编年纪上:Chapter 27


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编年纪上 1 Chronicles
1以色列子民、族长、千夫长、百夫长,以及所有的官员,都按照数目分定班次,每年按月轮流值班,事奉君王;每班二万四千人。 1Now the children of Israel according to their number, the heads of families, captains of thousands and of hundreds, and officers, that served the king according to their companies, who came in and went out every month in the year, under every chief were four and twenty thousand.
2正月第一军的军长是匝贝狄尔的儿子依市巴耳,他这一军有二万四千人, 2Over the first company the first month Jesboam, the son of Zabdiel was chief, and under him were four and twenty thousand.
3他是培勒兹的后代,是正月各军官的军长。 3Of the sons of Phares, the chief of all the captains in the host in the first month.
4二月第二军的军长是阿曷亚人多待的儿子厄肋阿匝尔,他这一军有二万四千人。 4The company of the second month was under Dudia, an Ahohite, and after him was another named Macelloth, who commanded a part of the army of four and twenty thousand.
5三月第三军的军长是大司祭约雅达的儿子贝纳雅,他这一军有二万四千人。 5And the captain of the third company for the third month, was Banaias the son of Joiada the priest: and in his division were four and twenty thousand.
6贝纳雅是三十勇士之一,且为三十勇士之长;他的儿子阿米匝巴特指挥他的部队。 6This is that Banaias the most valiant among the thirty, and above the thirty. And Amizabad his son commanded his company.
7四月第四军的军长是约阿布的兄弟阿撒耳,他以后是他的儿子则巴狄雅,他这一军有二万四千人。 7The fourth, for the fourth month, was Asahel the brother of Joab, and Zabadias his son after him: and in his company were four and twenty thousand.
8五月第五军的军长是依次辣黑人沙默胡特,他这一军有二万四千人。 8The fifth captain for the fifth month, was Samaoth a Jezerite: and his company were four and twenty thousand.
9六月第六军的军长是特科亚人依刻士的儿子依辣,他这一军有二万四千人。 9The sixth, for the sixth month, was Hira the son of Acces a Thecuite: and in his company were four and twenty thousand.
10七月第七军的军长是厄弗辣因的后裔帕耳提人赫肋兹,他这一军有二万四千人。 10The seventh, for the seventh month, was Helles a Phallonite of the sons of Ephraim: and in his company were four and twenty thousand.
11八月第八军的军长是则辣黑族胡沙人息贝开,他这一军有二万四千人。 11The eighth, for the eighth month, was Sobochai a Husathite of the race of Zarahi: and in his company were four and twenty thousand.
12九月第九军的军长是本雅明族阿纳托特人阿彼厄则尔,他这一军有二万四千人。 12The ninth, for the ninth month, was Abiezer an Anathothite of the sons of Jemini, and in His company were four and twenty thousand.
13十月第十军的军长是则辣黑族乃托法人玛哈赖,他这一军有二万四千人。 13The tenth, for the tenth month, was Marai, who was a Netophathite of the race of Zarai: and in his company were four and twenty thousand.
14十一月第十一军的军长是厄弗辣因的后裔丕辣通人贝纳雅,他这一军有二万四千人。 14The eleventh, for the eleventh month, was Banaias, a Pharathonite of the sons of Ephraim: and in his company were four and twenty thousand.
15十二月第十二军的军长是敖特尼耳族乃托法人赫耳待,他这一军有二万四千人。 15The twelfth, for the twelfth month, was Holdai a Netophathite, of the race of Gothoniel: and in his company were four and twenty thousand.
