人; 23The sixteenth to Hananias, to his sons and his brethren twelve.
24十七为约市贝卡沙,他与他的儿子及他的兄弟共十二人; 24The seventeenth to Jesbacassa, to his sons and his brethren twelve.
25十八为哈纳尼,他与他的儿子及他的兄弟共十二人; 25The eighteenth to Hanani, to his sons and his brethren twelve.
26十九为玛罗提,他与他的儿子及他的兄弟共十二人; 26The nineteenth to Mellothi, to his sons and his brethren twelve.
27二十为厄里雅达,他与他的儿子及他的兄弟共十二人; 27The twentieth to Eliatha, to his sons and his brethren twelve.
28二十一为曷提尔,他与他的儿子及他的兄弟共十二人; 28The one and twentieth to Othir, to his sons and his brethren twelve.
29二十二为基达耳提,他与他的儿子及他的兄弟共十二人; 29The two and twentieth to Geddelthi, to his sons and his brethren twelve.
30二十三为玛哈齐约特,他与他的儿子及他的兄弟共十二人; 30The three and twentieth to Mahazioth, to his sons and his brethren twelve.
31二十四为洛玛默提厄则尔,他与他的儿子及他的兄弟共十二人。 31The four and twentieth to Romemthiezer, to his sons and his brethren twelve.
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