16以色列各支派的首领:勒乌本子孙的首领是齐革黎的儿子厄里厄则尔;西默盎子孙的首领是玛加的儿子舍法提雅; 16Now the chiefs over the tribes of Israel were these: over the Rubenites, Eliezer the son of Zechri was ruler: over the Simeonites, Saphatias the son of Maacha:
17肋未子孙的首领是刻慕耳的儿子哈沙彼雅;亚郎子孙的首领是匝多克; 17Over the Levites, Hasabias the son of Camuel: over the Aaronites, Sadoc:
18犹大子孙的首领是达味的一个兄弟厄里雅布;依撒加尔子孙的首领是米加耳的儿子敖默黎; 18Over Juda, Eliu the brother of David: over Issachar, Amri the son of Michael:
19则步隆子孙的首领是敖巴狄雅的儿子依市玛雅;纳斐培里子孙的首领是阿则黎耳的儿子耶黎摩特; 19Over the Zabulonites, Jesmaias the son of Adias: over the Nephtalites, Jerimoth the son of Ozriel:
20厄弗辣因子孙的首领是阿匝齐雅的儿子曷舍亚;默纳协半支派子孙的首领是培达雅的儿子约厄耳; 20Over the sons of Ephraim, Osee the: son of Ozaziu: over the half tribe of Manasses, Joel the son of Phadaia:
21基肋阿得地方默纳协另半支派子孙的首领是则加黎雅的儿子依多;本雅明子孙的首领是阿贝乃尔的儿子雅息耳; 21And over the half tribe of Manasses: in Galaad, Jaddo the son of Zacharias: and over Benjamin, Jasiel the son of Abner.
22丹子孙的首领是耶洛罕的儿子阿匝勒耳:以上是以色列各支派的首领。 22And over Dan, Ezrihel the son of Jeroham: these were the princes of the children of Israel.
23二十岁以下的,达味皆未予以统计,因为上主曾应许过要使以色列的人数多如天上的星辰。 23But David would not number them from twenty years old and under: because the Lord had said that he would multiply Israel like the stars of heaven.
24责鲁雅的儿子约阿布开始统计过,但是没有完成,因为上主曾向以色列大发忿怒,故此人口数字也没有载在《达味王实录》上。 24Joab the son of Sarvia began to number, but he finished not: because upon this there fell wrath upon Israel: and therefore the number of them that were numbered, was not registered in the chronicles of king David.
25掌管君王府库的是阿狄耳的儿子阿次玛委特;掌管郊邑、村、堡、货仓的是乌齐雅的儿子约纳堂; 25And over the king's treasures was Azmoth the son of Adiel: and over those stores which were in the cities, and is the villages, and in the castles, was Jonathan the son of Ozias.
26掌管耕田种地农人的是革路布的儿子厄次黎; 26And over the tillage, and the husbandmen, who tilled the ground, was Ezri the son of Chelub:
27掌管葡萄园的是辣玛人史米;掌管葡萄园内酒仓的是史斐米人匝贝狄; 27And over the dressers of the vineyards, was Semeias a Romathite: and over the wine cellars, Zabdias an Aphonite.
28掌管平原的橄榄园和无花果园的是革德尔人巴耳哈南;掌管油库的是约阿士; 28And over the oliveyards and the fig groves, which were in the plains, was Balanam a Gederite: and over the oil cellars, Joas.
29掌管在沙龙平原所牧放的牛群的是沙龙人史特赖;掌管在山谷中所牧放的牛群的是阿德来的儿子沙法特; 29And over the herds that fed in Saron, was Setrai a Saronite: and over the. oxen in the valleys, Saphat the son of Adli:
30掌管骆驼的是依市玛耳人敖彼耳;掌管驴群的是默洛诺特人耶赫狄雅; 30And over the camels, Ubil an Ishmahelite: and over the asses, Jadias a Meronathite:
31掌管羊群的是哈革尔人雅齐次;以上是掌管达味君王财政的主管。 31And over the sheep Jazia an Agarene. All these were the rulers of the substance of king David.
32达味的叔父约纳堂作参事,这人有智慧,又有学问,他与哈革摩尼的儿子耶希耳教导君王的儿子; 32And Jonathan David's uncle, a counsellor, a wise and learned man: he and Jahiel the son of Hachamoni were with the king's sons.
33阿希托费耳为君王的顾问;阿尔基人胡瑟为君王的朋友; 33And Achitophel was the king's counsellor, and Chusai the Arachite, the king's friend.
34继阿希托费耳之后的是贝纳雅的儿子约雅达和厄贝雅塔尔;约阿布为君王军队的元帅。 34And after Achitophel was Joiada the son of Banaias, and Abiathar. And the general of the king's army was Joab.
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